Friday, April 23, 2010

Me and my heart

..we got issues.

Sometimes I don't think I know what I want.
You know that quote; the person who makes you cry is also the person who makes you smile..

Yeah.. Fuck the asshole that made me smile in the first place. I should be left to myself being numb.
If the person is going to make you cry anyway, why bother making you smile really?
It's annoying.

mmph.. You should know that I only meant those half-heartedly. I'm annoyed. I don't know.. Seems like it's all I am these days.

Q: How would you describe Wanie?
A: Annoyed.

Of course 'the person' is only capable to make you cry because he/she meant something in your life.. a somebody. Hence the reason the person would know what would make you smile.. yack yack yack

I suppose you could expect a more frequent blog update from now on.. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad one.

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