Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Have I jinxed it?

Just when I write about being happy..

I am back in Penang..
My set were only supposed to do four sectors -- touching down at 2240. But after two sectors we were told to do AOR instead of PEN, touch down at 2315..
When we arrived back in KUL after the final two sectors, we got the call to do ONE MORE SECTOR.. ughhhh!!!
Damn it! I had plans!
Dida and my parents were at the airport to come pick me up!!
Damn ittttt!!
I couldn't help feeling emotional over it. I hate that I promised to be there. I hate to have my family waiting for me. I just hate everything about it! ughhh..

And to top it off, I just heard word of a sad story from a friend.
Which sucks big time.
Honestly there are days that I just HATE.. being.

Anyway.. I am still relatively happy I suppose.
It's just.. I'd feel better if all had been according to plan..
On a side note, my new Shuffle rocks!! bahahhahaha! Wish they had it in red.. oh well.

Missing you, Encem!


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