Thursday, September 07, 2006

A lump in my throat.

Nothing medical, mind!
I was cranky and shaking from the hunger.
Annoyed by the waitress (in Syed Bistro).
And sad.. it was Wednesday.
Now it's Thursday!

I recite that "people always leave".. every single freakin' day!
But I always wish that they won't, just as much. But they do anyway, don't they?
I'm definitely losing this battle.

Okay. I'm done being sad.
Or at least.. done talking about it here.. I reckon you're not used to reading my sad entries. At least, I haven't wrote any for quite some time!
I suppose even I think that my signature entry is one where I'm feeling oh-so-cheery or oh-so-angry. heh.

By the way, this is in fact my 1501th post since 2002. Call me sick.

Currently listening to: Sejauh Mungkin by Ungu.
(it's on loop..)


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