sangat tension
sangat sangat tension
memang hari yang sangat tak besh!! One crappy morning yang meleret leret ke tengahari..
Seperti biase.. tido tak cukup.. Otak dah tak berfikir.. blank pun.. Mata maseh tak terlelap.. Doa Qunut dah bace.. 'Bismillah' dah bace 21 kali.. yadaa yadaa yaddaaa.. still!! 'Tido' cemane pon serupa tak tido! Then pagi submit Rule Of Thirds.. Humm.. macam bakal teruk je the outcome.. why?? Sebab the lecturers cakap Wanie tak rendam gamba cukup lama kat fixer! Humm.. ye lahh~ Memang pun.. Sebab kaki sangat feddap menampung badan dari crashing to the ground.. :(
And then... ade lah lagi menda yang malas Wanie nak cakap.. sangat feddap dengan smer bende!! Sangat sangat sangat SANGAAAT!! X(
Wanie sangat marah dengan banyak sangat menda.. rase nak lepas geram kat smer ulat gonggok yang Wanie nampak sepanjang arini! Nak pijak je smerr.. Tapi Wanie sendri pon geli.. OHHOHOHO!! Wanie, you're so lame...
thanks Ana.. Wanie hijack comp Ana laie~
Somewhere there's speaking, it's already coming in
Oh and it's rising in the back of your mind
You never could get it unless you were fed it
Now you're here, and you don't know why
But under skinned knees and the skid marks
Past the places where you used to learn
You howl and listen, listen and wait for
The echoes of angels who won't return
He's everything you want, he's everything you need
He's everything inside of you that you wish you could be
He says all the right things at exactly the right time
But he means nothing to you, and you don't know why
You're waiting for someone to put you together
You're waiting for someone to push you away
There's always another wound to discover
There's always something more you wish he'd say
He's everything you want, he's everything you need
He's everything inside of you that you wish you could be
He says all the right things at exactly the right time
But he means nothing to you, and you don't know why
But you'll just sit tight and watch it unwind
It's only what you're asking for
And you'll be just fine with all of your time
It's only what you're waiting for
Out of the island and into the highway
Past the places where you might have turned
You never did notice, but you still hide away
Anger of angels who won't return
He's everything you want, he's everything you need
He's everything inside of you that you wish you could be
He says all the right things at exactly the right time
But he means nothing to you, and you don't know why
I am everything you want, I am everything you need
I am everything inside of you that you wish you could be
I say all the right things at exactly the right time
But I mean nothing to you, and I don't know why
And I don't know why
Why, why
I don't know
~*Everything You Want; Vertical Horizon
mentalmental :-S
11:09 pm
Wednesday, August 27, 2003
Countdown towards home..
Posted by -
Monkey's Bunny
This week is SO tiring and depressing..
Absolutely.. terribly.. horribly busy!! Wanie tak penah terase se-busy ini selama ini!!
Monday.. nothing really.. it was such a depressing day as it was horribly boring!! Tau kene re-sit Database balek.. SANGAT TAK FAIR!!!!!!!! MMU bodo! X(
Amek film b/w aritu cuci kat ESIX (mengelat!) with the girls (BJ, Asha, Nana and Fina). Oh iye.. tapi haritu takde laa menyedihkan sangat.. Got to see Sheeya after such a long time!! :x But the day is crappy for BJ.. so.. pendek kata.. Monday is not a good day..
Tuesday.. horribly TIRING! Me, BJ, Asha and Nana waited to get into the darkroom since 3:30 pm!! And kul brape kitorang dapat masok?? 7 pm!!!!! Tak tahan gile!! Sempat buat ntah hape je lak tu.. hadooi laa~ Good thing about yesterday was the fact that me and BJ stayed in Asha's house in Cyberia! ekkeke!! Sangat besh malam itu.. Main masak-masak lak kitorang.. Buat nasik goreng (gune perencah Sri Aji!! ahhaha!!!) tapi main tambah ntah hape-hape ntah laie.. Paling besh, BJ said that I was good at it.. cooking la kan.. And then Asha came in and said.. "Eleeeh~ tere masak kee tere kacau-kacau nasik..?" SABA JE LAA!! :p Malam tu tido lambat sebab tengok VCD Yusry & Erra along with Asha's housemates. Klakaa~!! And sangat dreamy.. Tetiba lepas tengok tu smer kate nak kawen.. or carik pakwe kaya! AHHAHA!! note: Yusry sangat besh!! Mari kite carik Melayu good-looking like Yusry and Azhar Sulaiman.. AHHAHHA!! Pastu carik yang bole main gita sekali.. OHHOHOHO!! Cam susah sangat nak jumpe ke ekk? ekkeke!) Then when we had the lights out, Asha played her new song.. BESH~! Then Asha told us something that made us so SOOOO dreamy~~ Adooh la haai~ Tuesday is a better day~ (not GOOD, but better than Monday..)
Today.. Bangun awal-awal nak cuci gamba la kan.. But then something came up and we had to go later!! grRrRrR!! I hate people that changes a plan at the very last minute! BONGOK!! So, mase yang terluang diisi dengan gosip gosip pasal orang yang tidak digemari.. WAHHAHA!! Seriously, as far as I know.. me and my friends tak penah la kutuk kutuk orang tanpa sebab taau.. Mengumpat memang la tak elok kann (obviously!) but we can't help telling our friends the wrong things that others did to us, kan? ehee~ Then pegi KL sat.. (Asha and Nana needed to buy the photographic paper) and then we went to the photolab. Rase nak retak retak tulang kaki diri lama lamaaa~!!!!! Dahlaa kene percikan air dari Dar!! Ntah bersih ke idak tangan dia tuu.. dengan chemical nye.. kalo dia baru korek idong ke.. bukan orang tau dalam gelap gelap tuu! Memandai je.. demam karang siaplaa kamuuu!! ekkeke!
Okielaa.. ni tak mandi laie ni.. ingat nak siapkan keje sumer.. pastu mandi.. pastu tidooo~!!! Wednesday is a.. super-tiring day..!!
Dah lama tak tido lena.. Apsal? Setan kaco kot.. ehhehe! Sangat penat.. Sedih to be honest.. for so many reasons.. Unreasonable reasons.. ehee~
Sangat jauh.. sangat rindu.. sangat penat..
merengmereng 8-}
Absolutely.. terribly.. horribly busy!! Wanie tak penah terase se-busy ini selama ini!!
Monday.. nothing really.. it was such a depressing day as it was horribly boring!! Tau kene re-sit Database balek.. SANGAT TAK FAIR!!!!!!!! MMU bodo! X(
Amek film b/w aritu cuci kat ESIX (mengelat!) with the girls (BJ, Asha, Nana and Fina). Oh iye.. tapi haritu takde laa menyedihkan sangat.. Got to see Sheeya after such a long time!! :x But the day is crappy for BJ.. so.. pendek kata.. Monday is not a good day..
Tuesday.. horribly TIRING! Me, BJ, Asha and Nana waited to get into the darkroom since 3:30 pm!! And kul brape kitorang dapat masok?? 7 pm!!!!! Tak tahan gile!! Sempat buat ntah hape je lak tu.. hadooi laa~ Good thing about yesterday was the fact that me and BJ stayed in Asha's house in Cyberia! ekkeke!! Sangat besh malam itu.. Main masak-masak lak kitorang.. Buat nasik goreng (gune perencah Sri Aji!! ahhaha!!!) tapi main tambah ntah hape-hape ntah laie.. Paling besh, BJ said that I was good at it.. cooking la kan.. And then Asha came in and said.. "Eleeeh~ tere masak kee tere kacau-kacau nasik..?" SABA JE LAA!! :p Malam tu tido lambat sebab tengok VCD Yusry & Erra along with Asha's housemates. Klakaa~!! And sangat dreamy.. Tetiba lepas tengok tu smer kate nak kawen.. or carik pakwe kaya! AHHAHA!! note: Yusry sangat besh!! Mari kite carik Melayu good-looking like Yusry and Azhar Sulaiman.. AHHAHHA!! Pastu carik yang bole main gita sekali.. OHHOHOHO!! Cam susah sangat nak jumpe ke ekk? ekkeke!) Then when we had the lights out, Asha played her new song.. BESH~! Then Asha told us something that made us so SOOOO dreamy~~ Adooh la haai~ Tuesday is a better day~ (not GOOD, but better than Monday..)
Today.. Bangun awal-awal nak cuci gamba la kan.. But then something came up and we had to go later!! grRrRrR!! I hate people that changes a plan at the very last minute! BONGOK!! So, mase yang terluang diisi dengan gosip gosip pasal orang yang tidak digemari.. WAHHAHA!! Seriously, as far as I know.. me and my friends tak penah la kutuk kutuk orang tanpa sebab taau.. Mengumpat memang la tak elok kann (obviously!) but we can't help telling our friends the wrong things that others did to us, kan? ehee~ Then pegi KL sat.. (Asha and Nana needed to buy the photographic paper) and then we went to the photolab. Rase nak retak retak tulang kaki diri lama lamaaa~!!!!! Dahlaa kene percikan air dari Dar!! Ntah bersih ke idak tangan dia tuu.. dengan chemical nye.. kalo dia baru korek idong ke.. bukan orang tau dalam gelap gelap tuu! Memandai je.. demam karang siaplaa kamuuu!! ekkeke!
Okielaa.. ni tak mandi laie ni.. ingat nak siapkan keje sumer.. pastu mandi.. pastu tidooo~!!! Wednesday is a.. super-tiring day..!!
Dah lama tak tido lena.. Apsal? Setan kaco kot.. ehhehe! Sangat penat.. Sedih to be honest.. for so many reasons.. Unreasonable reasons.. ehee~
Sangat jauh.. sangat rindu.. sangat penat..
merengmereng 8-}
7:18 pm
Monday, August 25, 2003
Posted by -
Monkey's Bunny
Bongok ni taaau.. I wanted to update the site, really.. tapi tetiba cam.. "humm.. tunggu after cuti kan boleh?" ekkeke!!
Later yaa~!
entah mengape takde mood btol nak update pape pon.. (hari yang tak fair!!! grRrrR)
ps: ngantuuuk~ Cemane Beckham bole sangat tere target kasi bola kat Figo? Sangat sangat kaguuum!! Everytime tengok, musti dia dapat target bola kat tempat elok elok.. :D Smalam besh tengok TV.. 3R besh~! Congrats to Alonso for the podium.. Youngest driver ya! Baguuuus~ as long as bukan Montoya.. (bluekkk!) Rory's speech was moving! (besh~!) And then tengok Super Cup lak.. Real Madrid lost to Real Mallorca with 1 - 2. (sape suhh kuarkan Beckham cepat sangat!!) Tapi... slalu Real Madrid memang kalah ngan Real Mallorca kan? (at least that's what Dida said to me lah~) :D
Bongok ni taaau.. I wanted to update the site, really.. tapi tetiba cam.. "humm.. tunggu after cuti kan boleh?" ekkeke!!
Later yaa~!
entah mengape takde mood btol nak update pape pon.. (hari yang tak fair!!! grRrrR)
ps: ngantuuuk~ Cemane Beckham bole sangat tere target kasi bola kat Figo? Sangat sangat kaguuum!! Everytime tengok, musti dia dapat target bola kat tempat elok elok.. :D Smalam besh tengok TV.. 3R besh~! Congrats to Alonso for the podium.. Youngest driver ya! Baguuuus~ as long as bukan Montoya.. (bluekkk!) Rory's speech was moving! (besh~!) And then tengok Super Cup lak.. Real Madrid lost to Real Mallorca with 1 - 2. (sape suhh kuarkan Beckham cepat sangat!!) Tapi... slalu Real Madrid memang kalah ngan Real Mallorca kan? (at least that's what Dida said to me lah~) :D
1:36 am
Friday, August 22, 2003
Matters of the head..
Posted by -
Monkey's Bunny
Tatoeba kurushii kyou datoshitemo
Itsuka atatakana omoide ninaru
Kokoro goto subete nagedase tanara
(Although today is hard to bear
Someday it will be a tender memory
If I free everything in my heart)
So soooo tired!! Kak Mai tried to wake me up 3 times last night but I wouldn't budge. I was so caught up in my sleep..
Funny isn't it how you can be absolutely estatic yesterday, while feeling so miserable today. My head keeps spinning and gets so heavy.. Not really sure what's stuck in my head but the feeling just lingers around and makes me feel uneasy.. endlessly......
Okay.. Fruits Basket. Rasenye Wanie dah tau dah whom I prefer the most.. Yuki or Kyou. Though, my answer would change if I were to put myself into Toru's shoes.

*edited on 3:11 pm*
Itsuka atatakana omoide ninaru
Kokoro goto subete nagedase tanara
(Although today is hard to bear
Someday it will be a tender memory
If I free everything in my heart)
So soooo tired!! Kak Mai tried to wake me up 3 times last night but I wouldn't budge. I was so caught up in my sleep..
Funny isn't it how you can be absolutely estatic yesterday, while feeling so miserable today. My head keeps spinning and gets so heavy.. Not really sure what's stuck in my head but the feeling just lingers around and makes me feel uneasy.. endlessly......
Okay.. Fruits Basket. Rasenye Wanie dah tau dah whom I prefer the most.. Yuki or Kyou. Though, my answer would change if I were to put myself into Toru's shoes.

*edited on 3:11 pm*
4:00 am
Thursday, August 21, 2003
Posted by -
Monkey's Bunny
Tengok Fruits Basket bagai nak gileeeee~!! Sangat sangat SANGAT sukaaaaaaaa~!! But Toru seemed so innocent to be real.. Tapi tengok anime ni sangat feeling aaa~!! Nak nangis rase.. when Momiji told Toru 'bout his mom.. Aaaanyways, baru epi 17.. and I have a very bad feeling about the ending.. hauuuu~~
1:51 pm
Tuesday, August 19, 2003
Posted by -
Monkey's Bunny
sementara wanie blom out dari cc nie.. nak kate something yang ade kat kepale ni sat..
kenape.. kite lari dari ape yang ade di depan mata kite.. dan tercari cari ape yang tak ade.. sedangkan ape yang kite cari tu sebenanye ade kat depan mate kite, cuma rupenye maybe berbeza..?
ekekkeke... agaknye paham ke? well, kite ubah sket ayatnye..
kenape.. kite tak mau ape yang ade di depan mata kite.. dan ikuuuut sangat kemahuan hati kite, sedangkan secare logiknye.. ape yang hati kite nak maybe ade kat depan mata kite tu, cuma dia datang dengan rupe yang berlainan..
ekekkeke!! same je sebenanye kan?
ikut perasaan sangat ni susah btol! i hate myself for listening too much of it! :p
sementara wanie blom out dari cc nie.. nak kate something yang ade kat kepale ni sat..
kenape.. kite lari dari ape yang ade di depan mata kite.. dan tercari cari ape yang tak ade.. sedangkan ape yang kite cari tu sebenanye ade kat depan mate kite, cuma rupenye maybe berbeza..?
ekekkeke... agaknye paham ke? well, kite ubah sket ayatnye..
kenape.. kite tak mau ape yang ade di depan mata kite.. dan ikuuuut sangat kemahuan hati kite, sedangkan secare logiknye.. ape yang hati kite nak maybe ade kat depan mata kite tu, cuma dia datang dengan rupe yang berlainan..
ekekkeke!! same je sebenanye kan?
ikut perasaan sangat ni susah btol! i hate myself for listening too much of it! :p
1:20 pm
The thing I missed~
Posted by -
Monkey's Bunny
Remember last time when I said I didn't miss the fact that I'm away from MMU at all? Well.. I finally felt missing a bit last night.. I miss my friends so much!! (Even with the fact that they're all 'different' now) Can't help thinking that I can't stop talking to certain people there... Kalau dah takde menda nak cite pon, create something rather stupid just to keep the conversation going. :)) I miss bumping into those people that simply make my heart skipped a beat. Itu aje laa yang Wanie rindu.. menda lain takde ape sangat.. other than friends and 24/7 worth of free internet.. takde ape sangat MMU tu kan?
Aaaanyways!! Tak start laie Rule of Thirds nih!! Cemane?? Probably going out tomorrow morning with BJ and Ana. But of course, pape hal pon kena balek MMU dulu kan? Adohai laa~ Stadi pon tak start laie niee! hohohoho!! Okiee.. you're welcomed to read the offline-written blog, if you please~ ekkeke!! Take care peeps!! Good luck for the finals!
the bestfriend that makes my heart jump~
Aaaanyways!! Tak start laie Rule of Thirds nih!! Cemane?? Probably going out tomorrow morning with BJ and Ana. But of course, pape hal pon kena balek MMU dulu kan? Adohai laa~ Stadi pon tak start laie niee! hohohoho!! Okiee.. you're welcomed to read the offline-written blog, if you please~ ekkeke!! Take care peeps!! Good luck for the finals!
the bestfriend that makes my heart jump~
1:02 pm
Thursday, August 14, 2003
"Nape banyak sangat barang atas keta you?"
Posted by -
Monkey's Bunny
heehee~ Pretty much addicted to Siti's vidclip!! ahahhaha!! Thanks Shahnon~! Nicholas Saputra is a fine fine guy.. ekkeke!! Sukaaaaaaaaa dia in the vidclip!! Pakwe yang protective!! :x Tapi apsal asyik gadoh2 ngan Siti?? Siti ngade laa~! Yang part awal tu.. yang dia majuk bile Nicholas kene panggil ngan Yuen.. (sbb time tu diorang tgh main-main) hohoho!! Tapi cam besh jugak. ahhahaa!! (something I'd probably do la kaan.. marah tak pasal pasal.. so takleh nak kutuk part tu sangat! ekekkee!) Kepade sesape yang tak ske Siti.. sorry, but I have to say this.. I think she can act laa!!! hohoho! Berlakon jadi girlfren gedik~ ekkeke!!
Adohh~! Tak beshnyer denga cite tak besh! :( Ape apelahh~
Aku pun keliru, terdiam membisu
Terasa bagai kehilanganmu..
Adohh~! Tak beshnyer denga cite tak besh! :( Ape apelahh~
Aku pun keliru, terdiam membisu
Terasa bagai kehilanganmu..
8:41 pm
Wednesday, August 13, 2003
pelik taau~
Posted by -
Monkey's Bunny
I think it's odd that I don't miss MMU at all when I wasn't around as I used to. Kalau dulu, even weekends pon leh buat orang rindu macam-macam pasal MMU, tapi sekarang, langsung dah tak. Kalau tak balek sini langsung pon tak kesah sangat agaknye. Apsal ye? Somehow.. bile ade kat sini mesti terase 'berat'. beraaaat~ Entah ape laa yang memberatkan nihh.. hisy!
Anyways!! Drenched by the rain earlier this day. The weather was amazingly-frightening! Tak penah Wanie tengok awan serendah tadi.. Gelap gile!! Macam ade ura-ura nak puting beliung pun ade! Sorry if I seem exagerrating (spelling?) but truly.. it was just half past three but the lighting was as if it was 7 something already! sangat gelap wooo~ Dahlaa kilat banyaaak!! Takuuuut~ (at least I was frightened laa~)
Okehh.. that's all for today..
Shahnon! Tadi orang message nak mintak favor sebenanye.. nak vid clip Sitiiii~!!!! ekkeke!! Buat keje bebaik! And also to everybody else.. Sesaper yang tak anta laie MCP.. gud luck peeps!! I've submit mine siang tadi.. nampak crappy dikalangan keje-keje yang ade tadi.. huhuu. O yeahh.. slamat menyiapkan MCC gakk!! And slamat amek gamba for MDP!! weeee~
Jom gi Cameron beli sayur! AHAHHA!! {mereng}
twirls around~
teringat KRS TTDI laie.. hohohoho!!
Anyways!! Drenched by the rain earlier this day. The weather was amazingly-frightening! Tak penah Wanie tengok awan serendah tadi.. Gelap gile!! Macam ade ura-ura nak puting beliung pun ade! Sorry if I seem exagerrating (spelling?) but truly.. it was just half past three but the lighting was as if it was 7 something already! sangat gelap wooo~ Dahlaa kilat banyaaak!! Takuuuut~ (at least I was frightened laa~)
Okehh.. that's all for today..
Shahnon! Tadi orang message nak mintak favor sebenanye.. nak vid clip Sitiiii~!!!! ekkeke!! Buat keje bebaik! And also to everybody else.. Sesaper yang tak anta laie MCP.. gud luck peeps!! I've submit mine siang tadi.. nampak crappy dikalangan keje-keje yang ade tadi.. huhuu. O yeahh.. slamat menyiapkan MCC gakk!! And slamat amek gamba for MDP!! weeee~
Jom gi Cameron beli sayur! AHAHHA!! {mereng}
twirls around~
teringat KRS TTDI laie.. hohohoho!!
2:51 pm
Tuesday, August 12, 2003
Blank again..
Posted by -
Monkey's Bunny
hehee.. Sorry.. honestly I have nothing much to say.. Quite a boring life I'm leading these days.. Pening pening.. Things to think about..
sebenarnye tatau pon ape yg takes up so much space in my head. rasenye cam nothing pon.. but i cant seem to just shove it off. STUCK is more like it..
anyways.. been spending most of my time at home. mostly because i've brought my computer home already since i need to complete my mcp assignment. hehhe!! maseh tak dapat pikirkan layout yang menarik sebenanye for the project. i hate it when i can't get my so-called 'creative' brain to work.. bluerghhh~! media and arts is what i do best and when i'm unable to do that.. i'm just as the same as useless~!! bluerghhh!!
anyways.. lapa nihh! tak makan ape pon since the morning.. i wonder when my sister would drag me off from this place..
yadda yadda yaddaaa
sebenarnye tatau pon ape yg takes up so much space in my head. rasenye cam nothing pon.. but i cant seem to just shove it off. STUCK is more like it..
anyways.. been spending most of my time at home. mostly because i've brought my computer home already since i need to complete my mcp assignment. hehhe!! maseh tak dapat pikirkan layout yang menarik sebenanye for the project. i hate it when i can't get my so-called 'creative' brain to work.. bluerghhh~! media and arts is what i do best and when i'm unable to do that.. i'm just as the same as useless~!! bluerghhh!!
anyways.. lapa nihh! tak makan ape pon since the morning.. i wonder when my sister would drag me off from this place..
yadda yadda yaddaaa
1:24 pm
Saturday, August 09, 2003
Harry Potter Syndrome
Posted by -
Monkey's Bunny
That's what we call it.. I have it, BJ has it.. Yes, the two of us has HPs.. Been having such short tempers lately and yes, quite selfish too. And what's more, everything is about "me.. me.. me.. ME". hahhaha!!! It's not really a pretty sight. This syndrome actually affects the whole surrounding of those who has it. BEWARE OF HPs~! The best way is just leave those who has it alone. Apparently they have loads of things built up inside of them. The critical part of this syndrome is when they won't even talk to people.. and when they do, it'll come out in loud tones and harsh words.. DO BEWARE OF HPs~! It breaks people's heart, it breaks people apart, and it makes nobody happy..
o yeah mz. kaoru.. I happen to be jealous of your site.. I wonder to myself if I will ever be capable of tearing myself away from blogging one of these days.. It makes me wonder...
o yeah mz. kaoru.. I happen to be jealous of your site.. I wonder to myself if I will ever be capable of tearing myself away from blogging one of these days.. It makes me wonder...
11:03 am
Friday, August 08, 2003
Posted by -
Monkey's Bunny
Okay.. so he's not my friend.. But I'm wishing him his birthday anyways~!
Sorry for the long silence.. truth is, I did type some stuff out.. but in my offline-written blog-lah! (you can go to 'archived blogs' and see it if you like) heehee~ Been going back home constantly nowadays... Asyik asyik amek gamba kat luar.. dah alang alang tu balek ajelah~! ekkeke!
Another good thing why I didn't update the blog as frequently as I used to is 'coz my mood is quite crappy-lah~! Getting more and more like Harry Potter in #5.. (quite a temper he got!) Just, I don't appreciate people talking to me like I'm a stupid nutcase or making lame jokes that only makes me wanna slap 'em. Pleaaaaaaseee~!!
So the final's coming up... rase nak pengsan! Can't really think of anything much.. otak dah tepu~~
Yesterday was neat though.. Hung out with BJ honey and Ana baby.. ekkeke!! Don't know why I'm calling them that!! 5 hours.. just in HB3!! ekkeke!! Pelik tak? It was like when we were in Alpha again.. hanging about like we have nothing to worry about, at all! Talking and talking.. yapping and yapping.. laughing and crapping.. Seems like I could've just forget about everything... But when I got to my room again, I have to admit.. I was at ease with my works.. but the effect fades out so soon!! Sedih sangat!! I like things as they were back then.. I want things to be as they were!! I wish things are!! But I know it'll never happen!! 'Coz things are what they are... huwaaAaAaa!! So I'm left with my own words to a friend some while ago...
If the relationship is as strong as you thought it is.. nothing should come in it's way...
So I fooled myself back then.. Thinking that friends will stay as long as you live.. when the truth is.. THEY HAVE BETTER THINGS TO DO THAN TALKING TO YOU LA WANIEEE~!!!
Bluerghhh~ See!! I really hate this!! I didn't want to tell you how a mental case I am these days but I end up telling, anyways!!
I've been driving for an hour
Just talkin' to the rain
You say I've been driving you crazy
And it's keeping you away
So just give me one good reason
Tell me why I should stay
Cos I don't wanna waste another moment
Saying things we never meant to say
And I take it just a little bit
I hold my breath and count to ten
I've been waiting for a chance to let you in
If I just breathe
Let it fill the space between, I'll know
Everything is alright
Every little piece of me, you'll see
Everything is alright
If I just breathe
All the talks are overrated
You're not sayin' how you feel
So you end up watchin' chances fade
And wonderin' what's real
And I give it just a little time
I wonder if you realize
I've been waiting till i see it in your eyes
If I just breathe
Let it fill the space between, I'll know
Everything is alright
Every little piece of me, you'll see
Everything is alright
If I just breathe
Shall I whisper in the dark?
Hopin' you hear me?
Do you hear me?
If I just breathe
Let it fill the space between, I'll know
Everything is alright
Every little piece of me, you'll see
Everything is alright
~*Breathe; Michelle Branch
Sorry for the long silence.. truth is, I did type some stuff out.. but in my offline-written blog-lah! (you can go to 'archived blogs' and see it if you like) heehee~ Been going back home constantly nowadays... Asyik asyik amek gamba kat luar.. dah alang alang tu balek ajelah~! ekkeke!
Another good thing why I didn't update the blog as frequently as I used to is 'coz my mood is quite crappy-lah~! Getting more and more like Harry Potter in #5.. (quite a temper he got!) Just, I don't appreciate people talking to me like I'm a stupid nutcase or making lame jokes that only makes me wanna slap 'em. Pleaaaaaaseee~!!
So the final's coming up... rase nak pengsan! Can't really think of anything much.. otak dah tepu~~
Yesterday was neat though.. Hung out with BJ honey and Ana baby.. ekkeke!! Don't know why I'm calling them that!! 5 hours.. just in HB3!! ekkeke!! Pelik tak? It was like when we were in Alpha again.. hanging about like we have nothing to worry about, at all! Talking and talking.. yapping and yapping.. laughing and crapping.. Seems like I could've just forget about everything... But when I got to my room again, I have to admit.. I was at ease with my works.. but the effect fades out so soon!! Sedih sangat!! I like things as they were back then.. I want things to be as they were!! I wish things are!! But I know it'll never happen!! 'Coz things are what they are... huwaaAaAaa!! So I'm left with my own words to a friend some while ago...
If the relationship is as strong as you thought it is.. nothing should come in it's way...
So I fooled myself back then.. Thinking that friends will stay as long as you live.. when the truth is.. THEY HAVE BETTER THINGS TO DO THAN TALKING TO YOU LA WANIEEE~!!!
Bluerghhh~ See!! I really hate this!! I didn't want to tell you how a mental case I am these days but I end up telling, anyways!!
I've been driving for an hour
Just talkin' to the rain
You say I've been driving you crazy
And it's keeping you away
So just give me one good reason
Tell me why I should stay
Cos I don't wanna waste another moment
Saying things we never meant to say
And I take it just a little bit
I hold my breath and count to ten
I've been waiting for a chance to let you in
If I just breathe
Let it fill the space between, I'll know
Everything is alright
Every little piece of me, you'll see
Everything is alright
If I just breathe
All the talks are overrated
You're not sayin' how you feel
So you end up watchin' chances fade
And wonderin' what's real
And I give it just a little time
I wonder if you realize
I've been waiting till i see it in your eyes
If I just breathe
Let it fill the space between, I'll know
Everything is alright
Every little piece of me, you'll see
Everything is alright
If I just breathe
Shall I whisper in the dark?
Hopin' you hear me?
Do you hear me?
If I just breathe
Let it fill the space between, I'll know
Everything is alright
Every little piece of me, you'll see
Everything is alright
~*Breathe; Michelle Branch
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