Somehow there's no network in my room.. so this will be a bit late entry by the time I get to post it..
Okaay.. so I had a pretty rough afternoon.. but it got better later in the evening! Thanks to my mateys! :D
Went to the bazaar to find something for break-fast around 5:40. With Bahijah, we met up Asha and Dzayed there. I settled for.. err.. 2 ayam percik (rm1.50 each), roti jala (5 for rm2), popia goreng (3 for rm1), and bought teh bunga kekwa and A&W Rootbeer for my drinks.. huhuu..
Me, Asha and Bahijah then ate at HB3 with Faiz, Ana and Anaconda! (Dzayed had an exam at 8, so he couldn't join us.. Ana came a bit late, suddenly decided to join us.. which was GREAT! while I ran some strides to call up Anaconda when I saw her from afar.. and Faiz wanted us to accompany him 'coz he was all alone..) It was a nice break-fast! 6 people.. rase meriah! :D Cilok Ana's otak-otak.. and shared Anaconda's pulut panggang with Ana.. hahha!! Wanie banyak makan keee? Rase sikit je, though.. :D
We were done around 8.. And later, Asha, Bahijah and Ana came up to my room :x and we talked about so much things! :x Only God knows how much I love those gurls! The best company I've ever had since my school days! (still missing Muz, Hanis and Yat.. those lovable bastards! HAHHAA!! :*) Us four talked about things like current issues, politics and economy.. can you believe that??? HAHHAHA!! That was the first time we ever talked about serious things such as those! ekekke!! It was fun.. seeing how many things they actually knew about the country and the whole world! ekekeke!
And we also did that tilik tilik with daun terup! hohohoh! The favorite past time activity for me and Bahijah! :D Though I don't believe half of it.. it's nice to see that what I wanted to happen was laid on those cards.. HAHHAHA!! weng punye card.. pandai btol amek ati orang yang sedang gundah gelana! HAHAHHA!
After Dzayed had finished his exam.. Asha, Bahijah and me got ourselves ready, and headed towards Starbucks in Pyramid. (Ana refused to join us.. :() Funny.. we seemed to go there on a weekly basis.. (see last Wednesday's post!) I have been craving for a coffee ice-blend since Sunday!!! So, thanks Asha and Dzayed!!!!!!! :x You two are the coolest pair I've ever met.. Sorry for tagging you guys for so many times.. I can be quite like a parasite sometimes.. So punch me away if I get too hangy on you two.. wokeyyy????
Ahaa.. treated myself with a large Rhumba Frappucino with Whipped Cream.. Naseb lah mahal! (I do think it's quite pricey.. considering it's just coffee with crushed ice! hehhe!) I've been craving for so long! huhuu~ Been fonding of hanging about at cafes nowadays.. Been giving me nice memories everytime me and my friends hung out.. sukida!! O yeah.. the large drink have forced me to go to the loo twice within an hour! HAHHAHA!! But I am truly satisfied!! I love coffee!! :x
While we were in the car.. Papa called me and I lied about my whereabouts.. Sori Papa!! Just yesterday you said I should put more effort on my works but there I was.. in the car.. on the way to hang out! huhuuu~ Sorry!! But I was happy to hear you laughed on the phone. Apesal ek? I can't remember why you laughed.. ehheh!
Sheesh!! I've never been this homesick!!! Seems like I've been talking so much about home this week..
Baby Anis!! I want to hear you merengek so much!!! heehee~!
Okehh.. and it was 12 something when we left Starbucks and headed towards PJ for A&W.. decided to have that for sahur later.. heehee~ Felt like we were all high school kids.. Leaning on the counter, asking for the same things... 4 Combo number 2, regular please! hehhe!
Been having fun fun funnnn.. hanging around Bahijah, Asha and Dzayed! Except those two times when the two gurls made fun of my scare of heights and that time Asha laughed so hard when my lips were swollen. Benci btol!! :p But the rest of the time... FUN was all I had.. Thanks you two! :) :*
Bahijah.. I'll remember your words forever.. But I don't think I can ever give up 'too-much-hope' on the ones that matters to me.. If I do.. I wouldn't be me... kan?
ps: I noticed that somehow.. the way I typed.. was really Malaysian! Plenty of Malish around.. huhuu~
[finished typing @ 2:10am]
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