Thursday, January 08, 2004

h a p p y & c o n t e n t

heehee~ I am quite easy to please.. :D
had quite a day with those that matters to me..! :x
sneak out~ sneak out~

managed to get another rejection by Chematto. seb baik tak gi nyanyi and nari nari "Oops, I did it again!" ekekkee!! all that i managed to do was my merajok face! AHHAHAHHA!! as if he cared, lahh kan.. heehee! prisca was being sarcastic when she said "thank youu" after getting rejected! ekkeke!! wonder if he gets it.. :)) Chematto really hated mine agaknye.. belom sempat bukak overlay dah geleng geleng.. tapi lama lak dia perati before he shoved it. hummphh~ he's such a mystery! AHHAHAHA!!
afterwards we made a stop at the toilet.. lily was leaking! AHAHHAHA!! (siot je bunyik!) and prisc joined her.. merepek merepek at the door.. :D while me and rosie-p stayed outside, yapping about things.. heehee~! :x anyways, when we got to the elevator, Chematto was going onto it as well!! eeeeppss!! us hobbitses changed glances with smiles lah tapinye.. while we were in the elevator, he was like looking at us with amusement.. (so i thought!) maybe 'coz we were giggling about, kot. probably he was curious why we weren't all depressed like we ought to.. HAHHAHAHA!! :p

now i'm back in my room.. 5 hours before going back home.. :) haaaa~ what a good way to end the week.. (if this keeps on!) really sleepy now.. eyes are starting to go out of focus.. 8-}
thanks to you..
ekkekeke! :x :p

like this song!! a japanese song.. (prisca la nihh!) the translation seems neat, too! :D the song sounded like.. i don't know.. running.. like searching for something but happy doing it. heehee~! that's what i thought of how it sounded, anyways! :D

Is It You? by Hitomi

Time is fickle, what are the the stars floating in the night sky trying to tell me,
what kind of destiny do they have in store for me?
I dream what's in my heart
I wished on a shooting star for that one thing, just that one thing.

The moment I believed it was you,
a strong wind raged.
suddenly i found myself healed, and my doubts were gone
the road that goes on to the future I searched for,
If I'm with you, I think I can go
surely you're the key that opens the door.

new moon in the rain, that sky is crying
there is no consolation, waiting for the passing of time
I'm looking for the words to say to you,
I want to leave an image deeper deeper in your heart.

Because I can be strong, because I want it
No matter what happens, I won't give up on the complicated today.
The road we chose knowing how we felt about each other,
If I'm with you I'll walk it.
the new world starting from this place

kiss me like you're whistling
let's be just like we were that day
looking for the hiding place only we know.
just like this never changing.

The moment I believed it was you,
a strong wind raged.
suddenly i found myself healed, and my doubts were gone
the road that goes on to the future I searched for,
If I'm with you, I think I can go
surely you're the key that opens the door.

I knew it was you.


i love me~! :x
ekkekekeke!! :p

love this song.. kinda sad, but i think it's quite nice! (doesn't mean anything to me!)
Hello by Evanescence

Playground school bell rings, again
Rainclouds come to play, again
Has no one told you she's not breathing ?
Hello, I am your mind, giving you someone to talk to

If I smile and don't believe
Soon I know I'll wake from this dream
Don't try to fix me
I'm not broken
Hello, I'm the lie living for you so you can hide
Don't cry

Suddenly I know I'm not sleeping
Hello, I'm still here, all that's left
Of yesterday...

I'm lucky.. I should thank God for that..
So many things to thank for!! Biar ati ni aje yang tahu sape nak diterima kasihkan.. heehee! I'll thank them later.. :) The people in my life are simply awesome!! No doubt that I've cursed them at least once in my life.. (HAHHAHAHA!!!) but I always end up loving them even more.. heehee~!!
mata berpusing pusing, been up all night.. but i am stubborn!!
trying to make up for lost times.. heehee~!!! :x

and i still love me~!

now I'm really laughing!!!!

gila !!!!!!
but i'm happy altogether... weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!!!

prisca: see..ur stupidity pays off now !!

lily: nope
lily: not stupid enough
lily: but ..
lily: hell it is quite stupid

hahhahah!! these are the only two people that wants me to be stupid! ekekekke!!
sayang korang !!!!!
notice that we are all happy this night?
seems like everything's going on well~

now i'm suddenly excited about our song, now that i have the copy of our crappy demo!!! hahahha!! can't wait the time when we get all the arrangements!! weeeeeeeee~!! drogo says my voice was ghostly! hahhaha!! tak saba nyeeeee!!

Stay by Shemozzle
composer: Dzayed
lyrics: Wanie
tune: Asha & Wanie
penyebok: Bahijah

ekkekekek!! later baru taruk the lyrics.. heeheee!!


Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Laugh - Out - Loud

i am.. laughing out loud.. because i'm so silly.. so very very silly.. stupid too!!


i am blaming myself for everything
even for the ones that i knew not of
i am sorry for all the wrong-doings i know i've done
and also the ones that i knew not of
i'm wishing you the very best
even when i knew not of
where you are
where you've gone

my stupid freakin' EGO!! bukan ego laa.. more like.. umm.. insecurity..
what if the more i do, the farther he'd go away? takutnyeeeeeeeee!! but takpe.. i know i'll be fine altogether! heehee~! esok lusa wanie biarkan for real.. :D as for today, i'll just let my heart battle with my head.. it's more fun that way.. i can let my heart to make my head feel so stupid.. hahhaha!!

prisca: sampai bila wanie ??????????????????????????????????
prisca: pastinya mendungan hati kamu usah dilayan sangat
prisca: for once..just be stupid for once
prisca: be very2 stupid to do those stuffs !

lily: Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk
lily: number fourthteen tuh

sweetpea: hahhahah!!
sweetpea: okaay
sweetpea: babi btol
sweetpea: the fact that u guys are right

lily: yeah
lily: we are!
lily: kalau tak
lily: we wont be nagging you

oops! there's a tiny curse over there.. huhuu~~ but anyways!! the point is.. I have GREAAAAAAT friendss >:D< hug diorang! :x

sukanyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!
and rindunyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrr !!!!!

me and my STUPID thoughts..


shaddap lah wanie.. banyak sangat merepek!!

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

4 days without

you're missing..
you're missing..
which leads to

i'm missing..
i'm missing..

there's a 3 suku-kata word that i'm dying to scream
a word that gets me all hyped up for the fact it's just there
a face that i refuse to forget..
but also the face that gets me so confused
so confused..
so confused..

i want to forget how confused i am..
but i want to remember..
your face

always and always..

what... a... depressing... day..!!!
felt like pouring all my heart out about all the things that have happened through out these few days.. but.. hummph! nvm.. i'm just lost in my own thoughts again..

"biarlahh!", "takpelaahh~"

those two have been my most frequently said words for these some days..
depressing, yess...
but.. takpe ajelaaah~

just got back from a night's out with hobbitses.. :D memerengkan diri walaopun sekejap.
been having quite a nice day with those girls.. going to class and crapping about. :) those gurls are SO pervertish!! (and i'm not excluded! hahahhaha!!!) ..baik mengaku daripada orang lain point out, kann.. heehee~!!
today's group meeting was such a looong meeting! spent like 3 hours in hb3 just talking about the storyboard and cameras and stuff.. it was kinda funny at one point when i tried to materialize some shots to them.. heehee!
papa came by today and gave me some money.. (tadi tinggal rm5 aje!!!) and pasta belba made for me.. :x she's the best!! maaannn.. i miss home soooo much!! especially at times like this.. when i feel like falling.. fallling... failing... :|
nak huuuuuuggggg~!!!!!!!!!
staying at prisca's tonight.. it wouldn't matter anything to me.. staying in my room. better i be somewhere with a company all night.. tak ade lah diganggu fikiran bercelaru.. :) (i thank GOD for their existance!!) lil's staying here too!! :x

and it's a full moon outside.....

teringat kat lagu ini..
Buat Aku Tersenyum by Sheila On 7

Datanglah sayang dan biarkan ku berbaring
Di pelukan mu walaupun tuk sejenak
Usaplah dahiku dan kan ku katakan semua

Bila ku lelah tetaplah disini
jangan tinggalkan aku sendiri
Bila ku marah biarkan ku bersandar
jangan kau pergi untuk menghindar

Rasakan resahku dan buat aku tersenyum
Dengan canda tawamu walaupun tuk sekejap
Kerna hanya engkaulah yang sanggup redakan aku

Kerna engkaulah satu satunya untuk ku
dan pastikan kita slalu bersama
Kerna dirimu lah yang sanggup mengerti aku
dalam susah ataupun senang

Dapatkah engkau slalu menjagaku?
Dan mampukan engkau mempertahankan ku?

Bila ku lelah tetaplah disini
jangan tinggalkan aku sendiri
Bila ku marah biarkan ku bersandar
jangan kau pergi untuk menghindar

things are easier to be said than done..
but it gets harder when you can't even say, at all...

Monday, January 05, 2004

s t u p i d

I just simply am..

i don't know if i should be called stubborn or persistant..
if i should stay or leave..
i never knew..

i tried not to feel.. but who am i kidding??
even my friends can see me through..
i have been a glass for a while now..
i wish i was somewhat a crystal..
something precious that gleams even in the slightest light.

but i am just a glass..
unspecial and unpretty
the lights just goes through me..
you may seem to be looking at me,
when the truth might be that you're looking at someone else behind me..
'coz I never knew..

i wanted to believe differently.. so badly..
so badly.. maybe you couldn't see..
maybe you refused to see..

i wanted to believe that you did things for me..
but i am so afraid to believe..
wish i had something smart to say to you..
rather than these stupid things i say.

but i am just a glass..
unspecial and unpretty

break me..

getting to the point where i need you..
the thought and shadows that i adore..

Sunday, January 04, 2004

Sunday is a lazy day !!!

it's also a crazy dayy !!
ekekke..! Been spending the whole day sleeping.. It's crazy!! Last night me and Lily slept over at Prisca's.. Did nothing much though.. Saw How To Make An English Quilt on TV3 together.. it was quite a beautiful story!! But I think Tuesdays With Morrie, the midnight movie I saw with Dida some weeks ago was even enjoyable. :D Wonder when there'll be another re-run.. heehee! (tv3 kan suka ulang ulang cerita..! As a matter of fact, every station likes to do re-run!!)
After that we thought of going to sleep but we end up watching Drogo's DVD of Underworld! It was.. umm.. entahla! It wasn't as much fun as I thought it was.. It was interesting.. but nothing more. You can't go watch it with a hope to 'enjoy' 'coz the storyline is kinda mixed-up so you have think and remember a bit.. :D At least, that's what I thought of it.. Prisc went asleep halfway though.. 'coz it wasn't her thing.. movies like that.. But when me and Lily kept repeating the word sexy as we watch the movie (Beckinsale was wearing a very tight bodysuit) she suddenly stirred, "mane sexy?" ekekkeke!! Gatal betul budak niee! :p
Can't remember when we turned off the lights but we got to sleep at 6.. after lots of talking and yapping. (mostly me and Prisc.. Lily was like mabuk mabuk laut at that time)
heehee.. we got up at 2 pm!! HAHHAHAH!! Well, I woke up a while at 12 to recharge my dead phone but got back to sleep since the other two was so in their sleep!! Then we brushed our teeth, had lunch, (thanks Drogo!!) and recorded some things. Somewhere around 5 we all went back to sleep!!! HAHAHHAHA!!
Woke up again at 7.. huhuu~
Papa called today.. rindunye rumaaaaaaahhh!!! :(
ohh! Sorry encik An, tidak dapat nak tolong habiskan your BBQ semalam.. heehee! :p Thank you for inviting!! :D Terharuuuu~ ekkekee!!

Super Sarcasmo! You're the one with all the witty
wisecracks. We bow before you. Really, we do.

What Weird Quote Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

So I'm back in my room in MMU.. still haven't done my laundry..
Things have been a bit depressing these days.. I can't stop myself from getting lost, wandering in my own thoughts.. ehh!! Itu macam hari hariiiii aje! HAHAHHA!!
O well.. at least I know I have some people that loves me!! And I have great GREAT hobbitses to accompany me.. I shouldn't let uncertain things bother my thoughts.. kan? Kan?? Kannn???
:( O God please tell me I'm right.. :(


dizzy up this girl

I wish for you on a bright lit star,
where it shine so bright, can be seen from far,
I wish now that you're at my side,
but somehow you're missing this night..

needing you.. though i shouldn't be..


humm.. let see..
slept in early last night.. somewhere around 12.. after some things happened. no biggie.. everything's fine! :D
the morning started early.. went to Pak Tai with Prisc and Dro to see how the pictures went. I think mine was neat!! HAHAHHA!! though.. there's always a possibility of getting a rejection!! :| spent quite a while at the old shop, trying to decide which photo to enlarge.. then after picking one, we left and headed towards OU!
well, we were thinking what to have for lunch.. but nothing in KL seemed to attract, so since the earlier plan was too meet up Lily in KL (but she couldn't get there!) we decided to go to her instead! had pizza, and at 4 Lily came into the shop and tanpa diundang, amek satu slice and makan! :p
Then we all pusing pusing the new wing of OU.. which was HUUUGE!! but it was a nice watch.. note: it's getting irritating to see LOADS of kids are wearing those wheely shoes. pening betul!! toleh mane mane aje ade budak tengah skating around.. bluerghh! not jealous, mind you.. but entah nape.. bosan kot! ramai sangat yang pakai.. kids these days.. it won't surprise me if the future people will get reaaaally lazy!! jalan sikit pon malas.. hummph! and kids these days don't even go out that much anymore! stuck on computers day and night.. hummph!
anyways! sempat stop by at Starbucks!! yeyyeyyy!! thanks prisc for the rhumba.. :x
though you don't have to.. >:D< so it happens now that we have a tiny black dot in a past that we can't undo.. but everything's fine.. kan?? :) :x jangan sedih or risau risau okay! love you still..
hung out there for quite a while before heading back home.. err.. cyberjaya, I mean. :|
had dinner at malee and now will be leaving for Prisca's place! having a sleepover tonight! :D

something under the waters for someone under the clouds..

i did what i can.. i told you how i felt..
it's your choice what to believe
is it me.. or is it him..
hope you'd believe me..
your trust means the world to me..
but i won't force you to believe me..
i'll leave if you want me to..
just wish i have somewhere really far to go..

you kept giving me hard-to-answer questions.. i wonder what you expected for an answer.. somehow i felt like i've made a mistake.. have i made a mistake? hummph.. really need an answer.. but it seems like i'll be talking to a void yet again.. and i'm left to wonder again...
just wish i knew what you really think of me..

"saya suka dia.." (still disliking this)
[ this was typed out at 10:16 pm of January 4th ]

Saturday, January 03, 2004

to my bestest girl...

funny how I was pretty infurated last night..
the tireness didn't help, girl..
I'm sorry!
Should've waited to settle it out first before just going to bed..
Sorry girl!!
I was so tired.. so tired.. so tired...
and shocked.
It was mostly the shock...
Sorry girl...
Love you... need you too. :D
Just want to talk to you now..
Pandai btol kasi e-card camtuhh!! Cobit karaaang!

It Was You by Ashley Ballard

When I think, of what I've been through,
I can see that you've always been there for me
To tell the truth don't know what I'd do
Without you half of my dreams would not come true

You are the one
That I have hoped for
Now my life
Means so much more
Now we can be
Together Forever
Just you and me
I'll be here for you,
You're here for me

It was you,
Who showed me I had a friend in you
I always knew,
That you'd be right here for me,
and it was you
who stayed with me
when the skies weren't blue

and it was you,
who stayed by my side
It was you

Since the day
you came in my life
I knew then,
that you'd be someone,
right by my side
then you prove,
you're a friend to me
In my heart, where ever, you will always be

You are the one
That I have hoped for
Now my life
Means so much more
Now we can be
Together Forever
Just you and me
I'll be here for you,
You're here for me

And I knew it was you
And It was you,
Who showed me I had a friend in you
I always knew,
That you'd be right here for me,
and it was you
who stayed with me
the skies weren't blue
and it was you,
who stayed by my side
It was you

It was you who was always right by my side
When I just can't do it
You helped me through it
We're friends forever like best friends should be
You'll always be a special part of me

And It was you,
Who showed me I had a friend in you
I always knew,
That you'd be right here for me,
and it was you
who stayed with me
the skies weren't blue
and it was you,
who stayed by my side
It was you

Friday, January 02, 2004

Tercabut kaki~!!

What a daaayyy!! Such a long looong tiring day.. but it was a BLAST!!! Maybe 'coz I was with my two good buddies.. :D
Let see... went out at somewhere around 11:40 am, with Drogo drove us off to the ERL station.


there was supposed to be Lily, Prisca, Rosie-P and myself but RP couldn't make it since she got up so late! i kept bobbing my head in the train 'coz of the no-sleep stunt! hohoho! gelakkan diri sendiri 'coz i know i looked stupid with my head bobbing to the front.. (later settled on Prisca's shoulder.. heehee!)
so anyways! when we got to Central, we decided to have brunch at McD.. ordered Happy Meal!! decided to collect those alphabets.. hopefully I get to spell a name with those small alphabet bears.. heehee..
after meal, we got onto a commuter and stopped in Bank Negara station. so from Sogo we walked off around KL.. pusing pusing on foot which happened to be quite fun!! :D ought to do that again sometime later when we have more time to lose.. :D anyways! we end up in Pak Tai at somewhere around 5.. that was like.. 4 hours of walking around in KL..? hohoho! funnn!!
after sending our films for developing, we hop onto a taxi from pudu (it was raining then..) and headed towards Low Yat Plaza. Prisca was meeting up Drogo there and Lily's going back home with her brother picking her up from there.. while waiting we hung around Coffee Beans.. (there was no Starbucks in Low Yat!!) o yeahh.. how can i forgot?!! we were quite crazy while walking around.. me and the girls kept doing silly acts while footing.. ekkeke! singing stupid songs.. for an instance, while going into Low Yat, i joined Prisc sang her Low Yat song.. "Low Yat lo~~ ii ching wai" ? entah ape ntah the lines.. but as I kept repeating "Low Yat lo.. Low Yat lo..~" Prisc added, "marilah ke Low Yaat~" ekkeke! it was stupid, really! and we were actually crossing the road at that time, and the guys in front of us turned and was like laughing lahhh!! hohohoho! then me and Prisc walked real fast inside.. huhuu~ terase tak seda ade orang yang boleh denga, sedangkan nyanyi memang agak kuat! HAHHAHAH!!
anyways!! then Drogo finally arrived and me and Prisc left our stuff in his car.. Lily left with her brothers.. and since Drogo were staying with his friends in Low Yat, me and Prisc decided to go back cyberjaya by ourselves.
so started our 'adventure'! hohohoho! got onto the monorail.. (for our first time!!) then Papa called while I was in it.. and Papa said.. "ooOoO.. Papa tak penah naik monorail ngan erl..." hehhe! so i promised him to get onto it with him one day... heehee~! so anyways!! Sampai kat Central, walked some bits and got onto the erl train.. that was.. 8 o'clock! konon nak balek awal, kaann.. but end up getting to cyberjaya at 10!! HAHAHHA!! why?? sebab we didn't get off the train!! so we stayed on the train as it travelled from Central to KLIA.. KLIA to Central.. and Central to Putrajaya/Cyberjaya! HAHAHHA!! Then we got onto the bus that took us to MMU/Cyberia.. :)

It was fun... Prisca is a lot of fun.. :)
[ this was typed out at 10:39 pm of January 4th ]

I wish I knew more of things...

and I keep wishing for something that I can't have...
how pathetic can I get??

Been spending the whole day with hobbitses!! :x You guys are SO like family!! Drogo is like a brother who got together with Prisc; which is my best friend.. and Lily is my other best friend! ekekke!! Thanks for being around guys.. :x
Been spending yesterday sleeping.. then had brunchner (breakfast-lunch-dinner) at McD's with the three.. then went to Prisc's house to see some video clips and then had an MPM meeting at 9 pm. The meeting lasted for about 2 hours.. and then me, Prisc and Lil went to Sinbad to seesha. (Drogo is so cooooool!!!) Crazily cool.. Memang gilaa.. sangat gilaaa!! It's a wonder how he lets Prisc uses the car even without a P!! Got there around 12..
Stayed there for more than 2 hours! Waited for Drogo to join us since he was with his friends playing snooker at someplace.. heehee! (gila kan? suka ati tinggalkan kereta..!) We were the last customers left from our seats.. sempat weng weng.. ekkeke!! Except Drogo.. ('coz he's a guy!) and Lily (coz she puffs!) Oklaa.. that's me and Prisc laughing like crazy at one point.. hohoho!! Weng betul.. two nights ago we were at that shop in front of Breakers.. seesha! And last night we seeshad again!! Weng kann??
Better jauhi.. adohh laa~ ekekkeke!!
(macam ade sedikit weng left in my head..?)
Got back to MMU at around 3.. and then started doing the treatment for MPM!
Thank you DaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaRRRrrrRrrRrrRrRR!!!
Temankan whole night as I did the treatment! Kalo tak sedih ajee.. buat keje sorang sorang... :( Tapi taaak!!! :x heehee~! Tapi jahat at one point for mentioning about antuu.. hummph~! :p Tapi takpe.. seb baik temankan orang buat keje.. heehee! :D :D :D
So I've been awake for the last 18 hours! And in some bits I'll be having my shower.. and will be going out to shoot some photographss in KL!! HAHHAHA!! And I'm dizzy.. really.. But never mind.. I need to shoot some photos or I'll stuck with really nothing at all! :|
Jyaa~ byebye~!!
hope I'll have something nice at the end of the day!

dizzy dizzy weng weng~ @_@

Thursday, January 01, 2004

strained voice chords..

suara serak sikit.. :D Maybe I screamed too much.. or took so many smoke last night.. :D or 'coz I've been singing like crazy in the room 'coz Kak Mai and Kak Siti aren't around.. heehee!!

Ku Milikmu (Juara Lagu version) by Siti Nurhaliza

Seringkali menunggu renunganmu
Bagai memanah dikalbu
Ku bertanya oh siapa
Dan kini ku menanti kau bersuara
Tidak mungkin aku yang memulakannya dulu...

Jika engkau cuba mengerti
Apa yang tersirat dihati
Apa lagi perlu kau ragu
Ku milikmu
Cubalah engkau menghayati
Isyarat cinta yang diberi
Jika dirimu tahu
Ku milikmu

Jangan nanti debarku kian berakhir
Menunggumu berubah pula nanti hatiku
Yang kumahu dirimu
Kemaskan langkahmu
Manisnya kurasa andai bersama oh...

Jika engkau cuba mengerti
Apa yang tersirat dihati
Apa lagi perlu kau ragu
Ku milikmu
Cubalah engkau menghayati
Isyarat cinta yang diberi
Jika dirimu tahu
Ku milikmu

Walaupun diriku sering saja diganggu
Dipujuk dirayu
Hanya kau difikiranku
Dirimu yang ku nantikan

hidupku kau istimewa
ku ingat untuk selamanya
tak bahagi dua
kalau bersatu tiada dua
lampu hijauku sentiasa menyala nyala
untuk kamu
cinta setia cermin cinta kita
kamu lafazkanlah kata kata cinta
agar terbinalah istana bahagia
untuk kita tempuhi bersama segera
kamu mulakannya

Jika engkau cuba mengerti
Apa yang tersirat dihati
Apa lagi perlu kau ragu
Ku milikmu
Cubalah engkau menghayati
Isyarat cinta yang diberi
Jika dirimu tahu
Ku milikmu

kau milik aku, aku milik kamu
kau milik aku, kamu untuk aku
kau milik aku, aku untuk kamu

Jika engkau cuba mengerti
Apa yang tersirat dihati
Apa lagi perlu kau ragu
Ku milikmu
Cubalah engkau menghayati
Isyarat cinta yang diberi
Jika dirimu tahu
Ku milikmu

ekkeke!! Juara Lagu version, I said.. Well, added the rapping part by her sister, but one line at the dotted line with the star was left out 'coz I couldn't hear it clearly. Been watching the clip over and over yet again! ekeke!! Really enjoyed the new arrangement. :)) Sangat sukaaaa~!!

Me and my friends woke up quite late today.. heehee!! Only saw them online somewhere around 3.. :)) I woke up somewhere around 11 but got back to sleep 'til around that time too.. ekekke!
Felt as if there is more to say in here.. but I don't know what... :|
I haven't had my shower.. I haven't changed my clothes since last night. hohoho!! Just changed my pants into some really comfy one.. :D Terokk!! And now I'm feeling like going back to bed! HAHHAHAHA

kinda hard to believe that it's 2004 already..

mabok mabok mabok

mabok cintaaa~!!!! hik~*
Just got back from celebrating the new year's eve with hobbitses; Lily, Prisca and Drogo. :D I was wrong about not enjoying myself.. turns out that it was a cool outing after all!! :x
Let see.. after recording our first demo, we all went back to our rooms and changed into something more... err.. festive? ekkeke!! We all looked rather typical, really.. :p
buying a balloon!!At 6:15 (maybe..) we left Cyberjaya and headed towards Bukit Bintang. Had an early dinner at Nasi Ayam Hainan :x and then walked around around around..! lily's balloon.. floated away! ekekke!!Lil, Prisc and myself got ourselves a balloon and yes, we walked around town with balloons in our hands.. except for Lily though!! Coz her's somehow got untied and flew off to Lot 10's roof!! ekkekeke!! Gara-gara seronok sangat jumpe Aine.. her sisters and also Fananana.. ekkeke!! Fananana said that I was cute!! HAHHAHA!! Kelakar... macam orang tak tahu aje.. HOHOHO!! (menyampah tak menyampah taak??) ekkekeke! :p
Walked again and found a spot to hung about at somewhere around 9:30. Waiting for midnight was pretty much a torture.. Yeah, so I did saw some err.. nice-looking guys around but they were there just to be looked at ajelah! :D Kinda kelakar remembering this one guy that I had an eye-contact with. hohohoho!! Rase cam lawa lak tetiba.. ekkekek!! But entah entah dia pandang sebab I looked weird!!! HAHAHHA!! (biol~)
kinda like this pic lahh

Okay, other than Fananana.. we also saw Ana Besa, Sherry, Zam, Aban, Achot, Nana and some chinese peeps we were familiar with from MMU. heehee~ Errr.. most of the ones we saw was carrying a camera.. terase terok!! They were holding to their cameras while we were holding some balloons.. ekkeke!!
Ohh! Also saw kak Hana Isfahani, Belladonna's good friend from UKM! (kantoi~!) She stopped me right in the middle of a crossing and said, "Wanie?" ekkeke!! adehh~ I wonder if she'd tell Belladonna that she saw me.. ekkeke!!

fireworksss!While waiting for midnight, we took some silly pictures as we picnic-ed.. Really, waiting for 12 o'clock was soooo dull!! But counting down was pretty neat!! Rase cam party-people lak somehow.. but come on!! This was really my first time celebrating new year's with my friends.. heehee! :x Thanks koraaaaaanngg!! :x
After watching the 8 minutes show of fireworks, we waited a while before leaving.. (to avoid those pervertish hands!) And as we started walking, we could see all those stupid old smelly rempits at every corner of BB. bluerghhh~ They ought to be terminated lahh!! Busukk basi sungguh!! :-& Most of them were acting like sakais! hyuckk~
poor car, got vandalised with those party sprayss!

Afterwards we went to Hartamas for a drink... ahaa.. drink! :p Watched some people got drunk like crazy.. with puke at some corners.. hyuckk~! So this is Malaysian people at new year's! They're mostly horrible and somewhat losers laa I think.. Tak reti minom tu jangan laa minommm!! Ade tu tertido tido kat jalan.. Boncit btol! But hanging out there was kinda nice.. :)) Got a lil' bit weng.. The guy at the shop was friendly! Sukaaaa~! He'd smile everytime he cathes your eyes.. bagus sungguh! :)
Ohh! Tersempak pula dengan my old school friends.. Ajim and Alip!! HAHHAHA!! (kantoi laie~) Terlupa name Alip tadi.. somehow nak tersebut 'Alitt' 'coz I know his name started with "A".. hadohh~ Kesian diaa.. heehee! Nice catching up to those guysss!! WAAAAHH~!! Ajim seemed to be putting a bit weight lah! ekkeke! Rase kelakar pula~
Anyways! Left Hartamas at somewhere around 4, I think.. :) Gone back MMU with a full-bladder.. Really felt like exploding!! HAHHAHA!! Had to run over to the toilet after putting down all my stuff in my room.. :))
Thanks you three!! Had a fun night laah!! :x Terlepas kepingin si Bahijah sheesha ekk! ekkekee! :p
Sleepy.. I think I can sleep now. After all it's already almost 6!

Guess I'll be sleeping my day through.. :D

Wednesday, December 31, 2003


heehee.. tersedak budak tu kat umah~! (i have a friend from school nicknamed after that..) wonder what he's doing now, though.. teringat those days playing volley ball with those school peeps.. abu dzar.. :x hahahhahah!! (laughed 'coz i had a minor crush on that guy in form 2.. my friends tried to match-make us back then.. hohoho) haikal menyebok, watching over from outside the court.. me shout over to musz so she'll be ready for my serve.. berlagak lagak ngan sabrina and nelly.. azalea skali.. hanis malu malu nak join.. arep menyanyi sumbang denga walkman.. zaki main cam gila.. some other guys (can't remember their names any longer!) sangat posessive over the ball.. ekkeke! juniors watching us play.. only si siape-ntah-tu namenye (lupaaaaa!) was brave enough to come and join us play.. ohh! farah was her name.. koyakkan my galaxie magazine once 'coz there was a creed poster in it. heehee~ puan indon, brought over the net and balls and just left to let us play.. :x weeeeeeeeee~!
school days were funnnn!!! rinduuunyeee.. pejam celik pejam celik.. 2 years have passed, and i haven't seen my school teachers since the past year.. (haven't visit the school since last year..) rindu puan sahariah!! best malay/history teacher ever! selalu halau wanie balek kelas 'coz i won't leave hanis' class after recess. heehee~! terok betul bila ingat balek.. i would never leave hanis' class after recess until her teacher came in.. and usually, by that time there's already a teacher in my class.. masuk buat tak tahu aje dah lambat.. ekkekeke!
really missed running around school as if i was on an errand when the fact was i was just skipping some class.. ekekkeke! hadohh~! rindunyeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

o yeah.. i was drinking to cincau just now.. and that brought me all those memories.. ekkeke! ohh, tahu taaaak, cincau kat mmu ngan kat giant hypermarket/supermarket beza sampai 55sen?!! sebab tu wanie ade 6 tin air cincau kat blek ni, bawak dari umah.. ekekkeke!! mahal sangat beli sini :( :)) ohh, and proudly to say that papa started drinking cincau since i've gotten crazy for it! hahhahaha!!
influential, aren't i? ekekkeke.. :p

last night was a lot of work...
wanted to bug lily at her room but turns out she was going out with encik anis.. humm.. so i was forced to get on my own bed... bluerghhh~ but it was an achievement, though.. was asleep at 4 something rather than 6! :)
itupon entah berape kali bace ayat Qursi.. selawat memanjang.. bismillah puluh puluh kali..
i think i got to sleep 'coz of tired reading all those things.. closed my eyes.. ignoring my hard-pounding heart.. quite a tough night.. i think the problem was not of the place.. (of course!) but myself.. surely i'm the problemed one..
even bace sumer tu tak bantu sangat.. hati tak tenang.. sebab tak semayang kot! (hohho.. mengaku!)
adohaai wanie~ bile laaa nak ubaahhh! even belba got tired of lecturing.. hummph!
i really can't take another night being bored and haunted by my own thoughts.. :(

long post ahead..

another year is about to pass in about 12 hours time..! let's recap my 'achievements' on my resolution for the year.. hohoho..
according to my last year's post.. number one of my resolution was to not trust people's word easily.. (you can check my list on the december archive.. heehee!) i'd say.. i haven't yet succeed in that.. but i come to find that it wasn't so wrong trusting in most of them.. :D i've come to deal with some broken-promises all the year, so i believe that i can trust people as much as i want.. 'coz i know whose to trust and whose not.. heehee~
second on my list was to learn to express myself better.. humm.. i guess i'm getting better to that.. my honesty gets me into trouble sometimes, but it helps in a long way run.. :D and if according to my reason for resoluting to that.. i think it's in my nature not to have heavy heaaaaavy thoughts in my head while i'm by people's side.. heehee~! smiling is good lahh! :D :p
number three was be more independent. HAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! i don't remember even trying to be so through this year. ekekkeke!! hadoii~ terok nye sayeee.. i guess it's just hard to be independent when you have sooo many great people you can truly depend on.. :x takpelaah, maybe next year i'll try that one. :D
number four.. less y!m, more studying.. less doodle, more of notes.. HAHHAHAHAHHAHHA!!! i'm hopeless on this one. i tried.. i did tried.. but it's not my fault that chatting was more interesting.. entertaining and lagi besttt than studying.. and doodling was more fun than listening to lectures! ekkekekeke!! :p
the last one on my list was to eat more.. ekekkeke!! hopeless on that one either.. hummph! entah bila nak get out from being under-weight like this.. :| cikeding cikeding.. have to ganbatte with prisca on this one! bella started having her weight-gain when she met abang min and got together with him.. i'm getting together with no one right now.. so.. cannot be helped lah yee.. ekekkeke! but prisca have drogo and she's still the same.. humm.. high metabolism kot! :D logik kee prisc?

this year was awesome!! (well, not quite ended yet, has it?)
a bit crazy to the head but 2003 is/was amazing!!

new year's resolution!!
-- not available --
i don't know what i should resolute this year.. nyeeee~
it's so hard to resolute on something when the day is going pretty good. heehee~! it's 1:00 o'clock, and i ida hazwanie am content... ekekke
it may change in the next hour though.. :p

this year... has been greattt!!
i just realized that this year has been sooooo great on the relationship side.. :D
though i've been single through the rest of this year.. ekkekekeke!! (hanis and dayat was amazed when they realized that.. jahat betol!! :p ) but i've had such loads of great friendss!!!
did you know?
that i've really gotten to know asha.. bahijah.. and dar early this year?
heehee.. i'm so thankful for that. great people!! (at least they are in my thoughts..) doesn't matter if they didn't think of me as a close friend.. but i do think of them as some close people.. dear to my heart lahh!! :x
what matters is what i think! me me meeeeee!! ekekkeke! :p
lupa nak mention.. kenal dzayed gak tahun nieee~ ekekkeke! itu kawan saye umor 6 tahun.. heehee~

lagu ni macam sesuai ditujukan kat seseorang..
Build Me Up Buttercup by Save Ferris

Why do you build me up Buttercup, baby
Just to let me down and mess me around yeah
And worst of all you never call, baby
When you say you will but I need you still
I need you more than anyone, darling*
You know that I have from the start
So build me up Buttercup, don't break my heart

"I'll be over at ten", you tell me time and again
But you're late, I wait around and then
I went to the door, I can't take any more
It's not you, why do you treat me bad?

Baby, baby, I try to find
A little time well I'll make you mine
I'll be home
Waiting by the phone waiting for you
Ooo-oo-ooo, ooo-oo-ooo

Why do you build me up Buttercup, baby
Just to let me down and mess me around
Yeah and then worst of all you never call, baby
When you say you will but I need you still
I need you more than anything, darlin'
You know that I have from the start
So build me up Buttercup, don't break my heart

You were a toy but you could be the boy I adore
If you'd just let me know
I've build you up to, I'm attracted to you more and more
Well, what can I say?

Baby, baby, I try to find
A little time well I'll make you mine
I'm alone
Waiting by the phone for you
Ooo-oo-ooo, ooo-oo-ooo

Why do you build me up Buttercup, baby
Just to let me down and mess me around
Yeah, worst of all you never call, baby
When you say you will but I need you still
I need you more than anything, darling
You know that I have from the start
So build me up Buttercup, don't break my heart

Why do you build me up, Buttercup baby
Just to let me down, and mess me around
Yeah, worst of all, you never call baby
When you say you will, but I need you still
I need you, more than anything darling
You know that I have from the start
So build me up Buttercup, don't break my heart.

* ekkekekeke! :p
the truth is i kinda like this song, and skali macam leh ngengade tujukan kat orang lak!
the time now is 1:40 pm :D

waiting for papa to come over with moneyyyyy and kfc! ekkekeke!
i can't save up.. i can never save up.. paling banyak wanie bole pegang is rm60.. for a week! then i'll spend it on some measly small small unpractical things.. ekkekeke! aaaaaaaalways like that! ekekkekeke!
this have been in my head everytime i am splurging; "simpan duit pon untuk apee... untuk belanjekan kaaannn?" ekkekeke!! terok betol!!
the only thing that saves me from spending is the fact that i am money-less! kalo taaaak, hadoooiiii~!
y'know, the wish list that i made.. there's 22 things/perkara on it.. 19 requires me to have more money.. extra extra money! menakutkan tak?? nanti dapat ptptn.. i hope i can control myself from splurging heavily.. hadohh~!

adohh! tatau ape nak taip daaaah!
such a long post, this one.. ekekkeke!
20 years old daaah... same tua ngan shahnon.. ekekekke!

okehh! papa coming in 5 mins..
this ought to be a whole day's worth of post okie..

2:25 pm hoyehh kfc~! and a working keyboard too! changed mine with the one at home.. :x but no network pulaak.. :( baru ingat nak sambung bual.. heehee~
bestnyee dah ade duit.. weeee~! ekekkeke! :p
in the car with Papa, there were Dida, Nina aaaand.. IZZATI~!!!
best sangaaaaat!! been 2 weeks since i last saw her.. she's grown laaah! seluar dia dah tak panjang sangat.. her foot fitted nicely. heehee~ rindunyeeee!! and weekend ni tak balek la pulak tuu!! sedih betul.. :(
Nina will be living in Seremban when Abang Min transfers.. humm.. Lagi rindu laa gamaknyeee!! :(
then tadi bumped into majin.. hohoho! terkantoi, oops! :p he brought my LOTR book in his bag!! weee~!! Hepi hepi!!! rase tak caye buku ade depan mate time tu.. tergedik kejap.. ekkeke!
nak inteneettt!! nak buaaaal!!! hummph! :(
makan lah camnie...
eh! time now is 2:34 pm.. heehee!

6:00 pm.. just got back from norman's room!! agak.. menyampahkan ye dia! hohho! did a recording in his room.. agak.. kelakar.. kinda hated it in some way.. but heck! it was the first recording.. logic laa buduh aje.. esok lusa we'll have to get the song from his computer.. (sadly he doesn't own a burner..) :(

okehh!! rasenye kene post skarang sebab probably going out with some friends.. but somehow i doubt that i'll have fun.. isykk! kenape ye?
o well..

hope you'll be blessed with happiness and joy through out next year..
hope i'll be blessed with something else even GREATER! ekkekeke!!

lampu hijauku sentiasa menyala nyala untuk kamu

forwards >>

this one is neat..
tells some things about me.. (sagittarius female)
i have to say.. err.. some things are quite true.. hohohoho!! teke laa mane satu yang agaknye betul! ekkekeke! some other things are downright silly, though... :p
thanks prisca!
sape nak the forward (there's one for every male/female of every zodiac), message me, 'coz it's quite long to be posted here..!

A tall slim and graceful woman who walked proudly like she is walking in a
beauty pageant competition. If she slips or nearly falls, she will nicely
covered it up and continue with her graceful and impressive walking step.
She knows how to use make up to enhance her beauty. She looks at the world
positively, so her face always seem so happy. She will not get upset

Self confident woman who believe in her own style. She will not follow
fashion, but standing in between simplicity and too modern. She is a very
open person, sometimes can be too blunt. She is an honest person and never
try to cause troubles for any one.

She likes to say something that you do not want to hear and yet she can say
something so pleasing at the same time. Example she may say "I wish you
could make more money, so you could afford better clothes, but anyway it is
better this way. If you make more money you could be thinking of money too
much and become greedy". She can say such thing and make you wonder if you
should get upset or love her more.

She is also a free spirit and does not like to stay home. She likes to be
protected, but not to give her orders. She has no respect to a weak man. If
she try to over power you, then you have to calm her down and try to
control her to be in a limit by doing the same thing too. She will listen if
she respect you. She likes to be herself and like her guy to be himself.

She is a no nonsense woman, so you will not hear she says "Guess what I
will do next", or "Guess what I am thinking" because she always say what she
is thinking out loud like a guy. If you do not understand her in this
matter, you could easily break up with her. She sees problems in her love
life as another funny story.

She is clumsy and it is in her nature. You may think it is cute, but for
some neat guys this could be so unbearable. She is very friendly, so she can
easily turn her enemy to be her friends. She has good taste in fine clothes,
good food, first class and first services. Even a poor woman in this Zodiac
will struggle to afford such good taste. She could spent lots of money as if
she can not understand how difficult it is to make money. If you think of
let her borrow money, think again.

She is a paranoid. If she thinks you like her, she may already think about
getting marry and lost her freedom and so on and on. A jolly woman who loves
sports. She is an ordinary woman who could dress like a tomboy. She has more
guy friends and sometimes could act like one of a guy. She does not care
about rumors, so she can get home very late and couldn't care less what her
neighbor will gossip about her. She thinks either good or bad, you will know
it yourself , so you should not bother what people think.

Her wit and innocent look are her charms. She is often hurts from love, but
never afraid to look for a new one as if she is singing "Do that to me one
more time". She likes going straight and being straight forward. She will
not go around to get what she wants, or beat around the bush just to say
something. If you meet her and tell her straight what you think, she will
admire you.

o heyy! meeting went fine..
prisca edited the liriks.. :( heehee~ but takpelah! she had to or the song will sound stupidly long.. she edited it with me lagiponn.. :D can't wait for the recording!! hope it'll sound just as great as we thought it will! :D

just some hours left for another new year.....

Tuesday, December 30, 2003

" quote here "

talking in circles..
i love giving out hints.. but i hate getting one.. 'coz i don't get most of it.. :(
empty here..
i wish i knew more of things...

"The easiest kind of relationship for me is with ten thousand people. The hardest is with one."
-- Joan Baez

it's easier to say than do..
if only i do better, rather than say.

emily the strange

i think this character's really neat!! sangat sukaa the website.. click on the image to visit, okie~!
well, probably my reason for liking the site 'coz it's mostly in black and red kot.. heehee~!
(err.. the image looks perfect with black background..)

i think this song is beautiful..
hope that one day i'll write half as good as this..
(btw, the song is supposedly to be seen as a religious song)

Melody Of You
performed by Sixpence None The Richer
written by Matt Slocum

you're a painting with symbols deep, symphony
soft as it shifts from dark beneath
a poem that flows, caressing my skin
in all of these things you reside and I
want you flow from the pen, bow and brush
with paper and string, and canvas tight
with ink in the air, to dust your light?
from morning to the black of night

this is my call I belong to You
this is my call to sing the melodies of You
this is my call I can do nothing else
I can do nothing else

you're the scent of an unfound bloom
a simple tune
I only write variations to sooth the mood
a drink that will knock me down to the floor
a key that will unlock the door
where I hear a voice sing familiar themes
then beckons me weave notes in between
a bow and a string, a tap and a glass
you pour me till the day has passed..

been watching siti nurhaliza's performance on juara lagu back to back.. ekekkeke!! yeaah, really liked the fact that the song sounded different..! heehee.. and kinda enjoyed the part when her sister and the other girl came in and rapped (double p's, people!)

"kau milik aku, aku milik kamu
kau milik aku, kamu untuk aku
kau milik aku, aku untuk kamu"

loads of work to do.. a meeting coming up tonight.. deadline tomorrow.. bluerghh~! felt anticipating for yet another school break but it'll be long before that happens.. :(

i wish.. i wish.. i wish..
heehee.. remembered the wish list i did during the weekend. (coz i had nothing else better to do.. heehee!)

feeling even crappier than being invisible..
i'd rather be invisible than ignored like this..
hummph.. biarlaahh..
biarlaah wanie.. biarkan aje..

devotion in the face of uncertainty.. thanks prisca!

losing my head.

i hate nights.. i hate nights.. i hate nights..
thank you ablen for keeping me company 'til the morning..! huhuuu~
i'm getting even more pathetic each day..
i can't control my thoughts any longer!! boncitnyeeeeeeeeee!!!
bahijah!! if i have another night like last night, i'll be sleeping with you okaay! i hate sleeping alone.. boncit boncit boncit!!
stupid stupid thoughts!!
my days are haunted by confusion and insecurities...
my nights are haunted by the thoughts of 'other beings'..
thank you thank you thank you..
thank you ablennn!
i am pathetic.. i know i knoooowwww
macam kanak kanak yang menyampahkannn!
i even hate myself for having those thoughts!!



finally made a change to the boring layout i had..
just for the record, i don't know who the heck was the person on the background. i just thought the color was neat.. heehee! (neat keeee?)
kalau pening, padan muka!! hahahhahaha!
just for the update.. i'm still using the onscreen keyboard for shifts.. :(

ps= read prisca's blog and rase berbesar ati lak sebab she said she liked the poem/lyrics i did.. hahahha!! rase nak tarok kat sini lak tapi lagu nye tak jadi laiee.. hohoho.. nanti kene ciplakk! heehee~!
(macam best sangat sampai orang nak ciplak!)
sendiri amazed that i can get pretty poetic when i need to!! hahahha!! i make myself proudddd :))

rase patut kene ketuk someone

dah.. malas nak layan..
benci gile jadi..
give up.. go away.. byebye

i have one silly friend..
wanie: takleh tido balek
wanie: getting ideas.....
lily: adoiiii
lily: wanie wanieee
lily: ur imagination becomes worst
wanie: i knooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
lily: how mehh
lily: meh esok gi bomoh
wanie: adohhhhhhhhhhh
lily: hahahha
lily: bomoh cintaaa!~
wanie: ahahhahahahhahahhaha
wanie: ngong

terok betul! we weren't even talking about love things.. biol punye budaaaaak! tapi best! at least adeee gak orang nak layan.. heehee.. bahijah, love yaa! :D
remembered dayat's words in the afternoon.. "tinggikan ego.. jual lagi mahal!" ahhahahaha!! that was like the SILLIEST advice i've ever gotten from her. disebabkan dia tadi i've been chatting to some people about 'jual mahal'! ngong betul~!

seemed like i'm going nowhere no matter how i tried..
rase cam memang nak biarkan aje..
stupid persistance.. hurts myself again and again..
macam kebodohan yang tak terkira...
hope is a dangerous thing when you get yourself to my stage..
stupidity is dangerous too...

maseh rase geram.. adelaa tahap sampai nak baling kasut..
why would you care..

Monday, December 29, 2003


would you if you could?

curse this stupid keyboard.. i still can't press the shift button so i'll be typing this whole out with the help of on-screen keyboard. maaan, i hate doing things like this..! (restricted!) bodo btol!

okehh! gonna tell 'bout my neat errr.. well, quite a happy weekend with a slight of stupidity.
the one ringHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!
happy part: so proud of this particular object right now.. (humm.. picture tak clear sangat!) i know i know.. this is what we all call as bragging but heyyy! i'm really loving thissss! thanks mamaa~! this was mama's birthday present for me.. ekekeke! unpractical, yess! my birthday presents all these years have been very unpractical but i love them very very muchh!! it was so funny how everyone 'reacted' around it. prisca, drogo, lily and rosie were all acting like smeagol when i showed it to them. hahahaha!! kelakar sungguh! at home, belba went poyo 'coz the ring fitted perfectly on her fingers, so she kept asking stupid questions like; "ehh, can you see me? can you see meee??" hahahahha! love those peeps very much!
the stupidity part: came as i was too afraid to sleep alone in the bedroom 'coz i keep having my thoughts on ghosts!! urrghh! ape kene ntaaah! benci btol! i kept getting afraid to close my eyes 'coz i was afraid that they'll be there when i open my eyes! bodo kann? sometimes i just hate my imaginations 'coz it can get verrrry wild! bluerghhhh! :(
rakan rakan bucukk kesayanganbeen spending the whole day outside and it was funn!!
got onto the erl with prisc, lil and rp and went to klcc. konon konon amek gamba but i actually mostly wanted to see hanis and dayat who was there to catch lotr:rotk. heehee~! funny how they mentioned that they kept remembering me while they were in the cinema. 'coz when they didn't understood some parts, they'd say to each other; "takpe.. jumpe wanie nanti boleh tanye" ekekekeke! (oh! they acted like smeagol when they saw the ring, too~!) hahahaha!!
missing those girlsss.. haiyyooo!!
and i miss my *grrr* evil-twin even more!! lamanye tak jumpeeeeeeeeee! i just hated the fact that we all have different holiday breaks. :((
tadi puasa, berbuka with starbucks' rhumba!! terok kann? tapi rase hebat laa! i didn't sahur in the morning.. and even went out jalan jalan in the sun (did took some pics in klcc park!) but i was strong laahh! siap dua kali duduk tengok orang lunch.. kuatnyeee! ahahhaha!! tak malu betul, puji diri sendiri.. ekekke! (kes takde orang lain nak puji)
ehh! siang tadi wanie pegi kelas kejap pakai baju kuruuung! sape nampak sape nampaak?? kiut kaan! ahahhahahha!! hadooi.. apelaa tak tau malu aje ni.. ekkeke!!
anyways! the day ended with nothing new but i kept my starbucks container for some project thing for myself.. hahahaha! and siang tadi showed prisca the lyrics i did and she said it was err.. "bagus juga" ?? (did she said that?) hahahha! but she did some weird faces.. hadoii~! takpelaah! changes can be made later.. :D heard the tune she did with drogo and it sounded neaaaaaaaat!! maaan, we should try and get the song right, prisc! heehee~! musti best nantiiii! (iyeee, perasan laie la saye)
sorry anna, terlupa tadi patut ade meeting! adohh~! too carried away, i guess... isyk!
humm.. my song is playing.. A Thousand Miles :D :p
my bed is soooo messy! will have to clear it up.. :(

psst.. bebudak mmu busuk, but me dikecualikan sebab i got back here this morning.. pagi tadi mandi kat umah! hahahha! (sebok nak tiru shahnon sebab takmo dikatekan busuk.. hahahha!)

oh ohhh~! get well soon prisc!! she sprained her ankle 'coz she got toooo excited at the stairs near my room! ekkekeke! lain kali ingatkan wanie teman turuun.. haish! baru ni sekali wanie tak teman, bole lak terseliuh, ekk! ekekkeke!! get well soon taaau! nanti kang takleh terkinja kinja cam kitorang tadi laie.. hahahhaha! (silly punye alasan!)

wish that you would, 'coz i know that you could..

nak tekan shifffttttttttttt


... always always ...

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

dar best

weeeeeeee~! I'm a gud gel! Senang btol nak jadi gud gel.. :p

Let Me In by Save Ferris

I've been watching you and all you do
for quite some time

knowing all the ins and outs of you,
I should have known what was on your mind
but all the world is spinning round and round,
inside my head tonight

I will fall into the darkness
and I fear I will never see the light

the light

so let me in
all that I wanted from you
was something you'd never do
so let me in
oh please tonight,
dont let this end tonight
I'll fall

through the light the darkness seems to be
so very strong

how does one alone against the world
find the strength to carry on

what happened to the way we used to love
it seemed as though life had just begun
but now that love has come and gone to fade away
like the setting sun

cause you won't let me in
all that I wanted from you
was something you'd never do

so let me in
oh please tonight,
don't let this end tonight
cause I'm starting to fall
so let me in

it was all that I wanted from you
it was something you never knew
to let me in
but not tonight,
for this is the end
I fall

Love this song!! It was in Roswell's soundtrack! Thanks Prisc!! Really love this song for both the lyrics and music. :p Surrounded by great people.. except one..
Hey you.. if you can't keep a promise, don't make one! This thing you're doing.. infuriates me!! X(
Lily's gone back home for Christmas.. ekkeke!! Weekend lah.. She left a post-it on the door.. Adohai~ Rase geram when she did that... She should've come in!! grrRrRrR.. Humm.. :x Hey Lily.. do you know that my 'hope' seemed to be fading away? Guess it's bound to happen.. 'aight?
Going back home tonight. Terasa patut stay tapi cam.. for all the wrong reasons. Seemed wrong to be staying for the reason I have in mind.. ekkeke! :D
Okay.. should start photo-shooting during the weekend.. And think of some right words for a song.. weeeeeeeee~!! Rase excited, but I don't know if I can 'perform'. Lagu bodo bodo okaylaa.. Ni nak buat for 'something'.. Going to have to strain my brain, kot! Kot aje laa kan.. kot aje.. Can't wait to listen to Prisc and Drogo's music!!!! :x
Feeling rather empty somehow.. Kenape? :|

he never gets it..


by Vertical Horizon

Echo, echo
we come and we go
No I don't want to
be just another
Echo, echo

Everywhere I go
There's something that I really need
Everyone I know
is someone that I want to be

Even though
I don't really know me

I'd better pick it up
before I let it slip it away

Better stick it out
before I take another day
Hand to mouth
And every single word I say fades out

Echo, echo
we come and we go
No I don't want to
be just another
Echo, echo

Can I open up your eyes?
Only when the clouds break
Can I feel alive
even though the world shakes

Every night
here in my quiet sattelite

Can I hold you close?
do I rather focus
and everything I know
I don't even notice
when it all falls through

I'm here and I hear you

Echo, echo
we come and we go
No I don't want to
be just another
Echo, echo

Do you hear me?
Do you hear me?

'cause I need to
just to reach you
Can you hear me?
coming clearly
Am I hollow?
Just an echo

Echo, echo
we come and we go
No I don't want to
be just another
Echo, echo

It's just another day
and every single word I say
fades out



note to everyone: Arep biol!!
Rai.. Arep biol.. jangan kawan diaaa! Dia biol!! Tak ske tak skeeeeeeeeee!!

And **Baby Busyuq told me that my credit balance for airtime is RM 0.07 and SMS RM 0.25.
I need more money.. :|

** is the name that I gave to 2888, the number of Celcom's balance enquiry.

resist and avoid

hmm.. there haven't been an internet network here for two nights but it's okay..
Didn't feel bad as it usually felt..
Tadi in Media Production, mr Ghaz showed us Shahnon's group's work of Evening News. :p Mentang mentang aritu menang! Dah jadi contoh lak keje diorang ni.. :p
O yeahh..
Had a fun time with Lily, Prisca and Drogo yesterday!
Thanks you guys..! Lil, thank you loaaadss!!
Prisc and Dro.. So proud to be the ticket-bearer! ekkeke!!
You hobbitses are the best!!!

missing missing... but I shouldn't be

Monday, December 22, 2003


by Olive

Smile, you'll steal away my soul
Smile, I'll hide away and cry
My mind's made up
I will shudder to see your eyes
Smile no doubt I'll keep my pride
But It may be hard to find

There's nothing left
Handed down your legacy
But more regret
Painted on with empathy

Smile, don't complicate my time
Smile don't ask me if I'm fine
My world blown down
There is nothing that words can say
Smile, no doubt I'll keep my pride
But it may be hard to find

There's nothing left
Handed down your legacy
But more regret
Painted on with empathy

There's nothing left, there's nothing left

Smile, you'll steal away my soul
Smile, I'll hide away and cry
There's nothing left
Handed down your legacy

Smile, you'll steal away my soul
Smile, I'll hide away and cry
There's nothing left
Handed down your legacy
Smile, no doubt I'll keep my pride
But it may be hard to find

If only you had tried
Going to leave it far behind
It may be hard to find
If only you had tried
Going to leave it far behind

screaming silently..
can you hear?
of course not...

my mind's off.. I am horribly tired.. I need something else to accompany me other than my own head.

shouting for help..
can you hear?
of course not...

I guess you'd rather listen to another girl's cry.

a crazy silence..
do you notice?
of course not...

why would you say anything when I say nothing.

o well.. I have a crazy heart and mind. It won't listen to one another. My head's too stupid while my heart's too lame. I need not both of it at this moment but it's there.. and I can't hide myself from it as much as I wanted to..
I can't run from it though I wanted to so badly..
Maybe one day my words will get through without me saying it..
or just maybe one day.. the words that has been kept inside me will just fade before I get to say it..
Either way.. In time.. I'll go through one of those two..

surrounded by GREAT people..

heehee~! :x
Loving Belba today! She prepared me some loads of sandwiches just for me last night so I can bring it here.. MMUAHHX!! Love ya' VERY VERY VERRYYY!! It's just amazing how she annoys me VERY VERRY at some points but treats me VERY VERRRY good most of the time. :D Not really sure if it's possible to find any other sister just as ANNOYING as her!! ekekeke! :x
Spent the whole weekend at home. I know Belladonna's missing Izzati.. ekkeke! She's fooling around with me too much! And Belladonna's been in Jeli for a whole week. Surely she misses the company.. :| Good news, Abang Min gets to transfer to Kuala Kluang (?).. It's somewhere in Selangor I think.. So there should be no long-distance-relationship after the new school year starts! Yeaaaaayy!! I hated the way Belladonna's and Abang Min's relationship had to go every single day. Setakat phone calls.. humm.. Musti rindu gile ekk? ekkeke! :p
What do I know... :p
So I just got back this morning, and Kak Siti suddenly said, "aah~ the internet's back on." ekekke!! Ana called me last night and told me that. Lucky me, not going back here too soon or I'll be bored! :))
Home was neat! :D Get to read some papers!! AHAHHA!! Such a long time since I read one.. Spent some time reading Thursday's Star Two.. the cover titled; The Elf and The King.. ekekke!! Guess who was on the cover!! ahahha!! Legolas & Aragorn of course! :)) Did you peeps know that Orlando Bloom has a girlfriend???!!
Sedihnyeeeeeeeeeee!! Read that in the paper.. he was talking about some things the tabloid said.. how his sexuality was being questioned by the tabloids after Sir Ian McKellen (spelling?) hugged and kissed him after an award ceremony. (that old dude is gay, btw) And so, Orli answered that no doubt he loves Sir Ian 'coz the whole crew was like family and that he's not gay.. and he has a girlfriend. Bluerrghh~! O well, at least his straight! ekekkeke!! :x :x :x
And read some some stuff 'bout Viggo Mortensen as well.. which was cool by the way! Now I finally remembered who should've been Aragorn if not Viggo! It was supposedly played by Stuart Townsend. It's that guy from The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen! It's that guy with the old painting lahh!

aaAaaA~ baru balek dari Media History with Asha... dia gilaaaaaaaaaaa~!!

Friday, December 19, 2003


did another quiz!!
oh.. Bahijah happened to do is as well!

You are naturally born with a gift, whether it be
poetry, writing or song. You love beauty and
creativity, and usually are highly intelligent.
Others view you as mysterious and dreamy, yet
also bold since you hold firm in your beliefs.

What Type of Soul Do You Have ?
brought to you by Quizilla

Have a good weekend peeps~!!
missing missing....

The waiting game?

Never to start again..
heehee~ Kinda excited for Bahijah for having something new in her life.. :D Something exciting!! ekekeke!
Good luck!! Hope everything will turn out the way you can handle it. :)
Now.. tinggal me sorang yang biase dari dulu.. Aisykk!! Takleh jadiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~!!
X( gRRrRrrr! (geram sebab tak tau cemane nak get out from this phase..) (macam penah denga ayat tu.. hmm..) Like playing in a video game that I kept losing.. I'm stuck at Level 3.. heehee~
Where do we go from here? I kept turning to the wrong direction.. :D

Arep.. nape kate gamba ni cool?? TAK PUNNN!! Tipu tipuuu!

Arep tipuuu! Jangan caye dia! Lagi, dia perasan dia Luke Skywalker.. Perasan perasaaannn!!

Anyways! Melayan lagu Siti right now.
Di Batas Masa by Siti Nurhaliza

Setiba kita di batas masa
Nobat nafiri tiada bernada
Sehelai daun kering berayunan lalu
Menanti saat dibawa bayu

Langit mendung hujan pun gerimis
Sayup terdengar sendu dan tangis
Bertitian bisikan kalimah nan suci
Berdoa mudahkan perjalanan terakhir ini

Berat mata memandang
Berat lagi tanggungan bebanan perasaan
Kendati pun sezarah
Dosa pahala pasti kan dikira

Bagai terasa keresahan dijiwamu
Bagai terdengar suara meruntum kalbu
Tiada walau sesaga dibawa pergi
Tak berharga puja dan puji
Kala jantungmu bagai laut bergelombang
Lemah cengkaman jejarimu di genggaman
Betapa sukar untuk kita menerima
Tiba detik pasti terpisah
Di batas masa

hehhe.. I like this song.. :D
Happy weekends peeps~!

ps= ape maknenye bila gigi rase ngilu aje ye? dah banyak ari dah ni.. :(


this one's funny..
I took this quiz after Bahijah.. she got Aragorn! check her blog to see what it said..

Congratulations! You're Legolas!

Which Lord of the Rings character and personality problem are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

heehee~ :p Funny.. I thought I'm quite careless about hygiene!


Which Lord of the Rings person do you want? (many out comes for anyone plus pics to)
brought to you by Quizilla

ekkeke~!! me and Legolas this day.. isyk isyk!
Anyways.. been sleeping most of the afternoon.. Just had my shower just now.
I had a dream.. and it kinda bugs me..
Made me wonder more about things...
Maybe one day things will reveal for real.. and I'll just wait for it to happen..
'Coz even if I know now.. I wouldn't know what I'd do then.. :)

Apeelaaaa Wanie merepeks ni..

tersenyum sendiri..

:D Been visiting stupid stupid blogs, compliments from Bahijah
blog #1
blog #2
Benci betul laaa~

Was bored..
So I went to this site and found what I was looking for.. A cause for a smile.. A cause for my heart to skip.. ekkekeke!!
Now THIS is a guy that I totally like but cannot have.. :))

:x Orlando Bloom :x

Gone too far and can't rewind..

being careful for the next time I make a wish.. :D
How is it possible for me to be numb about things when there's nothing I should be numb about.
Feeling a bit dizzy.. Happy for the fact that I was practically asleep for 8 hours!! And there was no dream what so ever! But sedikit geram kat someone for miscalling like crazy at 10.. or I would've stayed asleep right now. X( Kene marah budak itu nanti.. grrRrRrRr..!!
Bored crazy.. and I don't feel like having anything or anyone in my head right now... maybe I ought to be asleep again..

I Shut Down by Eman

How far would I go
If I had to forget all I know
How long would I ride
If I got tired of hiding how I feel

How deep would I climb
To bury the truth I find
How small I've become
In this burned out blazing sun
I'm broke and blue

Ohh well I shut down
Ohh well I shut down

Relax, rewind
Or movies weren't all in my mind
How hard would I fight
If I had to rewrite the old reviews

Ohh well I shut down
Ohh well I shut down

I tried so hard to wash away the obvious
Shut down
And it's hard to watch the windows bleed
For several reasons I've concevied
And all the while the air I breathe
Is polluted by a psyhcic dream

Ohh well I shut down
Ohh well I shut down

I tried so hard to wash away the obvious
Shut down
And it's hard to watch the windows bleed
For several reasons I've concevied
And all the while the air I breathe
Is polluted by a psyhcic dream
It's all compressed so easily
We're all depressed so easily

I shut down

none available

Kinda just got back from seeing Wishing Stairs in Mid Valley with Dzayed, Asha, Ana and Bahijah. My comment? Well, the story was sloooow but I had some scares.. huhuu~ Tapi tak aci laa sebab Ana have seen it before and I kept asking here if the particular scene was going to be scary. ekkeke! I think Tale Of Two Sisters was more scary.. And I love the fact that we had to think how the story really was.. :)
Getting more sick by the minute. Idong kejap tersumbat, kejap ok.. This is tiring..
Going to take a cold medicine in a minute.. Dida said that I'll go to sleep if I take it.. Humm..
Seems like I'm meant not to talk much these days..
Good night all..

Maybe it'll be alright

Thursday, December 18, 2003

The Return Of The King..

I'm having a cold, here!! Maybe 'coz I haven't had enough rest since the school started.. I guess I got a little carried away. Priorities Wanie.. get them straight!! Penat btol la sakit sakit nie.. Lembik btol! :(
Lord Of The Rings was... heehee~! It was good.. Not gonna elaborate much but I have to say that I was a little disappointed that they edited some things.. The things that I wanted to see.. which was my favorite chapter in the book; House of Healing Isyk.. :( Athelas o athelas~ heehee.. :D You know what that was about if you've read the book before.
But if you didn't read the book, I'm sure you'll be fully entertained!! :D
There were some super neat lines on the script.. (at least I thought it was neat!)
"It's the thought and shadows that you love.. I cannot give what you seek,"
Huhuu~ It goes something like that. :D
Go see 'em!!
A message to those who've read The Lord Of The Rings, don't expect the final installment to be as elaborated as it was in the book.. okie! :)
Majin... nak balek buku Wanieeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! :((

ps= dreamy 'bout Orlando again.. haiyo!


Bug me.. annoy me.. hurt me.. confuse me..
Everything's too good right now that it won't get me down.. I won't let it!!
The time's now 8:12 pm and I'm just counting the time for me and Dida to leave house and watch LOTR!! We're SO lucky!! :D I'M so lucky.. :)) I have the best people around to surround me. :x
Hugs to those who think they're deserving.. heehee~! Sayaaaaaaangg!! (nak guna word tu jugaak!) :D
I am pretty much feeling sick right now. I'm having a sore throat.. I can't stop from coughing.. My nose itches.. and it's starting to run. :( Terjangkit from Kak Yan sebab I messaged her shoutbox. ekkeke! :p But it's okaaay.. I am feeling way too good to let that bug me too much.
Why.. of course I am not JUST excited about the LOTR ticket.. Oh noo~ :p
The day started kinda crappy.. yess.. But it turned out terrific after all~!! :x
8:45 am.. Dzayed and Asha picked Bahijah, Ana and myself up! :D
It's amazing of what we had to go through to get the Gold Class tickets.. We arrived at GSC on 9:30 am and we were the 29th customer!! (the counter hasn't even open yet!!) By the time we get to the counter.. (11 am~!!) most of the seats were taken.. and the only show that's left was for the 10:45 am and 2:45 pm of next Tuesday! (so I was wrong about yesterday's statement, oops~!) But heck!! We bought the 10:45 am anyways!! So.. bakal ponteng MCA laie la gamaknye.. HAHH-HAAA~!!
O well.. they.. or one of them.. who cares.. :p paid for my seat as a birthday gift! :D Domo arigatou~! Totemo daisuki desu!! :x
After getting our tickets.. We had brunch at that laksa place.. ekkeke!! Kegilaan si Asha and Bahijah. I had a bowl myself, but as always.. I just can't finish the whole. Not my thing lah! :p And Asha and Bahijah loved it so much! :p It was Ana's first time dining there.. :)
After that we walked around.. Bahijah shopped some bits.. She bought herself the sweater she was longing in Zara.. :) And Ana was asked to try on some pieces there.. ekkeke!! Ye laa kan.. Kateee Twiggy.. ekkeke! :p (she got a haircut like the famous 50s model..) Then we walk around some more.. until we arrived around the Dockers shop.. where there's the Starbucks!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAH~!!
*caffeined mode*
Had my favorite RHUMBA FRAPPUCINO in VENTI of course!! HAHHAHAHA~!! Asha had the same drink in Tall.. Dzayed had Espresso Frappucino (was it a frappucino??) in B.. umm.. well.. the regular size.. And Bahijah had her usual.. sour.. maroon-colored drink. ekkeke!! I don't know what was the name.. ekkeke!
Okay.. enough about what we ordered.. The story about it was.. Bahijah and Ana went missing for some while and finally came back with a Secret Recipe's bag.. Bahijah took it out and said; "..and this is for Wanieeee~" It was a piece of Banana Chocolate cake which we all shared!!! HAHHAHA!!
They sang for me and I blew the candle out.. HAHAHHA~!! Thanks guys.. :x
Did I made a wish? Err... well, yeah~ I know things won't happen with me WISHING about it, but hey! I have nothing to lose by wishing, 'aight? :D What did I wish for?? Well, I only had two words in my head that time.. With three letters on each word.. ekkeke!! So it was ... ...~!! ekkeke!! Kalau hebat, try la tekaa! HAHHAHAH! :p
Anyways!! Hung there for SOME while!! I had fun.. :D
Afterwards we took some pix on that sticker machine.. it was hilarious!! It was fun.. But I wished the pix were in a better quality! :(
O well.. The day was great!! ekkeke!! :x
Then went back to MMU somewhere around 4:30 pm (?) and when I got there.. Dida was already waiting to get me back home!! :)
I am having a runny nose and some achy parts at my body.. throat.. back.. blablablaa... but I am HAPPY!!

need some rest, now..
[ 9:31 pm of December 17th ]

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

I just can't remember to forget...

Raining outside..
Y'know, I shouldn't be awake at this time but I just did.. I guess a sleep of 4 hours and 30 minutes was satisfying enough. But somehow.. waking up this morning felt.. weird. I mean, there's something something deep inside.. that leaves me pretty hollow somehow.
Sometimes I can be so strong.. But some other times I just can't help myself from tumbling down.
Guess that's just the way it'll be..
Hope I'll be able to pick myself up everytime that happens... as I always have..

Going to get my shower now.. will be out for the whole day, I suppose.. :)

I need to start to say what I mean.. and mean what I said..


... Having an excrutiating pain somewhere about my tummy.. :(
Bahijah brought up the possibility of period-pain. I had to ask her, "where should it hurt if it's period-pain?".. And so.. It could be certainly.. my first period-pain since I started having this cycle. Adehhh~
There's no internet connection right now.. so I tried sleeping but my tummy aches badly, I can't get my eyes to close. :( What's making things worse.. I'm having a cough right now and everytime I coughed, my tummy aches even more. Kenape ade period-pain ni pulaaaaaaaaak??!!!! Tak penah penaaaaah!! TENSEN NYERRRR!!!!!
The one thing that pleases me right now is the 2 tickets to The Lord Of The Rings : The Return Of The King for tomorrow midnight's show. :) Going to catch it with Dida.. I guess the tickets will be her birthday present from me. Isn't it just neat? Her birthday is on the 18th and she'll get to see the movie right on that night! :) Dida, admit it that I'm a great baby sister!!! HAHAHHAHA!! Despite all those things we said and did to each other.. :D (I have a bad mouth and she have two hurtful arms..) ekekke!
Somewhat having a small problem on the incoming group project.. humm.. Hope it'll turn out okay. :)
Planned on a ticket hunt tomorrow morning with Asha, Dzayed and Bahijah. We planned on seeing LOTR : TROTK together maybe next week. Gold Class tickets. Tried getting it this morning but it was sold out!! No thanks to the jams we had down the highway! X( So hopefully we all can get up early so we could be there at 10. After all.. there's only 120 tickets for grabs per day! Hopefully we'll get to see the movie in the Gold Class theatre next Wednesday!! (yeah, any earlier than that was already sold out!)
Hmm.. the LOTR Marathon at GSC Midvalley will start in about an hour...
Gue sedang kepingin Starbucks' Ice Blended Rhumba Frappucino... :|
I think I should spend the rest of my Raya money on something.. that is not practical..! Terase nak beli blusher.. hahahaha!! I am so pale!! I look sick everday! (well, of course I am..) But I get tired of getting lectured. :( I am NOT going to eat paru, hati and all that okaaaaaayyyy!!! Give me kailan anytime.. itu takpe.. Just don't ask me to eat those parts yang 'pelik'! Tak skeeeeeeee!!!
But I only have RM50 left in my wallet!! :( Takpelah~ Gara gara tiket wayang.. :) Three days left of school this week. Can I survive? :D O well, I may end up NOT buying a blusher after all.. :( Takpelahh! As long as I get my Rhumba! HAHAHAHAHHA!! 8-}
Saw the back of the head of someone tadik.. Funny how sometimes you can identify your friends just by looking at their backs.. ekkeke! :)
Okay... the pain is getting pretty unbearable for me...

I hate periods.. such a hassle!
[ typed at 11:23 pm of December 16th ]

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

loving this song...

Save Me by Forty Foot Echo

Sit around and lose myself, again
Never thought I'd wait to realize
I can't hold on to what you see
And I can't move when you're down on your scene
A mistake, it's all I remember
Trying to hold on, to all of my ways

So save me
In my life, just hold on
How could you realize
Ya save me
In my life, just hold on
Got to realize

Sit around and find myself, again
Never thought I'd wait to justify
I can't hold on to what you see
I can't move when you're down on your scene

So save me
In my life, just hold on
How could you realize
Ya save me
In my life, just hold on
Got to realize
Goodbye... Goodbye...Goodbye...

So save me
So save me
In my life, just hold on
How could you realize
Just save me
In my life, just hold on
How could you realize
Take me
You barely realized
How could you realized
So save me, In my life
Just hold on...



Jeff won!!!! ahhahah!! Of course not!
O well.. I like him best in every season of Survivor.. :D He's such a great host.. Heck! I just like him.. so I'm truthfully blind.. :|
Sandra wonn!! wooh~! She's worthy of winning the title than Lill.. (bluerghh~!!) ekekke!!
Asha spoiled the surprise when she told me who won while we were having dinner at Malee with Dzayed.. (of course!) JAHAT BETUL~!
Anyways.. watched the show with Anaconda and Sherry (is that her name?) She was neat to talk to! Get to kutuk kutuk altogether! ekekke!
And I kept going on the phone with Dida everytime it goes to commercial.. :)) Kutuk kutuk some more! ekkeke!!

O well.. somehow I lost interest in talking..

Monday, December 15, 2003

a school picture.. and a thought..

Been browsing through my old pix..
And there's one that really caught my attention some way..
It was my school picture. While I was in Form 5.. A picture of the whole class. We were all standing in front of the blackboard..
What really caught my eyes were the supposedly-motivational words at the top wall..
Since we cannot get what we like, let us like what we get..
At that time.. I thought, "how cool was that?!" I really liked that line. Our class was so different than the others.. The others would have those things like, 'don't study hard, study smart'. ekkeke!! And ours was so casual.. and I thought, "yeah, I should hold on to that! Why bother pursuing the thing I like when I just can't have it?"
But... it seemed too easy!
How can I ever settle??
You can never be REALLY happy unless you get the one that you thought is best!
Kan? :)
I used to like what I get.. Sure.. I HAVE to like the results that I get.. ekkeke!! With the "effort" I put myself into.. I should be THANKFUL for what I get. Though I'm not really "brilliant", at least I get through.. :D ekekke! And heyy! Some people even said that I was "smart" whaaat!! HAHAHAHH!! I am easy to settle at things like that.. :D Terok betul~!!!
But seriously.. I shouldn't, kan?
So what am I holding onto now?
I don't know what to hold on...
But I do know.. that I won't let go of what I like.. :D Takpe ekk? I'll like what I get.. but I like the one that I like better... ekkeke!! :D And no one really prooved that I can't get it. ekekke!!
Who knows kan?? Things change...
And I always believe that there'll be a happy ending one day!!! HAHAHHAH!! Sorry.. can't stop myself from feeling that way. :D

Best ke tulis blog?
Maybe not.. Sometimes I talk and feel too much.. and the fact is.. I'm really talking to myself..!
Sometimes I get sad for no reason at all..
My head is battling with my heart
A line from Sway by Bic Runga.. Hate it when it happens..
Sometimes my head is too rational for my heart while it's just being too emotional!!
Tak sukanye bila ingat baleeeeeeeek!!!
Okay!! Better stop talking or I'll remember too much things.. I am feeling pretty pleasant right now and I shouldn't ruin it by thinking too much things that I can forget!!

p.s= really like kak kaoru's new layout!!!! :D (kak kaoru!!) :))

udah udaah udaaaahhhh!!

What's your style profile?

When it comes to fashion, you're neither master nor slave. You love cute clothes (after all, you are a girl) but refuse to make it your life's work. That said, you do have your favorites — including a splurge or two. But it's okay; we won't let your secret out.

When you're out shopping with friends, you tend to be one of the more practical of the group. In fact, we'd guess you're rarely one to sacrifice comfort for fashion. Which is not to say you haven't been swept away by something fabulously impractical. But, be honest, when was the last time it made an appearance? So keep at it with your laid-back style that says to the world, "Here I am, no muss no fuss."

So keep those heads turning. Just make sure it’s for the right reasons.

heehee~! Bored.. got nothing else better to do..

..don't use your attitude to challenge my temper


Though it was nothing.. but somehow it felt that I've embarassed myself some way.. huhuuuu~ Tak ske nyer..
Anyways! Just tercekik cincau just now.. bukan tercekik la kan.. Tertelan without munching first so it felt somewhat like choking.
Humm... feeling lazy....
and embarassed by some measly thing..
Silly me..

Sunday, December 14, 2003

welcome back peeps!!!!

fun's over~!! Holiday's over!!
I have to say.. this has been the GREATEST, COOLEST, MOST UN-BORING HOLIDAY I'VE EVER HAD!! Nothing gets better than this.. LOVED IT!!! Big.. Huge.. Enormous thanks to
hahhahha!! She's great!! I hope she'll turn out great in 10 years time as well! ekkeke!! :x :x :x
Thank you Izzatiiiiiiiii~!!
hahahhaha!!! Later laa, later!! :))
Feels kinda good to be back again.. somehow... :)
Missing missing~!!!! :D
X( grRrRrR!! Tengah mode jealousy!!! Kak Mai's birthday is tomorrow.. and she was wishing for her boyfriend to surprise visit her.. And guess what?? HE DID!!!! grRrrrR! ekekke!! Happy for her though~! At least some people get to enjoy their birthday!! Mine was crappy 'coz I had to entertain myself all day long.. (*melayan perasaan!) BLUERGHHH~!! And I was angry at Dida laa.. amenda ntah laie.. ekkeke!!
*melayan perasaan 'coz I thought my so-called good friends forgot about my birthday.. BUT THEY DIDN'T!! Only Hanis did.. :( Where were you makcik?? How dare you to forget my birthdaaay aa?! :D You have some explaining to do young lady!! X(
To those who SMSed... THANK YOUUUUU!!! And to those who called... THANK YOUUUUUU!!!!
grrRrRrRR!! Geram sebab rase cam nak hug sumernye tapi takleh sumer.. ekekke! :p
Holiday was great!! Holiday was greaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!! The greatest among all my school holidays!!!
Get to catch up with Hanis... (met her at her house during her sister; Kak Huda's wedding!!) and Zul was there too. :D And met Hafiz.. who tricked me into going to an OMEGATREND meeting. HAHHAHA!! Terok betul! He introduced me to a friend of his, named Darnina~! ekekke! And it was neat, being able to talk to Arep after such a long while.. :D Jangan lupa bayar bil~! ekekke! Then.. I also managed to go out with Fiance, (and Ikram and Nazmi) who kept asking me things like, "Don't you have a new target now?" and kept telling me things like, "Go and find yourself a boyfriend.." RAI BENGONG!!! I'm trying la nie!! Tambah laie dengan tengok Kak Mai sat tadi.. Jeles betul!! HAHHAHAHAHAHAA!!! :p Hope Ima gets her teddy bear! :D
Well, the holiday was GREAT!! It felt great!!
Humm.. Saw a Hindi movie in the afternoon 'coz there was nothing else to watch and it caused me and Dida some
heartache heartache heartache
It's called Kal Ho Na Ho; starred by Shahrukh Khan, Preity Zinta and Saif Ali Khan. (Know Your Hindustan Stars!) ekekke!! The storyline's pretty neat! ekekkek!! Mengentuh perasaan! ekkekeke!!!
Lovely lovely!!
Having pleasant thoughts and pleasant feelings right this moment... :D

Time And Time Again by Stretch Princess

Oh to love you, to love you not
It makes no difference it's all that I've got
And there's no reason for you to watch while I wait
For you to be perfect
perfectly late

Oh to have not, or to have
You swear on your life it's out of your hands
and there's no peace for the one you left here
oh you've perfectly no
you've no idea
that this never ends

and time and time again
I lose everything
it's funny how it never changes
I'm wrapped around your finger

Love's gentle but love's unkind
you're lost for words and I'm out of time
and there's no comfort that calls me to stay
when your perfect excuses are perfectly made
oh this never ends

And time and time again
I lose everything
it's funny how it never changes
I'm wrapped around your finger
Time and time again
I lose everything
it's funny but you'll never change
I'm wrapped around your finger

Oh to love you, to love you not
it makes no difference it's all that I've got
and there's no comfort that calls me to stay
Oh you're perfect

Time and time again
I lose everything
it's funny how it never changes
I'm wrapped around your finger

[ edited on 4:01 pm of December 15th 2003 ]

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