Friday, October 17, 2003


maria tunku sabri: jemput makan~Went out at around 6pm with the gurls (Asha and BJ) today..
Went around to get a 'good' light trail of the reshoot for Photography. uhuu~
But since it was so hard, getting a spot to park the car at a 'safe' place.. we end up NOT getting any pictures taken on the road.. hummphh! But BJ did get this guy in a shop to help us out for the light trail.. I wonder if it'll look okay.. :D
Anyways.. practically, we only end up hanging about it Hartamas. Biol kah? ekekke!
Thanks Iqbal!! Kasik lagu yang dicari cari.. heehee~!
And o yeahh.. Gamba of my friends dah adeee! The page is in Tripod though.. so just bear with the banners okie! Sorry~ :)

Currently listening to Total Eclipse Of The Heart by Bonnie Tyler


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