Then, before I could actually decide, her card arrived! eeep! Sofia even drew for me! ♥ heehee. So, I decided to write a thank you note with one of my cutesy startioneries.. but to start, I will have to retrieve my boxful of cutesy-things that I acquired while I was still in high-school (and very much into cutesy things.)
It's been ages since I got the box down from the top of the bookshelf and to no surprise, it was covered in 8-inches of dust.

So there are my small collection of stationeries that I can't bring myself to use.. and dude! Filtering papers (err.. kertas turas!) that I stole from the science labs! (Also, I can't bring myself to use.) I wish we could get those easily but we can't! I used to use those to write messages back in school. bahahhaha! ♥
Also in that box was my old Cardcaptor Sakura organiser that I used when I was 16-17. Macam la organized pon! (I was so childish, I should be embarrassed. And I would be if I have matured, but I don't think I have! haha!)

You're not the only one with the momentos!
You gave me that 2 years too late, tau! You said it yourself in the card. You were funny at seventeen, Pet. Now just irritating. What happened to you? hahahha!

To those who didn't know.. I was a design major, hence the 5 shades of gray for shading my "drawings".
I suck at both drawing and shading though. I'm artsy-mediocre. heehee
So! That's basically how I'd spent my afternoon. Looking through old things and remembering old stuff.. and not at all starting on the note I wanted to send to Eeva and Sofia. (Or looking through my archives as I mentioned earlier.) HAHAHAHHA!
That should explain why I didn't make any plans in my organizer, honestly. Pointless. heehee.
i love how you keep all those stationeries, cards and planners. <3
and the box...that you keep them in xD <3
/me hi5s wanie
i have like one box (ok maybe 2) of old stationeries and planners which date back to my high school years. xD
/me high fives back! ♥
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