I'm having a bit of a headache to be honest..
Woke up this morning with a total shock.. (late againnn..)
I guess eight hours of sleep is too much for me.. that it made me still feeling fresh until 3 o'clock in the morning! ^.^
Anyways, slept around five last night.. talked to Pejal.. talked to Bob.. talked to Alitt.. talked to Dani (yes, I've signed your attendance this morning..).. talked to Rai.. And a whole bunch of people!! I'm having SO MUCH FUN with RPG.. Ikkikikiki!!
How childish can Wanie be? VERY..
Pretty sorry for last night to the people whom concerned. The network was off for some minutes.. So I spent the *free* time by jumping and dancing around to my own pop song called *demm*.. Ihhihihihihik!
Last night was fun... Ihhihihihik! I just got sorted!!
Just in case you guys are wondering what I'm up to these days.. I've been playing around in a Harry Potter's RPG called HEX.. Harry Potter Extreme it's called. ^.^ Really cool actually.. When I signed up, I had to describe something about myself and in three days, they'll sort me to a house. So yeahh.. had to wait three days to get into my house common room.. What's my house? RAVENCLAW!! Ikkikikiki!!
Honestly, I'd love to get Gryffindor.. but heck! I also like Ravenclaw.. For Ravenclaw the cleverest, Will always be the best.
Yeahh.. and the other Ravenclaws were totally friendly! ^.^ I'm loving it there..
Anyway, why do I spent most of my time over there? Well.. I can get holes in my tongue, get money from posting any entries for the Daily Prophet, shop for my school things, get owl posts, go to Gringotts and see how low my money are (5 Galleons!!).. and the list goes on.. and on.. In conclusion.. there's loads to do in there!!!!!! Ikkikikikiki!! Such a good way to waste my time.. ^.^
Sent my Graphics in this morning.. heh! Hope it'll get an 'okay' mark. I'll be sending the Fundamental this afternoon.. Yeech! I'd hate to get rejected!
Ohh.. ookie! Better stop now.. gotta check if there's an owl post for me!! Ikkikikiki!

Which HP Kid Are You?
Current song : Don't Let Me Get Me by Pink
~ I'm a hazard to myself ~
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