Monday, August 26, 2002

Last Outing
Hihhihi... went out for lunch today.. along with Sheeya, Ana, Azura and Majin! We went to IOI and had McD.. Hihhihik!
Nothing much really... just loads of crap talk along the drive trip!
Just found out that Majin is the last child of three siblings! Ha! So we high-fived twice in the car as the others had no 'gang'. Hihhihik!
I'm clearing up my stuff in the room. Gonna take back all those things I've never used as long as I'm in here.. hihhi! Just loads and loads of space-takers!
Gosh.. why do I feel so bad about leaving...?
Anyways.. since I'm going to be away from internet line for... well, one month! There's going to be looaadddsss of blog coming up 'til tomorrow evening, wokie!



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