A load of "family-time", but not too bad.
Had a family get together at Cik Yam's place on Saturday, and some time in the middle of it, Fariza (my cousin whom had gotten married less than a month ago) announced that we're going to merisik (pardon my lack of vocabulary) her brother's girlfriend after next month's family get together!
(Merisik is basically a Malay's tradition where the guy's family visits the girl's family home to meet her parents and voice their son's interest in marrying their daughter.)
Apparently.. obviously.. we're practically lining up the wedding(s) for next year. And also.. seemingly, we're starting a tradition of 2 weddings in a year. (Cik Mi's and Maya's last year.. Fariza's and Ain's this year..) The second Fariza made that announcement, my uncs and aunts called out the names of us older kids; a couple of my cousins.. Dida.. MINE as candidates for the second wedding of next year! (Of course, my response to being called was anything but graceful.)
The more people talk about weddings, the more I want mine to be later.. laaater.. waaayy later. Just NOT NOW!
Dida said something very interesting that day. Because there was this one brief moment.. where this kid; Cik Yam's helper's kid did something wrong by accident.. and Cik Yam automatically made fun of her. She was like.. four, I think! And Dida made a point that whomever is in our family -- or wants to join us, NEEDS to have a very high self-esteem. (or a super-thick skin!) Between the sarcasm and constant teasing.. really.. you won't be able to hold out for long if you don't have either of those.
And so I said to Dida and Papa; "Should I worry for my future spouse..? No, I rephrase. I'm worried for my future spouse." hahahha! Seriously though.. my extended family.. the entire lot of my dad's side are.. incredibly sarcastic.

Watched some telly while we waited.. (for the super-late lunch/early dinner.. hahha!!)

We did nothing much after the meal. Just sitting around, yapping.. watching the kids play.. gossiping a bit.. Talking about our mom even though she was in the same room.. hahhaha! I adore my two sisters.. except the fact that Dida is SO Dida.. typically telling Nina stuff about me. gaaah! It's actually weird when people knows things about you when you didn't tell them anything. Feels like they're cheating or something. heh.
Kiddies running around |
Okie.. should head to bed soon if I want an early start tomorrow. (Today, really.)
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