Wednesday, March 30, 2005

just a quick post.

okay, maybe not so quick.

i notice that this week's hits increased quite a load and i'm guessing it's because of the changing images at the top left corner there! so here, i'm feeding your curiosity - the pictures that you would see in random anytime you refreshes this page. (when i mean random, it will come out randomly and might repeat a bit before changing to another random pic)
might add a bit more pics later when my lousy-but-beneficial-pc would let me open up photoshop.
little pictures
any of which you haven't seen yet? keep on refreshing then!!
ps: this could just be a cheap trick for me to get more hits on the site, yeah? *lol!*

(whatd'ya know.. it's quite a quick post after all!)

i, Fiona O'Keefe; am such a keen blogger, aren't i?

hehhe! of course, that isn't my real name!
came across some weird quizzes and there's this irish name generator that changed my name to fiona!! thank god i'm not irish! no offense to people named fiona o'course, but i thought me and fiona wouldn't get along too well.

slept like a log last night. straight 10 hours, no interruption at all! that did good to my head, though my eyes felt a bit puffy when i woke up. still, the sleep did good!! now i'm in a such better mood than yesterday that i'm even thinking of studying for next week's papers! ahhaha!!
though i'm not in THAT good of a mood to accept a date from a certain helpful person. *sigh* i thought my "excuse" was a bit weak, but he accepted it in the end. good thing too! don't think i'd be a nice company anytime soon. maybe i actually handled it well. hehh!

ohh right, a big thanks is in due here; THANK YOU SO SOOO MUCH INCIK FENDI!!! hihi! he just helped me out from one sticky life-death situation. he might not realize how much he's helped me but he did LOADSS!!! tengkiutengkiutengkiuuuu!!

and now i'm going to post the quiz result that i did earlier today;
What Age Do You Act?
You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

it pleases me that i'm acting pretty much like an 18 year old. means that i was born about 1986, and that's the year when good ole danny was born!! WAHHAHHAHAHA!!! *mad laugh - REALLY mad laugh*
boy, aren't i just silly and lame when i'm crushing. just the perfect reason why i shouldn't start anything with someone reachable around this time. *stupid smile here!*

people said love makes you do stupid things. me, i just get stupid - fullstop.
(another day of philosphical and psychological for me!)

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

looping crazy

All About McFLY these days, sorry!
been looping their songs over and over again, and somehow when i get my winamp on shuffle, any other song wouldn't make me as pleased as McFLY's songs does. hahaha!! addicted, indeed.
my favourite people at the moment!
Not Alone by McFLY

Life is gettin' harder day by day,
And I don't know what to do or what to say, yeah,
And my mind is growing weak every step I take,
It's uncontrollable now they think I'm fake, yeah

'Cos I'm not alone, no, no, no,
But I'm not alone, no, no, no,
I'm not alone

And I, I get on the train on my own,
And my tired radio keeps playin' tired songs,
And I know that there's not long to go,
Oh, and all I wanna do is just go home

'Cos I'm not alone, no, no, no,
But I'm not alone, no, no, no,

People rip me for the clothes I wear,
Every day seems to be the same,
They just swear,
They just don't care,
They just don't care,
They just don't care

'Cos I'm not alone, no, no, no,
But I'm not alone, no, no, no,
I'm not alone,
Na na na na na na na...
La la la la la, yeah
I'm not alone

and it doesn't help, watching to a video of tom and danny teaching how to play Room On The 3rd Floor on the guitar when i own no guitar! roawr!
*shriek* just gotta love those boys!!! heehee!

okay, having a nasty headache since earlier today. really have to get more sleep tonight!! good night world!! hehh!
hopefully tonight i'll dream of something useful.. (doubt it, though!)

we will keep wanting what we don't have.

just another day when i get all philosophical and psychological about myself. *sigh*

pardon me for any grammatical disorder, my head's a bit woozy after waking up in a shock. my dream was a bit too dramatic for me to keep it there, and instead my motor muscle had to react in real life as it did in my dream. gaaah!

couldn't really put it down
most precious.. prized posession at the time being! hihi. this pic is on my friendster as well! (sorry!) couldn't help it. just really.. REALLY pleased that i have it now. but i owe rm30 to dida for it! hihi! (and yet i'm just thinking about getting rm40 for another CD - instead of paying her back first! ahhahaha!! what a great sister i am..)
ohh, this CD is actually the 4th CD i ever bought! ekekke! never been a keen CD-buyer. and what i'd just noticed, was that the other three CD i bought were chinese and japanese!! ahhahaha!! McFLY should be proud! *rofl*

dida is supposed to go to china with her boss this weekend for work! *sigh* i'm getting reaaaaally envious now that she's started travelling around - even if it's for work!! dida's great, though; she deserves everything she gets these days. =) but i'm SO gonna kick her if she gets to go to the UK!! roawr!!

hermione, ron and harry
new pictures from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on mugglenet! hehe.

my shoulders are starting to tingle in a bad way again. and i should get my shower anytime soon. so, later!

talk about "exciting"

8.2 8.7 richter earthquake at north sumatera, 3 months after the disasterous tsunami in acheh. you can't help feeling the fear for their fate.

12:09 am (or 11:09 pm, different time from different news source!) - the earthquake.
a few minutes afterwards..
i find myself a bit woozy and my desk were shaking a bit more than normal. the floor seemed to rumble a bit, but i couldn't connect it to anything worse than the neighbours putting up some loud music.. until i saw the towel hung on ana's chair sway.

walked towards asha's room; wanted to ask her if she had felt it - and she did!
somehow we got panicked at that very moment and went straight to the door - i grabbed my keys, she grabbed her mobile. hehe!

anyways, the authorities kept us out of our apartment building for about 3 hours. and that was horrible! they meant well though; afraid if there'll be more shakes after that. everyone living in cyberia were there around the carpark. meanwhile, i tagged asha, dzayed and their friends to putrajaya and we hung a bit at the mamak and watched ntv7's live reports.

more news on CNN.

Monday, March 28, 2005

hanis cute, muSzang gile - wanie lagi best.

*giggle* silly title courtesy of 2 of by bestest girlfriends.

Question: How to get rm40 as soon as possible?
Answer: ..err, i was asking the question, couldn't find a better answer than well, refrain eating?

oh, first.. i am currently at HANIS' PLACE!! along with musz of course! (sebok? maybe! AHHAHA!!) we're really just hanging around, eating to love letters as i hijacked hanis' pc and musz learning nihongo through hanis' digital dictionary. hihi!

anyways! yesterday me and the girls went to midvalley and simply spend a lil' bit of time with ourselves. watched movie, catching up a bit, bad mouthing, blablablaa..
hands united!!
midway, we were introduced to musz' friend Achong! hohhohoho!! and hanis' boyfriend stopped by to bug us as well! AHAHHAHA!! (i'm quite certain he'd be a bit sad if he heard me say that! ekkeke!!)

dayat treat us pizzas and FREE FOOD ROCKS!! ahhahaha!! while we were making our rounds the mall, i actually found McFLY's album in Tower Records and Carrefour!! roawr!! and there were none last week when i had wanted it!! anyways, now i'm just thinking of ways to get rm40! ahahhah!!

okay. probably will write more later. ngee~

Friday, March 25, 2005

very achy indeed.

last night when i said about sitting 4 hours straight rambling through the internet, well, add another 3 hours to that.
should've gotten to bed earlier, but i couldn't help looping and looping my playlist. *giggle*
Room On The 3rd Floor

i guess it bothered me that no one outside of the UK know much about these fellas, when they make really good music!! (biased? maybe!) well, if you like 60's/70's pop, you'll totally love this album! i don't think i am much of a fan of those period's pop music, but i do love McFly's music! *more giggle*

i mean, i can go listing down all their songs now! (don't worry, i'll spare you! but HERE's a page where they talk about every track on their album.) listen to Room On The 3rd Floor, Surfer Babe, Broccoli and Not Alone if you please. (i'm probably a bit attached to Not Alone though since Danny wrote that one! AHHAHAHA!! well, i thought it sounded a bit Lifehouse-ish, so it's GOOD! roawr!) and Broccoli has this really cute/probably funny part that i couldn't help, but adore!! well, if you get to listen to this one, keep an ear for the part with "i knew she cares.. she cares!" my FAVOURITE PART!! *giggle*

oh well, i'm plainly in love with this album. i have no problem listening to the whole lot of it! so if you don't mind listening to pop, LISTEN TO THIS ONE!!

okay. done promoting! but wait, i found this silly page! thought it's a bit funny so i'm putting it here; CLICK!

okay! should get dressed and walk off to class now!! heeheee!
have a fantastic weekend people!! (ican'twaittogetaholdofmyCDathome!!!)

Thursday, March 24, 2005

happy as Pig.

(Pigwidgeon, mind.)

what's useless?
- sitting in front of the pc, staring at the progress bar of the file you're downloading and surfing around for McFly for exactly 4 hours straight until you realize that you've only had an apple since daybreak.

well, not my fault really, to be as enthusiastic as i am about the song i was waiting on since yesterday! hihi! finally i got the good copy instead of some stupid repeated lines!! grrr.
anyways, today i finally moved on to the rest of my playlist on my player. (i've been looping on Michael Buble's Home, Damien Rice's Cheers Darlin' and McFly since the past week!!) but well, i didn't move too far though 'coz i went back to them when i had enough dose of Good Charlotte! kikkiki! ANYWAYS!! my point really is, i've just realised i had this song, and only listened to it earlier today; it sounds like a weird, early 90's song i wouldn't like, but i actually did! hihi. maybe 'coz it gives a bit of a sad vibe but not too much.

It Wasn't Enough by Good Charlotte

It wasn’t enough

I would try to believe
In the things I cannot see
But my faith is shaken now
Like it’s never been before
When I call and you don’t come
I don’t know what I should do
Should I call?
Should I even count on you?

I’ve given all I can
It wasn’t enough
To keep you in my hands
Should I give up?
I try to understand
Was it ever enough?
I don’t understand

So here I am once again
With my back against the wall
Afraid to show you
Afraid to tell you
That I don’t know you like I did
I’ve never been so alone
I’ve never felt so insecure
And now I don’t know where I’m going
In my life I’m not so sure

I’ve given all I can
It wasn’t enough
To keep you in my hands
Should I give up?
I try to understand
Was it ever enough?
I don’t understand

Giving up tonight
I won't let go, won’t let go of you
Giving up tonight
I wanna show you, wanna show you
Giving up tonight
I won't let go, won’t let go of you
Giving up tonight
Am I giving up, giving up?
I don’t wanna give this up, I won't

I’ve given all I can
It wasn’t enough
To keep you in my hands
Should I give up?
I try to understand
Was it ever enough?
I don’t understand

Everything you want from me
I've fought so hard for everything
Everything you want from me
I've tried so hard, could never be
Anything you want from me
Anything you want from me
Anything you want from me
I've given up

the song i waited on the whole today was McFly of course! would've put it over here if i hadn't promised last week not to post too much of them anymore. hihi! maybe next week, yeah? GC's song was as good after all!

**since i'm not posting any HP news these days, i'd just express myself as HP-mannerly as possible; eg. happy as Pig, produce the most brilliant patronus, blablaa. so when you come upon some weird words or phrases, it might be wise to assume that it's originated from anything Harry Potter, yeah? hihi!**

scripts are AMAZING!!

okay. done editing for today. kinda tiring to work on this for 6-8 hours since yesterday.
so i've edited some bits around the layout! noticed it?? if not, try refreshing the page a few times and see if you'd notice it then. hihhik!

okie. lifehouse's album's out!!

seems like mr wade has a new do! hihi!
wonder what their new album sounds like. have only heard you and me and it's not exactly ear-catching is it? well, maybe because i'm not too much in love as i used to, so somehow their songs doesn't seem to effect as much. *sigh*
o well! gotta listen to the album soon!!

just a bit to promote, heh! : Chat live with Lifehouse on MSN Celebrity Chats Wednesday, March 30 at 4pm PT/7pm ET on MSN Chat!


Wednesday, March 23, 2005

still. still tired.

i could just sleep on the keyboard right now, but it's dusk. if i sleep now, later i'd wake up and my whole sleeping time will be all messed up again. bluerghh!

had to wake up early this morning. promised to meet up fendi 'coz i was asking him for help on my maya. so it'd be.. polite to see him in person, yeah?
then i had a lecture; which i only half-listened as i always do. *sigh* couldn't help it! that particular class is the best time i have to catch up on my diary/scrapbook-writing. sat around yoges, majin, ablen and dar during class so that was a bit nice - catching up a bit and bad-mouthing! AHHAHAHAHA!!

anyways, later me and yoges went to that Digital Media final year exhibition (which shahnon had invited me to earlier) and i have to say it was MIGHTY IMPRESSIVE!! if i were so thick; not to feel embarassed at all, i would've gape at most of the works displayed there!
shahnon did this thing about wayang kulit (can't help thinking how traditional that guy is. wayang kulit.. silat.. hehe!) and there's this interactive thing that moves the character by waving anything white in front of the webcam. entah hape laa care nak describe ni.. since i have NO idea how he did that, i have to say that it's just IMPRESSIVE!!
then saw kak yan's topophobia (is it??) which i didn't get to play since someone else was on it. same as that popo game which really reminds me of super mario brothers. SANGAT IMPRESSIVE!! if i have to describe all i saw in that room, i'm certain that it'll be a horrible jumble of malay-english in here, so i better stop now. oh wait, kak yan sangat smart tadi! kikkiki!
i had NO idea that the final year's had to do works such as i'd seen today. very cool indeed!!

after that i started walking back cyberia when ablen called and asked if i want to tag along for lunch with him and dar. DUH!
so we went to alamanda and ate at the foodcourt. dar made a moronic joke, i almost spat my drink onto the floor but i ended up coughing it down. blablablaa~
really, we just ate there and talked so there's nothing much to mention in here.
thanks fellas for letting me come with. =)

so now i'm just done editing the layout, and quite bored to be honest.
wondering if i ought to go out tommorrow like i always do..
but i probably shouldn't. *sigh* reasoning sux.

really. really tired.

two nights in a row, i worked on something pretty less-important until very late. i slept around 5 am yesterday, and now; 2:30 am, i'm still awake!
pleased to say that i'm done with what i've been working on the rest of today! =)
(if only i am as enthusiatic as this when i'm working on assignments!!)

new layout! a bit earlier than i had planned, but i'm ecstatic(spelling?) to show off my wishlist!! hihi.
the album cover
well, i don't really have it right now, it's with dida!! weeeeeee~!! her boss went to london for business and i almost scream at her if she could ask her boss to buy the CD for me. ahhahahhaha!! and at 2:09pm yesterday, dida called and said that her boss had bought it!! WAHHAHHAHAHA!!!
I AM SO SOOO HAPPY!!! so happy that if i were a real witch, i could've produced the most brilliant patronus ever seen!
just can't wait to get my hands on it, now!!! woooooooooot~!!!
it's just... very fortunate of me. =)

okay. the new layout is pretty stinky, i noticed. i suppose maturity is simply something i don't have. hahhahah!! i always end up doing something as childish as this. *sigh* baaah~ who cares!!

**patronus - it's the 'guardian' that fights off dementors. (refer to Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; and yes, they've made that one to movie last year. heh!)

okay!! better go to sleep now or i'd wake up around noon like yesterday! ahhahaha!!
gudnite gudnite dear world~!

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

*lol* Which McFly member would sleep with you?

You scored as Danny. Danny, the whore-ish one, would of course sleep with you. He lyk WaNtZ yOuR BaBiEz!!!1£$^*£(%>









Which McFly member would sleep with you?
created with

ahhahha!! anytime danny!! *rofl now*
ohh, this ISN'T what i'm feeling lucky about. *lol!*


i'm so lucky! i'm so lucky! i'm so lucky! i'm so lucky! i'm so lucky! i'm so lucky! i'm so lucky! i'm so lucky! i'm so lucky! i'm so lucky! i'm so lucky! so lucky!! i'm so lucky! i'm so lucky! i'm so lucky!!!!

will tell later about this. hahhahahahhha!!

i'm so lucky! i'm so lucky! so luckyyyyy!!!!
wishlist down to 19. yeaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy!!!

had a nice weekend?

my F1 ticket!mine was excellent!! F1 for two years in a row!!! don't know what it was if not lucky - lucky that mama and nina works for Tourism Malaysia, that is!! hehhe!! so me and dida went to see the race with the tickets THEY got (for free).

we got really good seats this year. much better than last year! it was near the big screen, and the seats allowed us to see probably 60% of the circuit! couldn't help feeling all excited about it. only wished that i had rm150 lying around so i could've bought the commentary headphone! grr. that'd be super! but anyways, with what i had last sunday, i was already content. =D

Ferrari didn't win on this circuit again this year. *sigh* i think it's really unfair that they're being just lousy for not replacing to their new engines since Australian GP. can't wait for the Bahrain circuit now! really wanna see what their new engines are capabale of. heh!

we went straight out when it ended. didn't feel like partying to the concert after that. hahhaha! we got on the bus to nilai, which i slept on "embarrassingly" as dida thought. (as if i care; being among a bunch of people i don't even know!) then we got on the commuter and headed to seremban and rested a bit at nina's (and family!) place.
the green dot was where we were this year while the yellow one was our seat last year!
anyways, sunday had just been fantastic!! (even though my period came without me being prepared; which i don't think it'd actually interests you, ahahha!!) the weather wasn't excrutiatingly hot, quite breezy even! and i had real fun being amongst the crowd of reds. heh! i think i got myself a bit of a tan though, but i'm fine with it!! just felt lucky to have such great weekend! =)

just hope that i'll get luckier and manage to get all the things on my wishlist that now compromise of 20 things! ahhaha! (maybe i'd put it over here next time i change the layout.) o yeah, if you haven't seen it, i think the video clip for McFly - Room On The 3rd Floor was mightyly cool!! sempat nak promote lagik.

fotopage updated! (with pictures that most probably wouldn't interest you lot)

ohh! my thoughts on equinox; nothing much happened, did it? it even rained a bit later in the afternoon in shah alam! well, as expected. the news said that it's because we're already on the.. err.. garisan khatulistiwa. we're used to the hot temperature so we couldn't feel if there's any change. (what's garisan khatulistiwa in english, eh? can't think of what line it is! *sigh* sometimes i can't help feeling like i don't belong. i speak lousy Malay and even worse English! grrr!)

Friday, March 18, 2005

here's another weekend..

just 3 more weeks to school break!! how awesome is that??

nothing much to say really. i'm rather tired and sleepy but i thought i should leave soon if i want to see nina in her office, yeah?
so here's another McFly song. my second favorite, i think. hehe! i should stop posting their pictures by next week, i promise!
RND 05!! woooh~!!
Big Hair & Beyond!!
Room On The 3rd Floor by McFly

Room on the third floor,
Not what we asked for.
I'm not tired enough to sleep.
One bed is broken,
Next room is smokin',
Air conditioning's stuck on heat.

And outside it's rainin',
Hear the guest upstairs complainin'
'Bout the room that's got their TV too loud.
Cos the times like these remind me
That I've got to keep my feet on the ground.

Wake up early,
Round seven thirty,
House keeping knockin' on my door.
Do not disturb sign,
The back of her mind.
I must have left it on the floor. (yeah)

My eyes are hurting,
Cos the cheap nylon curtains.
Let's the sunlight creep in through from the clouds.
Cos the times like these remind me
That I've got to keep my feet on the ground.

Na na na na
Na na na naaah
Na na na na
Na na na naaah

I gues the times like these remind me,
I gues the times like these remind me,
I guess the times like these remind me,
That I've got to keep my feet on the ground.

** i realize i've been talking in codes lately so here, to those who has a rather un-curious mind (to look up on it for themselves):
RND 05 - Red Nose Day (2005), held by the UK charity organization; Comic Relief every OTHER year
Big Hair & Beyond - was the tagline for this year's RND
the little toy thingy those McFly are with - it's the.. logo? mascot? thingy for RND!

the sudden craze for Mcfly - that's because i just found out that they have some good songs! good thing i tuned in to MTV when i did, and saw the video clip for All About You, which i have told earlier, the official song for RND 05!

i'll get crazy for Potterverse again next week! =)
by the way kids, next monday the 21st is the equinox!(spelling?) that's when day-time and night-time is just as long! i doubt if it'll make any much difference, but i wonder if it'll show. (yeah, i'll keep my eyes on the sun and see if they're equally long)

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Big Head & ...Big Foot?

so i promised an update to my find. humm..
i found that i can actually get quite depressed when the CD i was looking for was not in tower records.. nor speedy.. nor even music valley! there's Busted CDs in jusco, but no McFly All About You anywhere. pretty depressing indeed.
i suppose i've been putting too much hope for that record to be on sale here when it was only released on march 7th in the UK. baaaahh!

other than that, i also found out that humming to the tune that is practically embedded to my mind while enjoying a 20 ringgit worth of lunch was not really enjoyable. =( i suppose i should look around for the price online now and if it's not perposterously(spelling?) expensive i'd ask nina if she could lend me her card. *sigh* or i'll just wait for some months, hoping that it WILL get here. baaaaaahhh!! this waiting thing.. i'm not good at.
so who would've thought that a single CD could've lead me to depression? i wouldn't.

but at the end of the day, today hasn't been exactly a total waste.
i did get to buy the refill for my black pilot pen. heh! not exactly important, but i only write in my diary/scrapbook thing with black inked pen and if there isn't any around, i prefer not writing at all; which will leave out quite a huge gap of time in it, and i don't like that at all.
i also get to eat a rather.. high carb lunch from probably my 3rd favorite place on earth - Dave's Deli! (first and second place goes to Kinokuniya and MPH; just to show how much geeky i actually am.) i don't go to Kinokuniya much though. why does it have to be inside KLCC? i'm really not a fan of KLCC, in fact if dayat isn't in UIA and Kinokuniya is not there, i wouldn't even bother stepping my feet on those ground. (AHHAHHAHA! that was a bit dramatic, don't you think?) anyways, MPH is the next best thing after Kinokuniya.
humm.. now that i have my thoughts on this, fourth place would probably be Mugglenet! AHHAHAH!!
oh btw, my weight is now 51kilos! woooh~!! maybe by the end of this year i'd manage to hit my ideal BMI! woooh~!

now i wonder if the life of a writer could actually suit me since i wrote this entry on my book while having lunch, and now just transferring them into the blog. *ponder ponder*
no HP update today. been too depressed to get excited over it.
3rd pic of McFly this week!
Obviously by McFly

Recently I've been
Hopelessly reachin
Out for this girl
Who's out of this world
Believe me

She's got a boyfriend
He drives her round the bend
Cause he's 23
He's in the marines
He'd kill me

For so many nights now
I find myself thinkin about her now ohhh

Cause obviously she's out of my league
But how can I win
She keeps draggin me in
And I know I
Never will be good enough for her
No no
I never will be good enough for her

Gotta escape now
Get on a plane now
Off to LA
And that's where i'll stay
For two years

Put her behind me
(Put her behind me)
And go to a place where she can't find me ohhh

Cause obviously she's out of my league
I'm wastin my time
Cause she'll never be mine
And I know I
never will be good enough for her
No no
I never will be good enough for her

She's out of my hands
And I never know where I stand
Cause I'm not good enough for her
Good enough for her x6

Cause obviously she's out of my league
I'm wastin my time
Cause she'll never be mine
And I know I
never will be good enough for her

Cause obviously she's out of my league
But how can I win
She keeps draggin me in
And I know I
never will be good enough for her

an ulser is the worst thing to have after a runny nose. and mine is near the wisdom tooth and it hurts to even smile. grrr.

Big Hair & Beyond

wish i could get my hands on the RND 05 shirt! grr.

i'll be off to tower records in a bit, half hoping that i won't find the thing i intend to find. huu~ (but i do want to find it!!)
conscience sux, don't they?

will update later and tell about my find. =)

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

all about you!

mind, i'm not over the whole Potterverse yet. i'm just expanding my ability to have multiple interests at the same time!
busted! mcfly!
Build Me Up Buttercup by Busted feat. McFly

Why do you build me up (build me up) Buttercup, baby
Just to let me down (let me down)and mess me around
And then worst of all (worst of all) you never call, baby
When you say you will (say you will) but I love you still
I need you (I need you) more than anyone, darlin'
You know that I have from the start
So build me up (build me up) Buttercup, don't break my heart

"I'll be over at ten", you told me time and again
But you're late, I wait around and then
I run to the door, I can't take any more
It's not you, you let me down again

(Hey, hey, hey!) Baby, baby, try to find
(Hey, hey, hey!) A little time, and I'll make you mine
(Hey, hey, hey!) I'll be home
I'll be beside the phone waiting for you

Why do you build me up (build me up) Buttercup, baby
Just to let me down (let me down) and mess me around
And then worst of all (worst of all) you never call, baby
When you say you will (say you will) but I love you still
I need you (I need you) more than anyone, darlin'
You know that I have from the start
So build me up (build me up) Buttercup, don't break my heart

You are my toy but I could be the boy you adore
If you'd just let me know (bah-dah-dah)
Although you're untrue, I'm attracted to you all the more
Why do I need you so?

(Hey, hey, hey!) Baby, baby, try to find
(Hey, hey, hey!) A little time and I'll make you mine
(Hey, hey, hey!) I'll be home
I'll be beside the phone waiting for you

Why do you build me up (build me up) Buttercup, baby
Just to let me down (let me down) and mess me around
And then worst of all (worst of all) you never call, baby
When you say you will (say you will) but I love you still
I need you (I need you) more than anyone, darlin'
You know that I have from the start
So build me up (build me up) Buttercup, don't break my heart

(yeah, i'm pretty much acting like a groupie right now)
grrr rase gatal nak beli the All About You album. sick of the copy of that song i have. seems like noone was sharing the album version! =(

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Bogies Grand Finale.

i just watched it and it's hilarious!!! still catching my breath right now.
i am officially loving Comic Relief UK and Red Nose Day! (March 11th)

the final pro celebrities bogies challenge was between dick (i don't know) and dominic wood (also don't know, but he was funny!) with sarah cox (she looks familiar, but i don't know her as well) and rupert grint!! (aha!)
dick and dom were surely nutters!! ahahhahahah!!!
(and so was i 'coz i was laughing all by myself!) ahahhaha!!

i am SO not going to delete these videos. love~ loooovveee~!

by the way, this is dick and dom. ngeee~
dick and dom!

build me up buttercup!

i'm having this sudden likeness for McFly! heehee~
Image hosted by

just because i saw their video clip during the weekends. and now that when i listen to it, i keep thinking to myself how it suits as a wedding song. AHHAHAHAH!! i thought the song was really sweet and i like the part about the "kitchen tiles". just can't help feeling rather fluttery for this song.. listen to it if you haven't!
i like danny's voice the most! hihi. danny yang comel~ gagaaa~ but this neat song was written by tom, so i gotta love him for that! (it's quite worrying to think that i've been having crushes on younger people these days!)

All About You by McFly

It’s all about you, it’s all about you baby
It’s all about you, it’s all about you

Yesterday you asked me something I thought you knew
So I told you with a smile
It’s all about you

Then you whispered in my ear and you told me to
Said you make my life worth while
It’s all about you

And I would answer all your wishes
If you ask me to
But if you deny me one of your kisses
Don’t know what I’d do

So hold me close and say three words like you used to do
Dancing on the kitchen tiles it’s all about you

And I would answer all your wishes if you asked me to
But if you deny me one of your kisses don’t know what I’d do

So hold me close and say three words like you used to do
Dancing on the kitchen tiles
Yes you make my life worth while
So I told you with a smile

It’s all about you

this song is the official song for Comic Relief 2005!! (yeayy for Comic Relief!!)
Comic Relief U.K is one of Britain's most successful charities. they raise money by using laughter; to fight poverty, injustice and disaster for children in need throughout the world.
(so that probably made sense to the silliness in McFly's video, Rowling's Quidditch Through The Ages and Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them, and yes.. ice cream man and bogies!!)

and i also rather like their version of build me up buttercup with busted! makes me wanna get up from my seat and just jump around like a maniac. hohoho!
okay. err.. nothing else to say.
3000 - achieved!! hoyeahh~!

Monday, March 14, 2005


render me silly.
just got back here to realize that i've practically just created a ritual. okay well, "routine" should've sound better.

1- put away all my things.
2- sit in front of pc.
3- surf mugglenet.
4- open a new window and see blog.
5- log on to blogger as the other window opens to portkey.

i seriously need july to come quickly..

Friday, March 11, 2005

humm.. *rubs chin out of habit*

read this one neat fic which introduced me to this highly DEPRESSING song - which i come to love! ahhahaha! i don't usually love tunes like this, (the song is super slow!) but obviously this song is an exception.

Cheers Darlin' by Damien Rice

Cheers darlin'
Here's to you and your lover boy
Cheers darlin'
I got years to wait around for you
Cheers darlin'
I've got your wedding bells in my ear
Cheers darlin'
You give me three cigarettes
To smoke my tears away

And I die when you mention his name
And I lied, I should have kissed you
When we were running in the rains

What am I, darlin'?
A whisper in your ear?
A piece of your cake?
What am I, darlin?
The boy you can fear?
Or your biggest mistake?

Cheers darlin'
Here's to you and your lover man
Cheers darlin'
I just hang around and eat from a can
Cheers darlin'
I got a ribbon of green on my guitar
Cheers darlin'
I got a beauty queen
To sit not very far from here

I die when he comes around
To take you home
I'm too shy, I should have kissed you
When we were alone

What am I, darlin'?
A whisper in your ear?
A piece of your cake?
What am I, darlin?
The boy you can fear?
Or your biggest mistake?

What am I?
What am I, darlin'?
I got years to wait around for you

can't stop listening to this song over and over again since i got it.
so, have a fabulous weekend people! i gotta go and pack my things now, wish i could control time!! (wouldn't that be wonderful?) heh!

achieving 3000

*sigh* i hate posting a day late. guess i was just too preoccupied to type sooner. =( but i believe it's still 10th march in england, so..

happy birthday professor lupin!!
*sigh* i do realize that he is no longer a professor and that he's the second inexistent person that i wished upon this month!
but that's not a reason not to celebrate all the same, is it? heehee~
(blame rowling for everything! blame it all on her!!!!)

today yesterday i had lunch with mama and nina in KL. i suppose that is quite far to get lunch but hey! it's either KL or nowhere at all.. (i find myself not to bother going out at all if it's only 10 minutes away, somehow) (and yes, my classes are 10 minutes away if i walk. hahhaha!!)
i sat with nina after lunch, and that was really... bad? really?
well, it's bad because we were seperated by an internet-connected pc and well, as if on auto-pilot, i hogged her pc and start "introducing" her to mugglenet and! wahhahhaha!! and nina was a great sport 'coz she laughed at all the right places when i told her about the ice-cream man and bogies! heehee!
anyways, i only got back here at half past 8, with half a dozen muffins! (weeeee!!) mama's AWESOME!

ohh, before we left pwtc, i saw a group of people who seemed rather familiar. hihi! surprisingly, i was only half interested when i saw ruffedge and- zahid!! *mad laugh* i was laughing because i used to think that i'd be jumping about if i get to see him in person but the truth is, when i saw him, i could only hear myself reciting the old entries i've blogged about him! (and think; "ohh~ how lame!") yes, LAME! and fariz was right!!! zahid was rather.. well, no other way to say it.. but, short! ahhahahhah!!! *mad laugh again* this is embarassing. i mean, if you're crushing on someone, that person should probably be 'perfect' yeah? well, he's obviously NOT and now i'm left feeling utterly EMBARASSED by my old old posts. honestly! mimpi kejar kejar hamster.. LAMELAMELAME!!!! (yes, i do feel the heat radiating from my face) SO LAME!!!

just now i came by an interesting line in the many fics i've been following on portkey! (DON'T CLICK if you're not a H/Hr, Ron/Luna, Draco/Ginny, James/Lily shipper) it goes on about this girl who just broke up with her boy, and though they both know it was coming, she couldn't help herself from missing him. she made it clear that she doesn't want him back, but missing him was inevitable all the same. and to console her, her friend said, "good guys will do that to you"
hehhe. hear hear! that is.. wickedly true. =)

okay! i really need to get some rest now or i won't be able to get up for class tomorrow! well, today!! but before that!
quoting from arthur levine; an editor at scholastic, "HBP will be an intense book, but with light-hearted moments."
yeah. *scream here as much as you please*

Wednesday, March 09, 2005


that ice-cream man was definitely humorous.
good things come in three. =)
so many things can go right when it's meant to go wrong..

i.. i'll be running along to my room now so i'll shut up before i even start!

humm, i might just be talking in codes.

tears in my eyes.

(not necessarily a bad thing.)

kids version adult version
news: mugglenet > leaky-cauldron > bloomsbury
*screaaammm!!* obviously harry will be doing some sort of spell alongside dumbledore, yeah? and i wonder what that old book is all about. (it reads advanced potion making by the way) always liked the cover for the adult version, but i'll be buying the kid's again this time since i started collecting with it. wouldn't look nice if suddenly the pattern changes when i stack them together later! heeeee~
ohh, and scholastic has released their version for cover as well!
scholastic's cover version
aaaaaaaa!!! i think i have a slight idea about advanced potion making!!!!! *scream* *tears in eyes again* harry's **O.W.Ls!!! he's going to pass his potions!! must be!! so, assuming he'll live through book 7, he could become an **auror now, couldn't he?? waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!! brilliant!!! i love rowling!!!!
(will write more later!) 2:20am

okay. i realize that saying anything that could happen after book 7 is much too soon. i guess i was just too excited about the covers! i mean, the adult version always portrays what's really in the storyline! advanced potion making.. harry must've got at least an **E for his O.W.L then since snape wouldn't let anyone getting anything less to take the subject for **N.E.W.T! ooh~ can't wait to read how snape would react on that! ahhahaha!! JULY!!! CAN'T WAIT!!!! 1:07pm

** HP For Dummies
O.W.Ls - Ordinary Wizarding Level; a major exam taken by the 5th year students in Hogwarts School. consists of writing and practical tests for subjects such as Transfiguration, Potions, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Charms etc.
N.E.W.T - Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test; a major exam taken by the 7th year students in Hogwarts School. (7th year is the final year and their N.E.W.T results will determine which career path they could take)
auror - possibly the most dangerous job offered by the ministry of magic. they're like **muggle police but since they deal with magic (or dark magic!), and bad wizards tends to be more dangerous than muggle bad people, their job are obviously more dangerous! becoming an auror requires 3 years of training and then a test should be taken.
muggle - non magical people.
grading system in Hogwarts School - O; Outstanding, E; Exceeds Expectation, A; Acceptable, P; Poor, D; Dreadful.

the Harry Potter books really are fun to read!!! go on and start reading so next time you read my blog, you wouldn't think that i'm plain crazy! heeee~

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

shopping therapy.

i haven't yet found a female that hates shopping. honestly, the more they shop, the happier they get!

been spending the rest of today with cik ila around KL and now my feet are threatening to fall off if i decide to go on for a walk anytime soon. =(
so we went to the central market, sungai wang, bentley music, lot10 and also times square - practically going on every public transport offered in KL. (bus, star lrt, putra and monorail)

mind, i wasn't the one who requires to shop for therapy. plus, i am still poor. (unlike some people!!) by the way, THANKS FOR LUNCH, CIK ILAA!!! tagging along to cik ila shop was really interesting. she's really.. easy! i mean, she sees what she likes, and she grabs it straight. (i'd usually walk around and ponder if i should buy the things i like) but of course, that concludes to her buying soo many clothes, (in my opinion, at least) that if she decides to wear them all at the same day, she could change her clothes every 4 hours! HAHHAHA!! but most of them were black in color (except one, which i totally approve!) so she can still head on to being as "metal" as she wants. (despite the fact that she shops crazy like a GIRL! wahhahha!!) and she also got herself a new black jeans for a more metal effect! AHHAHAHHA!! good thing i have no money to spare really. cik ila is really a bad influence for shopping. she's a true.. what'chacallit? impulsive buyer? compulsive buyer?? (sorry, i'm trying to add on some vocab(-ulary) around here but i might just have failed miserably)
my leg hurts but the day was amusing all the same. =)

later the day we went to get some ice-blended coffee at STARBUCKS!! *cheer!* my first visit to starbucks this year. and the guy was SO NICE!! he transferred my collective stamps from last year to this year's card!! and i thought those 5 stamps were just going to waste. hihi.
and today i got myself remembering about what i thought on sunday, about gary oldman. huhuuu. (potter-manic starts here!)
i suppose he's good at being dead, isn't he? i mean, harrison ford killed him in air force one, and since he's acting sirius black in the third HP movie, suppose he'll get killed in the fifth movie! poor gary. and daniel too, 'coz he adores that man...
ahahhaha!! let me rant about HP and i'll never stop.

going to get myself some rest now (if the coffees would let me).
to nur bahijah a. wahid, EPPY 21st!!! =)


What sort of a person that goes on writing about what he or she is going to blog next?
- obviously, my sort.
i swear if you ever get the chance to go through my notebooks, you'd find one or two (probably several!) little notes on things that you can also find from this blog. honestly, writing is a curse - in some ways.

currently loving my new room! (no offence to my old room) but i thought being in a room with another 'quiet' person is just dandy! and i can't stop smiling all through last night everytime i get a wift from the fan.
though i can't say the same for my bed and speaking english with my new roomie. i think my new bed needs getting a hang of, and english.. well.. i am a considerably better writer than conversationalist. you should've listen to me when i talk about the room key with her - HORRIBLE!

anyways, weekend was.. nice. somehow me and dida couldn't stop talking and i thought it was funny. but yesterday when we were on our way here, everytime she starts talking about her office, i'd pass her some fries so she'll shut up. hahha! not intentionally, though. it was some sort of a motor reaction, she starts talking, i pass her some fries. it was weird all the same.

ohh, and yesterday was the end of me and papa's feud. hahhah!! i KNEW he couldn't take the fact that i don't need him for everything. (yeah, i'm not exactly sorry to say that. it kills me to say sorry, and with what had happened, i'm not at all sorry) the feud kinda stop very slowly. very. 'coz it kind of started to mellow on friday. i was chattering madly with dida while we were in the car, and i suppose he listened closely 'coz when i asked her about HMS, he was the one who answered. kohkohkoh!! on saturday and sunday we were back on non-speaking term again, but by monday he couldn't stop being nice to me. so when i was leaving i thought, 'humm, i guess i should say goodbye to him now' and i did, and he pulled me into a hug. kekkeke! i can't stop feeling bad when i remember the look on his face. (i told mama and dida about this and dida kept saying "ooh~ papa's favorite girl!!" yeech!)

i doubt i'm papa's favorite girl though. if you ask him, he'd approve the fact that i create the most trouble among my siblings. honestly, if i were papa, i'd favor the most helpful one of us three and i'm practically useless at home. (anywhere, really!)
baaah~ papa never really learn so i expect this sort of thing will happen again. i suppose he has that bit of ego since he's the man of the house, but i guess he keeps forgetting that i can play along to his games. (dida did say that i'm somewhat alike papa. padan muka!)

ps: i do realize that i posted somewhile ago that it depresses me to be a horrible daughter to my parents, but i believe in fair-game so admitting that i was wrong when i wasn't is really not an option in my book. (yeah, i am very much stubborn, hot headed and short tempered. mind.)
i am sorry that i can't stop talking about it in here though. fighting usually makes me.. rather bitter. *sigh* this whole psychology thing tires me out.

and now, i'm about to off and make myself even more of a horrible person that i already am. cheerio~

Friday, March 04, 2005

hey... love!

get well soon! =)

you remember when i said i'll slow down on the enthusiasm for H/Hr??
well, that's a major failure!!
i.. i hope.. right now i can just hope that rowling will do a bloody good job when she pairs up her characters or i'd surely be pissed!! (if it ends up R/Hr and H/G or whatsoevercausei'malreadygoingnutters!)

blaaaaahhh! i want to stop rambling!!!!!
have a good weekend people!!
now if you please, i'd like to get some law stuff in my head for the midterm i'll be having in less than 30 minutes.

i'm immobile..

i definitely need july to come over quickly.
this passion for potter is getting rather out of hand. i've been spending my entire time here reading upon those little updates and those fanfics. it's horrible!
i wish i could get a sabbatical and lay around like a real bumm and do nothing so i wouldn't have this slight guilt for making a measly promise at the start of term. i know i've then said that i shouldn't make any promise to myself, but when i promised to get my grades up, it's really horrible to let myself down on that, isn't it?

i mean, it's OBVIOUSLY for my own good!
gaaaahhh!!! i wish i hadn't picked creative multimedia on the first place!! don't know what i was thinking. o yeah, i thought that i was destined to be here since i was in form four. don't know where i got that idea. horrible, really!
well, i know somewhere inside me believes that i do have a knack for design.. but right now there's something else thumping inside my brain, wanting out!
i honestly hate when times like this surfaces.

so here's a thought. do i look like capable of writing a good, brilliant story? hahhaha! somehow i'm afraid to know the answer.
i was thinking about doing something else after getting my degree, but being the sagittarius that i am, i'm rather certain that adding another year for studying already seem quite unappealing. plus, planning isn't exactly my strong point.

humm.. what i need really is one super rich funny husband who adores me undividingly and only wants to keep me in the house for himself and takes me out travelling around the globe once every few months! hahhahah!! now that's the one thing i'm sure i wouldn't have doubts after, rather than thinking if i've made the right choices that got me here, now.
1. money
2. a humourous guy who's idiotic enough to see me through
3. that same guy who doesn't mind me being stupid 'coz i'm SO lazy to go to class
4. not being stuck in one place all the time. (i know i'd LOVE europe!!!)

*sigh* i wish i'd GROW UP and stop wishing!!!!
off to sleep now!

Thursday, March 03, 2005

hey daniel!

i'd say you have a rather interesting taste in music, haven't you? it's a bit.. too british yeah? of course, i do notice that you are british yourself! hahha! when i said it's too british, i haven't decided yet if it's good or bad.
i still think it's interesting, so that is most probably isn't bad. i've taken a liking to this song too!

Week In Week Out by The Ordinary Boys

Is there something more?
Surely there must be.
You can't lose everything,
So you're quite happy,
To live with nothing more,
Than a life-long shopping list,
You tick it off on credit
Well you'll pay for it.

Week in and week out,
Your lucky charms
will always let you down,
Maybe next week
we'll see, maybe,
You stand in line completely still,
Feel truly unfulfilled,
Week in week out.

Where are you going to turn,
When all ambition fails?
Why try anymore,
If human nature's stale?
Invite the hand of God,
To touch the lucky few,
But there's no such thing as God,
Nor easy money too.

Week in and week out,
Your lucky charms
will always let you down,
Maybe next week
we'll see, maybe,
You stand in line completely still,
Feel truly unfulfilled,
Week in week out.

and for some reasons, i need to get to sleep more than ever right now.
HMS Pumpkin Pie sails on! hahhaha!

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

bad move, wanie.

next time you see me on the verge of wolfing down 4 slices of pizza when i've already ate a piece of lasagna and 3 slices of pizza earlier, STOP ME! don't make me say about not wanting it to get ruined the next day, just STOP ME! hit me if you have to. 'coz my night's sleep was really restless since i had a bad case of tummy ache as i slept. hahhaha!!
i knowww.. it's really stupid to eat as much as i did and expect that i'll be totally fine with it, physically. mentally, i did myself proud! hahahha!! seriously bad move there.

today has been immensely slow. i should catch up on some sleep but i'm stupidly still googling on any harry potter related things. hohhohok! can't help it since they keep posting some new photos on the upcoming movie. the latest were the pictures of the stadium for quidditch world cup! =) and yesterday there were pictures of the norwedgian norwegian ridgeback. err.. was it the ridgeback? ohh! sorry. pictures of the hungarian horntail! hehe. =) the ridgeback was baby norbert from philosopher's stone. =P (sorry if you couldn't care less about HP 'coz i care loads and LOADS. o wait, i'm not really sorry. hahha! i did warn you about pausing the visit to this blog!)

hummph. and now i'm bored. and should get my shower. and should go to the atm later for money to pay for rent. bluerghh.
wish an owl would swoop down with some funny news. (of course, if a real owl would swoop down into the room i'd really think it'd be funny)

spell of the day: obliviate!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

*cheer cheer*

happy birthday ron weasley!!
hihi. of course, he's not really an actual person, is he?

i can't quite let it rest - shipping, the thing about ron and hermione, they are undoubtedly a "something should happen". and they do have that classic "love/hate relationship" going on. honestly, the last time i fought so much with a single person, i ended up having a secret crush on him! (but that's a different story, and it was such a long time ago!) but really.. i can't see ron and hermione ever stop shouting at each other! it's not a way to communicate, and they hardly ever speak in a normal tone without harry being furious at them, or too worried about harry to start bickering. but of course, the books just revolved around harry. i wonder though if they're any different when harry's not with them. humm..

i think i've read enough fanfiction to get me to slow down the enthusiasm about H/Hr. so i'm coming to accept if it'll be R/Hr later in the two books, though i still can't imagine how they'd end up together. i tried reading the R/Hr fanfictions, but it felt too weird to continue reading after the moment it describes how 'suddenly ron realize how lucky he was to have met hermione..' hyuck! it's so not ron! it's LAME! LAMELAMELAME!! hate it when they made ron that way! if rowling really decide to get ron and hermione together, i hope she has a really good way of getting them there. i like ron just the way he is, and he wouldn't be ron if he stopped arguing with hermione.
bluerghh. i feel my life being sucked away by the books now.

anyways! today i got to see dearest oneechan. and i finally saw constantine! would've went to see it earlier by myself if i could ensure myself to be quite brave in the cinema alone for a film like that. hohho! i thought it was an interesting watch! got to see shia!! hahahhaha!! though it's a bit weird seeing him driving a cab, knowing how young he really is. and i couldn't help feeling upset to see his character end the way it did. hee~
today is a good day to get fat, really. me and hanis ate lasagna at 1pm, and later when her boyfriend came to join us around 5 we ate pizza! hahahha!! *mad laugh* and then i got to brought back the doggie bag! hahhahaha!! domo arigatou ne oneechan!!! wish the other girls were around too. musz haven't even met zul yet!
ne oneechan, zul is really not a bugger. just liked calling him that. do you really think i'd mind having him around? it just bugs me when you two decided to get cranky with each other and i'm stuck somewhere in the middle with nothing nice to say. =P

ohh, while the three of us wandered around, hanis decided to get her watches repaired and i suddenly found myself in front of a display.. one of the displayed item was the same model of the watch i got for my birthday from err.. someone. and i found out the price, of course!! and it brought me a new wave of rage somehow. rase nak sepuk budak yang pandai sangat spent so much on me. honestly! i would've prefered if he bought me a book. well, i'm really a geek so i really wouldn't mind a book. rm30 punye buku pun cukup la! and i have a long list of books i want to read too! i'd be grateful for a book!! instead he gave me one expensive watch!! GRRRRRR!!!!
not that i don't appreciate it. i'm really REALLY thankful that someone would actually spend so much for me, while i actually forgot his birthday, but DO YOU EVEN REALIZE HOW MANY INEXPENSIVE THINGS YOU COULD BUY?? grrrr. hah~ geram, grateful, sad and confused in the same time.. you couldn't possibly know..
just as much as i don't know what you see in me...

okay. so after me and hanis waited around for zul to buy his very own digital camera (so jealous!!!), we parted ways, and that was almost 8pm. and right now i'm dead tired and wish nothing more than to plop down on my bed and sleep.
of course, i would do that if i didn't have three pieces of pizza waiting on me. hahhahaha!! *mad laugh*

loads of love, weazel weasel boy!! always. =)

Monday, February 28, 2005

..feeling rather upset.

just another day when emotions struck silly.

for a moment today, i felt like i was a written character in a book. for some reasons saying goodbye to dida today was hard. *sigh*
probably 'coz weekend was enjoyable. (despite i'm still not talking to papa!) i actually get to talk to mama without having any rage surfacing (an achievement, really) and nina and the girls stayed for the weekend! really exhausting, to have to run around after izzati, but it was fun having them. (farhana included o'course!)

and hanis is already in shah alam!! i even messaged zul to ask about her. hihi! i should be seeing her tomorrow, and i can barely wait!!!

not much in a mood to say anything else. =(
i'm sensing that the rest of the day will be just as depressing.

Friday, February 25, 2005

hey, love!

you do know that i saw you looking at me, don't you?
well, stop it bugger!

d'you know that i practically have a nick for all those people around me when i'm writing the blog? heehee. well, there's the dude, the stranger, the "very dear friend", then there's the buddy, and i thought it wouldn't be wrong to say that there's a love. (though it's a rather weird sort of love, like a love-lost-anddon'twantyouback sort and not the like,like-love, so it doesn't matter much!)
plus, those brits uses "love" for their friends. so this is nowhere near "wrong".

class this morn was pleasant! despite there were just some groupwork presentations, azrin's was entertaining, and i can't stop laughing when i saw him afterwards. well, i didn't stop laughing when fendi told me about harris' new alisee(sp?) hairdo either. to be truth, i can't quite stop laughing! just been hit by the happy mood, i suppose!

even too happy to actually do a bit charm-tease-flirt routine. funny, considering i've been deboysing lately. hahha! i guess old habits just die hard! AHHAHA! *mad laugh* well, that was really an accident.

okay! loving this song though it sounds a bit depressing.
Tak Bisa Memiliki by Dygta

Memang....waktuku tersisa
Untuk selalu di sisi, menjaga hatimu
Aku..kan slalu mencoba,
Berikan yang terbaik
Untuk kau miliki
Tapi maafkan aku
Waktuku hanya sesaat..

Aku tak bisa memiliki
Indahnya cintamu
Walau sesungguhnya hatiku
mencintaimu, memilikimu
Aku tak ingin kau terluka
Mencintai aku...
Hapuslah air matamu
Lupakan aku...

Sungguh di batas hasratku
Hanya ingin kau bahagia, jalani hidupmu
Aku..kan slalu mencoba,
Berikan yang terbaik
Untuk kau miliki
Tapi maafkan aku
Waktuku hanya sesaat..

live, love life!!!!! *cheer cheer!*
(humm.. i might be a bit too cheery, aren't i? o well!) =P


okay, so i was bored.

added those little pics that's suppose to say i belong in some fanlisting, but really i'm not. i pretty much just 'stole' those pics! hahahha! well, i'm a fan of course, but i'm certainly not on a list.
just don't feel like getting myself bothered with making my own pics. =)

have a great weekend, world!

Thursday, February 24, 2005

turning into an unintentional sleuth, i am.

learn about the harry potter fandom here.

re-reading (for countless of times), looking for clues, read other people's theories and editorials, search for rumors (in case there's any truth behind it), and for more fun.. read some fanfiction! (though i think it's outrageous how some of them turned out to be unneccesarily(sp?) err.. 'sexual')
i mean, as much as i love the pairing of H/Hr, i think anything more than snogging is really unneccesary. bluergh. what a way to ruin the innocent friendship of the 'dreamteam' (that's the three, of course)

anyways, i'm foretelling that i'll be yapping about this for at least a couple more weeks before i get bored of re-telling the things i've found out once i've read every interviews and fictions i can get my hands on. AHAHHAHA!! *mad laugh*

(if you haven't read HP5 and wish to do so anytime soon, i advice you to stop visiting this blog in 2 weeks time, at least! if you don't intend to read it.. well, you don't know what you're missingggg~!)

wanie: nina! i just remembered! dumbledore said that the prophecy could only be handled by whom it referred to! and neville did!! does it have any significance? hoho!
nina: hihi.. you're really obsessed. anyways, isn't it because he has the same birthday as harry? i don't remember but i think he must have an important role, right?

well, neville was born a day before harry did actually. and the prophecy could actually mean either harry or neville, due to their similar descriptions. but voldermort has taken care of that, hasn't he? by 'tagging' harry and all. and the prophecy in that department of mystery has already been recorded as to "dark lord and (?)harry potter", so it doesn't make sense to my head that neville could hold it either! i mean, he should have lost his mind at that moment, shouldn't he? there was that little question mark to the prophecy, but voldermort has already marked harry as his equal!! this doesn't make any sense! unless..
unless neville's going to have to face voldermort too in the next installments. but honestly, neville?? unless fawkes gave another feather for a wand then, it could probably make a bit sense, but ollivander has told harry that it only gave two feathers in the first book!!!

bluerghhh. being a sleuth sux! guess i'll just have to give this a rest until the next book or resolute that rowling made a mistake. after all, she did make some mistakes all through her books that contradicts the other books! *sigh* that could just be it..
being a sleuth sux! bluerghhh.
(it doesn't hurt to go to to find out what sleuth means!)

by the way, if it crossed your mind that i only talk to nina about HP, it's because she's the only one in the family who also reads the book! (god bless her!) papa is uninterested (no matter how me and nina promotes it), mama doesn't care and dida doesn't know what a book is! =)
and i took 45 minutes to type this entry! pathetic.

maybe it's the quiet morning.

had a hearty sleep last night after going to bed early due to tiredom from self. (you know the reason why)
and this morning i continued on with my reading of useless matters and one really stung my heart. hahha! it's amazing what 'writers' can do to you. even these amateurs could produce something that really caught you. o well, me being an emotional git could've helped a bit.

i have to say, this week has been quite an emotional week! twice have i shed and they're both from really silly reasons.

anyways, have you ever felt like some days, things just seem to dawn on you? something like, all the questions you've had seemed to be answered. for a moment of your life, you feel like turning all philosophical and smart.
i'm having that now, though i'm not really sure it's making me any happier.

somewhere out there is something real i should be doing, and i swear i'm going to find it! not a moment in my life have i forgotten. one day. =)

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

busy busy bee!

(as if!)
it was a rather busy morning, though..
but then i skipped the only two classes i have today and practically did nothing else after i got my report done. horrible really. since i've already skipped yesterday's class. so here's a self reminder, stop procrastinating, git!!
hope i'll remember that one the next time i get an assignment.

today i did the worst thing a git like me could do. so last night i kept babbling about HP right, and what did i do today?
read fanfictions!!!
hahhahah!! honestly. i can't wait 'til the time i get bored of talking about HP over here, again and again. heee~

and i saw ella enchanted which was enjoyable!! anne hathaway is simply gorgeous, and the prince guy is highly likeable! hohohoho! and now i'm humming to the song at the end of the film. (a rather cheery song than the ones i've been posting lately, isn't it?) lagu comel!

Don't Go Breaking My Heart by Anne Hathaway & Jesse Mcartney

Don't go breakin' my heart
I couldn't if I tried
Oh honey if I get restless
Baby you're not that kind

Oooh, nobody knows it
And nobody knows it
Right from the start
I gave you my heart
Oh baby, you know
I gave you my heart

so don't go breakin' my heart
wont go breakin' your heart
Oooh don't go breakin' my
Don't go breakin' my heart

And nobody told us
'Coz nobody showed us
Ya know baby its up to us now
Oooo I think we can make it

Oooo, and nobody knows it
(Nobody knows it)
Right from the start
I gave you my heart
Oh baby, you know
I gave you my heart
Don't go breakin' my heart
I wont go breakin' your heart
Don't go breakin' my
Don't go breakin' my
Don't go breakin' my heart

You put the sparks of flame
I got your heart at my side
Ooooo, and nobody knows it
(And nobody knows it)
And when I was down
I was your clown
right from the start
I gave you my heart
Oooo, baby
I gave you my heart
(Don't, don't, don't, don't go breakin')
I won't go breakin'

Don't go breakin' my heart
I will never
I wont go breakin' your heart
Oooo don't go breakin' my
Don't go breakin' my
Don't go breakin' my heart
Don't go breakin' my heart
I won't go breakin' your heart
Ooo don't go breakin' my
Don't go breakin' my
Don't go breakin' my heart

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

dear world,

please stop bursting my happy bubbles.

i tried not to care but once i've even bothered to know about such things, i just couldn't stop! and now i am more ever hoping that it will slide to my preference. i'm crazy about it!! but it's not really in my hands, is it? other people's relationship isn't really my business, is it? especially when they're made-up characters by rowling! AHHAHAHAHHA!! *mad laugh*

wanie: nina, do you think hermione is best with ron? i mean, if you do.. then who'll be with harry? rowling already said he's going to have a love interest. if it's ginny, they didn't really connect, did they? ron obviously has feelings for hermione, and harry isn't being friendly with anybody else!
nina: hermione seems a bit too strong while ron is being whimpy, and she cares for harry more like a bro. maybe there'll be a new character? just wait and see. ron has feelings for hermione 'cause he doesn't really know any other girls! hahha!

those were actually a summary of the smses i sent nina during a rather 'hard' hour, just a bit ago. hohho! i know i knoowww.. this is totally irrelevant to the "case studies for postal-ruled internet-related contracts"! but it's just hard to get your work done when your thoughts keep reverting to 'shippings'! it's making me nutsss!!! and i know it could probably irritate nina a bit, reading from her original use of words.. huhuu.

so here's a confession. i'm really fussing about the H/Hr shipping. (that's the relationship-ing of Harry and Hermione!) i mean, i've been reading some 'editorials' and stuff from those who thinks as i do, but when i read the ones from R/Hr shippers (Ron/Hermione, people!) a little bubble inside just gets pricked with a pin. i hate that, really.
okay, if you've read the book, ron pretty obviously likes hermione, and i have to say it's kinda cute in some way even with them both bellowing at each other every so often, but somehow i'd really like it if hermione ends up with harry anyways! there's something about 'fiesty' people that just attracts, but harry's dark hair could probably be why i prefers him! hohhohok! maybe luna can get with ron. she did find him funny! and neville seemed to fancy ginny, so that settles it! AHHAHAHHA!! *mad laugh*

and rowling's quotes keeps me bothered!
In Book IV Harry does decide he likes a girl, but it's not Hermione or Ginny. However, he's only 14, so there's plenty of time for him to change his mind. but of course, Harry's been smitten by Cho since book III. Harry and Hermione…d’you really think they’re suited? grr. or when asked; "Will Harry ever notice the long-suffering Ginny Weasley?" - You'll see... poor Ginny, eh? and "Was something going on between Ron and Hermione?" - Yes, something's "going on," but Ron doesn't realize it yet.

bluerrghh. i hate waiting.
gonna look for more 'editorials' now, just so i have more bubbles if they were to be burst later.
o yahh, i do love that avatar i found on some discussion board though. hihi! emma and rupert's looking funny. (the fact emma comel pon membantu lah kan!) =P

one of these days..

one of these days, i ought to get:
1. anorexia
2. heat-stroke
3. asthma

honestly, if you find any other person who can get bored with food as i do, ask them to contact me. we might just create a club of some kind.
and the weather these days are really HOT, doesn't it? (might be a grammar mistake here) i mean.. i can only half blame myself for seeking comfort under the fan when i ought to do some useful research or anything relevant to my assignments.
oh by the way, a big THANK YOUUUU to abang adi for helping me on my maya assignment. i could only sent it after his help. domo arigatou~! but due to my sloth cpu, i could only get out from the house a quarter before 5, which of course, leads me to run towards my tutor's room! hohoho. mau mati akhirnye.. arriving at her front door just 3 minutes before 5. hahhaha! (i couldn't run all the way, my lungs felt like jumping out from the rib cage, so i had to walk as fast as i could - that is until my leg felt like it's been stretched to a point where it almost rip.) yes, yes.. haven't done much of exercise and that's why i'm having so much health related troubles lately..

okay. really really tired now.
off to the sofa i go, to read my HP#5 for the... humm.. 3rd time (from start to end) since i got it. =)

Monday, February 21, 2005


rather fascinated by those british slang these days. =) i think they all sound good and gives a rather pleasant feeling in the mouth when said. hihi. i know that's weird, but i like anyways! =P

i had a quite depressing weekend, to be truth.
but since i've had too many depressing situations to practice on, last weekend was not enough to get me anywhere near suicidal. other than being cursed at, my father told me not to talk to him for the 3rd time in my life, probably. (which is really not a problem since the last two times he said that, i wasn't really the one who talked first with him.) but nevertheless, it got me evenmore angry. honestly, he never never learn that being 'smart' with his egoistic last child wouldn't bring him any good.
hehe. pardon me for bad mouthing my father over here. i'm just bitter from his outrageousness. if i told here what he really did, i'm sure you'd think just as same. but right now, better it be with you thinking that "maybe wanie was on the wrong side".

and right now, on a quiet monday i'm already here in cyberia 'coz i should be doing my maya assignment. but honestly, all i've been doing is type this entry out and look on to mugglenet! hahha!
maybe the lightheadedness isn't doing any help either. a now-stranger/distant friend just messaged me after.. 2 months. another month wouldn't really matter to me, but i should say that this pretty much amuses me.

okay. better get something done before it's too late!
i really shouldn't waste too much time fooling around. =)

Friday, February 18, 2005

hey mystery man!

i love yesternight!
what's not to love? it was raining and i was even able to sleep over the chattering people! though it was hard to wake up in the morning for class. heh!

i had a rather weird dream last night. well, i don't know what's it called but 'dream' would probably it.
i was feeling all groggy while on the sofa and i must have dozed off for a second when there was an image of some guy, a real stranger! hihi. i haven't had a stranger in my dream for a while now so it's pretty surprising. it was just a flash of him, and then i opened my eyes. sebab terkejut kot! hohhohok!
anyways, if ever i find that guy in real life.. that'd be freaaky!

let see.. i have nothing much to say really. so, have a nice day people!
and a great weekend too! =)

(aren't i just pleasant when i'm not in a bad mood? hihi)

ps: my ringtone serves it purposes and made some people laughed today!
and i also take back about wanting him to die.. (only understandable if applicable) (ohh! and please. the 'him' i'm talking about is not the him i used to talk about some while ago. this is definitely a different 'him'. just so you know that any guessing wouldn't help if you weren't around when i first said about wanting 'him' die. i shiver to think that some of you would've guessed him.)

Thursday, February 17, 2005

promise to self:

never make another promise to self again.

dis·trac·tion (dis-'trak-sh&n)
1. A condition or state of mind in which the attention is diverted from an original focus or interest.
2. Separation of bony fragments or joint surfaces of a limb by extension

spent four hours being weakly distracted by every little things. supposed to get my report done around noon but i kept surfing on other things but the matter related to the report. finally emailed it to a friend at 2:30 and now waiting for him to get back to me on it and say how irritated he was by my poor writing skills and sense of judgement.

ob·sess (ob-ses)
To preoccupy the mind of excessively

say thanks to the person who started using that word to describe me. and the other who spreads it. heh! (this line is intended for sarcasm)
funny, what choice of words people actually used to describe you. (in my case, it was a "very dear friend". heh!) but thanks to them, now this word is pretty much nailed to my brain and i can assure you that you'll be seeing more of this word being used around this blog.

pas·sion·ate (pa-sh-n&t)
1. Capable of, having, or dominated by powerful emotions
2. Wrathful by temperament; choleric.
3. Marked by strong sexual desire; amorous or lustful.
4. Showing or expressing strong emotion; ardent
5. Arising from or marked by passion

i suppose this word describes me better. at least it doesn't make me strongly related to 'crazy'.
and currently i have the passion for potter. (err.. this context is best understood if you refer to the first or fourth meaning to the word instead of the third. yikes!) you just got to love rowling's site and mugglenet! (if you're a potter fan, o'course!)

i promised myself yesterday that i will spend the whole today finishing my assignments, but all i want to do right now is read my HP#4 book on the sofa right under the fan.
and i'll do that too! ..just hope that my conscience will kick in around 8pm at least. it'd be useless if i end up sleeping without getting anything done by tomorrow.

anyways! been looping this song whole morning 'coz i just got it in mp3 yesterday. really love misha's songs. they're really.. sad and her voice just goes well with sad songs. hihi. i'm not too sure if that sounds like a compliment, but i do love her songs!

Dedebu Cinta by Misha Omar

Di wajah curiga dan nada resah
Di rasa berbeza terima segala
Tika terlafaz kata saat kita bersua
dalam berbicara

Mendung berlabuh dan terbuku di hati sayu
Bertabur dan berlalu
O debu debunya pilu pergilah bersama rinduku
Tinggal lah cintaku yang luka semula

Tiada ku duga akhirnya cinta
Di dalam senyuman dikau hancurkan
Impian yang tertera nyata satu persenda
merantai dijiwa

Mendung berlabuh dan terbuku di hati sayu
Bertabur dan berlalu
O debu debunya pilu pergilah bersama rinduku
Tinggal lah cintaku yang luka semula

Kini kau tinggalkan diriku ini
Terbanglah, pergilah debu debunya cinta

Di hati sayu
Bertabur dan berlalu
O debu debunya pilu pergilah bersama rinduku
Tinggal lah cintaku yang luka

have a gud day, people!
oh, and a happy birthday for emerson, the founder of mugglenet! =)
**meanings for words "featured" were referred(sp?) at**


if you know me well enough, you'd know how i hate asking for help, but this time will be an exception.
bloomsbury post this photo on their site on v-day, and i do believe this is a hinting that there'll be a love interest for harry in the next book, harry potter and the half blood prince!! rowling did say, and i quote, "what's life without a little bit of romance?" when asked if harry's going to get a new love interest by the end of the 7 books.

so what do you think? what can you make out from the shadow??
i know i'm getting obsessed with this 'coz i've been staring at the screen for a long period of time!

urghhh!! i'm biting my nails from all this tension and anticipation! it's really happening again, just as it was 2 years ago.
penantian adalah satu kecelakaan!
hahha! i know it shouldn't be replaced to a curse word, but i'm pissed! i hate waitiinggggg!!!!! tak guneeeeee!!!!


Wednesday, February 16, 2005


it's a funny day to actually blog about feelings but i'm doing it anyways.

so during the break, i watched my nihon-go talking cardcaptor sakura CDs (without the translation, mind you.. i couldn't really get what they're saying if i hadn't got a printed out book of the transcripts. heh!) and it reminds me how much i like.. no. like liiike syaoran!
and then it sort of hit me.. how similar shaoran and kyou actually are! hihi. and that kinda said to me that those similarities could probably be the thing i'm looking for (if i am looking) in a guy. hihi! suki!!

but if i were to choose between the two, i would pick Shaoran lah 'cause i like him first and he's just as awesome and he wouldn't turn into a juunishi if i hug him! hihi! though it doesn't mean that i like kyou any less. ngeeee~
(nina's voice inside head: "benda camni takleh tamak")

and did you know that there were four people who worked for the voices on both cardcaptor and fruits basket? hihi. the person who did the voice for yuki-kun (Hisakawa Aya) was also the voice for kero-chan! kikiki. macam sesuai bila fikir kero dengan tikus. but what started me to search for the people behind the voices was when i realize how similar it was touya's voice and kyou's! and it turned out that they were the voice of a same person (Seki Tomokazu). heee~

by the way, i am bored. can you tell?

morning morning!

feeling kinda chirpy, i can't quite figure out why.
but that should be good, right?

i was reading through yukira's blog (nak laguuu!) and it got me thinking. i call her "kak yan", and i call abang adi, "ABANG adi". and shahnon is just the same age as they are, but why haven't i called him "abang shahnon" or "abang non" ekk? hohhohok!

been a while since i last post a lyric, and this song kinda matched the layout don't you think? hihi.

I Must Not Chase The Boys by Play

Won't someone tell me what is happening to me
Why am I so misunderstood
Why can't they see?
Now I'm caught between the devil and the angel
that I used to be

They say I'll understand it all in good time
But age ain't nothin' but a number in my mind
Goin' crazy with this push me pull me
Caught between wrong and right

I wanna give in to the woman in me
I wanna be someone they don't want me to be
The moral of the story is I've got no choice
I must not chase the boys

I started writing down my deepest secrets
Seven days a week of truth and fantasy
Got the feelin' that the way my life has
got to be prepared for changes

won't someone tell me what is happening to me
why am i so misunderstood
why can't they see?
now I'm caught between the devil and the angel
that i used to be

I wanna give in to the woman in me
I wanna be someone they don't want me to be
The moral of the story is I got no choice
I must not chase
I wanna go left but they tell me go right
Don't wanna be the little girl they're kissin' goodnight
The moral of the story is I got no choice
I must not chase the boys

they can try to make me write a thousand lies
but that won't ever change the way I feel inside
they've got their opinions but I just don't care
Cause that's not what I wanna hear

i, i must, i must not chase the boys
I, i must, i must not chase the boys
i must, i must, i must not.. .chase.. the boys

gotta take my shower now!
have a gud day people!! =)

dig me up a hole. please.

been out for the last 16 hours, so pardon me if some words are missing or just doesn't make sense.

i'll start off with yesterday morning.. kept waking up to the alarm 'coz i'm SUPPOSED to get some report done LAST MONDAY! (messing up priorities AGAIN!) i should pass with flying colors if there's a subject such as "MSP - Messed-up Student who cant's Prioritize"
anyways, my pc wouldn't turn on so i went back to another dose of restless sleep 'til 7:30 when i decided to pack up my stuff to get back to school. (yes, i'm using the word SCHOOL for my uni. deal with it!)

so i endured about two hours of one boring lecture and somehow i managed to persuade cik ila to come along with me to catch a movie! heh! (being a sagi is a curse and a gift!) by the time we got there we were horribly hungry though, so we decided to eat something while we're in the cinema. (gara gara nak kejar Gema '05) as usual, at the end of the day i surprised myself by realizing that i've spent rm30! sigh~

feeling all uncomfy (no change of clothes) i went to Gema somewhere around 8 and only got out from the super hot hall when it finished at half past midnight. then, just my luck, i came upon amalina, amalia, hasina and laily and they brought me along for late dinner and gave me a lift back cyberia. awesome! thanks fellas! (and i'm being the typical idiot, still can't quite tell which is amalina, which is amalia. pathetic!)

but what got me tired was not really the 16hours of.. labour, if you let me call it that. but it was really the 16hours of thoughts in my head.
for one, i am somehow getting spooked by the thoughts of ghosts again and it SUX! and i'm trying not to talk about what i think of 'coz people would just say how silly i am. i am silly and yet people keeps telling me what i already know when all i really need is some HELP! sigh~
and then yesterday afternoon cik ila asked me one question that brought back the stupid/embarassing period of my life. sigh~
the thing about me and feelings, i'm stupid enough to let them out but still trying hard to deny them. idiot, i know. and everytime that happens, someone would always be around to remind me about those idiotic moments. and though i am over it, some people might have not and that bugs me. bugs me all the time.

you could probably say that i'm obsessed with my past-faults. suppose i'm afraid that i couldn't change or if i did.. people wouldn't notice it. even worse, people would simply tag me with what i was and refuse to see what i am..
and someone has just dedicated me a song that happens to be one of my favorites! so happens that this person will be performing it this wednesday. i guess it would've been sweet if i had cared. sorry dude.

g'nite world.

Friday, February 04, 2005


they are a bit funny though aren't they?
even strangers at the side of the road can be funny sometimes.
so i suppose even when i'm deboysing, i've decided to keep the funny ones!
i'm gonna keep them up to the point when they start acting funny. when that happens.. well, that will be decided IF it happens. heh.

today i notice the existence of one cute lookin' guy. but he didn't make any jokes nor did he say anything to me.
but that's most probably 'coz i've been sort of ignoring him. hihi! (don't i always?)
by the way, that pic at the side there is not the guy i mentioned above. that's my second favorite japanese person, kusano masamune, after takuya kimura. kikkiki! he has this.. intoxicating voice that i absolutely LOVE!!! it's like.. when i heard him, i feel the need to hug him! ekkeke. i know, that's a lousy example but it's how strongly i feel about his awesome awesome voice! hohhohok! and what's more, he was born in december!!! december people are just GREAT!! weee~!

okay.. weekend is around the corner and next week it's MID-SEMESTER BREAKK!! woohoo~!
happy chinese new year to those who celebrates it!
i'm gonna try to catch up some movies during the break! - that is if my parents let me to go off alone lah, since dida is usually too busy for some quality time with her sister! (hah!) i'm only entitled to my singlehood freedom when no one else is watching over. huhu.

liking the new layout!! 'coz it's red and orange! hihi. and those stick figures too! that was originally inspired from one of the episodes in fruits basket hihi!
kyon-kun!! daisukida yo! yuki-kun mo!
sudah gilok.
anyways, i think it's amazing how that simple anime can trigger so much emotion.. 'coz up 'til yesterday, the last three episodes never fail to make me cry. huhuu. sangat sentimental!

okay people, enjoy your day yahh!

super sleepy!

gatal nak tuka layout before cuti.
plus, i had too much time not studying for the test in the morn. hohhohok!

gudnite world~!
(somehow i've gotten light-hearted since the last entry..)

Thursday, February 03, 2005

a place where you belong.

feels like crying.

today is the stupidest day for my existence. wish i could say today was a big blur, but it's not. i remember today exactly.
today, is absolutely NOTHING! nothing for anything!! NOTHING!!
just 24 hours of waste!
waste waste waste!!!!!!
everything just doesn't feel right.
idiot idiot idiot!!!

i hate myself today.
i hate my life today.
it's so frustrating!!!!
sometimes i wish i'd get shot in the arm or something. just so there'll be some excitement in my life.

there ought to be more to life than this. GOD!

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

i HAVE to post this. kikkiki

You are independent and don't need a guy yet.

What kind of guy are you most attracted to?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are the one who hates to hate but hates to love. You can't decide at all! You have a switching mind and just can't make up your mind. You like someone but then someone else comes and you think they are ugly the next day.

How much do you love?
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


after more than a year since the first time i saw it, i'm still touched when i saw fruits basket again. even the song gets me.
tohru.. tohru.. your naive-ness is so endearing lah!

For Fruits Basket by Ritsuko Okazaki

Totemo ureshikatta yo, kimi ga warai kakede ta
Subete o tokasu hou emi de
Haru wa mada tookute, tsumetai tsuchi no naka de
Me fuku toki o matte ta'n da

Tatoeba kurushii kyou da to shite mo
Kinou no kizu o nokoshite ite mo
Shinjitai kokoro hodo ite yukere to
Umare kawaru koto wa dekinai yo
Dakedo kawatte wa ikeru kara
Let's stay together itsumo

Boku dake ni waratte, sono yubi de nee sawatte
Nozomi bakari ga hateshinaku
Yasashiku shitai yo, mou kuyanu you ni
Nageki no umi mo koete ikou

Tatoe kurushii kyou da to shite mo
Itsu ka atatakana omoide ni naru
Kokoro goto subete nage daseta nara
Koko ni ikiteru imi ga wakaru yo
Umare ochita yorokobi o shiru
Let's stay together itsumo

Tatoeba kurushii kyou da to shite mo
Itsu ka atatakana omoide ni naru
Kokoro goto subete nage daseta nara
Koko ni ikiteru imi ga wakaru yo
Umare ochita yorokobi o shiru
Let's stay together itsumo

just a note : the lady who wrote/performed this song actually passed away May last year after having a sepsis shock. (some bacterial infection in the bloodstream) Thank you for a beautiful song Okazaki-san!

I was so happy, you were laughing
With a smile that melts everything away
Spring is still far away, inside the cold earth,
Waiting for the time to sprout

For instance, even if today is painful
And yesterday's wounds remain
I want to believe that I can free my heart and go on
I cannot be reborn
But I can change as I go on, so
Let's stay together always

Smile only at me and touch me with those fingers
This simple desire is everlasting
I want things to be simple
Let's finally get across this sea of mournful sorrow

For instance, even if today is painful
Someday it will become a warm memory
If you leave everything up to your heart
I understand the meaning our living here
It is to know the joy of having been born
Let's stay together always

For instance, even if today is painful
Someday it will become a warm memory
If you leave everything up to your heart
I understand the meaning our living here
It is to know the joy of having been born
Let's stay together always


it feels something like it. i'm just too darn bored at this place and it gets me SO ANGRY and FRUSTRATED!!
i am frustrated for the fact that i did my work so slow that i only manage to get it done at 4, and when i got to the tutor's room, i realize that i stupidly left my sketch on my desk and now i can only pray that she'd accept my sketch tomorrow or she wouldn't even mark my work! (not that it's going to get exellent marks or anything like it,) but i will be really REALLY pissed if it turns out tomorrow that i've wasted my entire today on something i don't remotely like. [scream here]

if only i managed to get my work done by 1pm. i would've jumped on a bus and could be lying in front of the tv with the comfort of home right now. [scream here, again]
and the fact that papa is at home with no one else really bugs me. (dida will be back from labuan tomorrow evening, while mama have been in puteri pan pac for work since sunday) i really hate the thought. just HATE IT!!!! what's worse is that our phone's access has expired so i can't call him and vice versa. I HATE!!! it gets me worried sick everytime papa is off alone. I HATE I HATE!!!!
of course he can take care of himself but there's that ugly thought that keeps reminding me how papa is 36 years older than me. I HATE!!

i still think that my parents will live forever. well, logically; not forever.. just, long enough to see me graduate, long enough to live in the house i bought them, long enough to see me get married, long enough to see my children.. just long enough for all that. and everytime reality hits me that they just might not get to see all that makes me all depressed and sad.
what's worse, even though i realize all these things, i'm still not a good daughter to them. haaih~

great. now i'm bored, frustrated and depressed!

Thoughts by The Uninspired. © 2014

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