Then in true spoilt-mode (not my fault), Dida got me a Jean Perry 428-thread count quilt set. Bahahhahaha! Thank youuuuu!
Perhaps one day I'll get myself a Cannon bedding. It's amazing to think that I grew up with Cannon bedsheets. They're bloody expensive but oh-so-comfy!
I suppose I have Papa to thank for teaching us to splurge on things that won't make us feel guilty. (Really, why would you feel bad when you get a good night's sleep?)
I feel good about the bed. But it feels awkward to sleep in a different room now. I used to sleep in the small room because.. well, I didn't need a big room. Then the bigger room unintentionally became somewhat of a store room, so now I feel like I'm sleeping in a new bed.. in the store room.
It's weird.
Especially since I haven't reorganized my things that I simply relocated some of my mess to the used-to-be bedroom. I don't know if you can imagine it but basically I now have two 'store rooms' with beds in them.
So today's my second day off. I'm bored. Like really bored! But I couldn't bring myself to go out thinking that I'll be on a five days trip starting tomorrow. Plus, I'm trying to control my shopping spree.
I'd like to think that there is nothing more that I could buy at the time being. I've got plenty of Moleskine stuff, I've already got myself a bed, a couple books left to read, enough bras and panties to last me until my next laundry day..
I just don't want to tempt myself into getting unnecessary things.
Especially when I haven't really de-clutter my rooms. ick!
I wish I was a domestic goddess..
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