abang besa, tengkiuk!
prisca, tengkiuk jugek!
rosie.... humm.. mengapa harus tengkiu ya? ekekkeke!!
feeling rather normal now! (plus.. a day shorter to the weekends!!)

A battle between your friends (earth-shattering as it may seem to them) isn't yours to worry about. In fact, it isn't even that interesting. So don't feel bad about getting off the front lines.
mengantuknyeehh.. rasenye cam siang tadi tido! nvm.
macam tengah bosan, main main horoscope ngan tarot online. (baca sendiri cam bosan suda) i think it was quite interesting laa.. what it said. huhuu!
okie! like this song. (always been but tonight it's kinda exceptionally-like!) so, tengkiuk shahnon for letting me listen to this one! :D
At The Wake by Format
So far from me stands a man known as desease
He's shaking the, the hands of the people that, he meets
and Oh
You just don't see me anymore
oh I've been losing everything
You just don't see me anymore
I'll say, goodbye
Since you left, shes a mess
She regrets all the things that she could have said
but we fall asleep never think about anything
We wake to the sound of the phone as it hits the ground
and oh
You just don't see me anymore
I've been losing everything
You just don't see me anymore
I'll say, goodbye
And oh
At the wake. at the wake
I will turn to see a face
Just a face, just a face
That's surrounded by a name
What a name, what a name
And we never want to change
What you gave, what you gave
Never want to let go
So surround me, I need anything, your everything
I wanna live like I did before all this hit
To sleep in your arms
To think we'll never fall apart
and Oh
You know it's, you know it's
Such a drag
To live you life for a heart attack
To never get a second chance
To say a goodbye, to say goodbye (I'll never get to try)
You just don't see me anymore
Now I've been losing everything
You just don't see my anymore
I'll say goodbye
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