pardon me for any grammatical disorder, my head's a bit woozy after waking up in a shock. my dream was a bit too dramatic for me to keep it there, and instead my motor muscle had to react in real life as it did in my dream. gaaah!

ohh, this CD is actually the 4th CD i ever bought! ekekke! never been a keen CD-buyer. and what i'd just noticed, was that the other three CD i bought were chinese and japanese!! ahhahaha!! McFLY should be proud! *rofl*
dida is supposed to go to china with her boss this weekend for work! *sigh* i'm getting reaaaaally envious now that she's started travelling around - even if it's for work!! dida's great, though; she deserves everything she gets these days. =) but i'm SO gonna kick her if she gets to go to the UK!! roawr!!

my shoulders are starting to tingle in a bad way again. and i should get my shower anytime soon. so, later!
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