Tuesday, February 03, 2009

meh Alia..

I went to meet up with Alia at Pyramid earlier.
She got me a late birthday presie -- a ticket to Rihanna's concert!! duuuude!! That's got to be one of the most expensive things anyone's ever got me. Probably among the top tree. (The most expensive thing was something I bought myself actually! -- also a concert ticket. bahhahaha! FAIL!)

O yeah.. I'm looking forward to getting other people's sweat on my face now. hahahha! NOT!! But it should be fun. I should listen to some Rihanna's songs then; so I can fake my fan-mode better. (I doubt Alia would appreciate me acting like the idiot that I was at UOX. hahahha!)


Amara Maëlle said...

oiiii Rihanna!!! xD
the concert should be fun.
she is quite a performer...

evans said...

I thought she wasn't touring Malaysia because she was deemed too sexy. O.o

Monkey's Bunny said...

everyone was deemed sexy by the Malaysian something-something-board. they suck like that.
but everyone ends up performing anyway! hahahha! it's honestly a stupid, redundant cycle. I don't know if there'll be a change to her outfits though..

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