Friday, October 05, 2007

OHH GOD! I've become boring!!

What a tiring day..
I had to go out so early in the morn without having a proper sleep -- almost embarrassed myself everytime I got onto the commuter train.

So earlier, I met a nice Chinese lady oddly named Sharmini.
Sharmini itself is NOT an odd name.. it's just odd for a Chinese, that's all. I didn't say that to her of course. I thought she was too nice for me to be myself. heh!
I also did a test to know how many words per minute I could type.. 43wpm!! I thought that was slow, but Sharmini said that was fast! heehee. Excellent!

I was around Midvalley earlier. But instead of delaying my return home.. fooling around or catching a movie.. I decided to do the responsible thing and get back to Shah Alam and return to school!
hahahha! Well, there's no real drama.. I just decided that it's time for me to collect my SPM certificate. Yess -- after 6 whole years! It had also been six years since I last went to my high school. Everything seemed smaller somehow.. and not at all as I had left it.

On a different note, Dida got into another accident this morning. I don't know whether I had lost my soul or my heart has turned into stone.. but my first reaction was to LAUGH!
Maybe that's her way of saying that that's her car. A psychotic kind of rite of passage.
I've passed worry now.
I'll just be my amused self and laugh at frivolity. I know that's what I do best.


Girl That Jumps said...

wanie gi apply keje ke kat kl?

Monkey's Bunny said...

more like headhunted. AHAHHAHAHA!! I wish!!
Manpower suh datang take some tests.

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