It was Nina's birthday yesterday and we'd celebrated by going to the karaoke. heehee. Papa wasn't there though, typical! Such a party-pooper.
We did nothing much basically. Ruined a bunch of songs like always. Dida likes to torture ME by choosing songs with ridiculously high pitches and tells ME to sing them for HER. So of course, she sings them perfectly in tune while I.. did not. hahaha!
Anyway, then Dida sang one of Letto's songs and now my mind keeps repeating it. Lyrics.. lyrics.. the poetry in Indonesian songs never fail to amaze me.
Letto - Hantui Aku |
Tapi memang dirimu selalu hantuiku Walauku tak tahu hatimu Oh please jangan pernah kau berhenti hantui aku | But it's true that you always haunt me Even when I don't know your feelings Oh please don't you ever stop haunting me |
uh.. yeah, that was my pathetic attempt at translating the chorus.
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