Sunday, August 14, 2016

Of money.

I feel like growing up not having much kinda makes me bad at handling money. The fact that growing up getting hand me downs, not getting the toys I'd wanted, my need to get what I want gets even stronger as I earn my own money.
Of course I am thankful for having a roof over my head. Thankful to have two sisters.
But growing up in Shah Alam, having friends from upper middle-class families, comparing what they had and what YOU had.. kinda messes up your brain.
I think.

So now whenever I get some cash to spare, I tend to spend them on stupid things. Things that makes me happy for owning it but not necessarily practical or useful in everyday life.
I have seven shades of Kat Von D's Everlasting Liquid Lipsticks. Who the hell needs seven shades of that when they already own more than a dozen of lipsticks? Seriously. It would make a whole lot of sense if I am actually in the beauty industry. If I'm a serious beauty blogger, for instance. But I'm not.

Even when I do wear a full face of make up to work, owning probably twenty shades of lipsticks is way too much -- considering that they are not meant to be kept for more than two, maybe three years.
Yet I still browse through Sephora.. wondering what other shades that I could add to my collection.
Stupid, right?

Even stupid when here I am, talking about my own stupidity and still thinking about that shade 'Mother' from Kat Von D.
Stupid stupid stupid.

Anyway, if you still remember that post when I listed my mid-year wishlist.. I crossed two from those things that I wanted.

Managed to get that NARSissist Jetsetter face palette as I was flying out from Bangkok a couple of weeks ago. I was SO happy to have found it, but I've only used it once since I bought it.

The second would be this notebook that I am typing on.
Bought this while I was out with Bestie and he had compared what I got with something else that has better specs for what I was spending.
I got the 13" Macbook Air.
I had considered getting the gold Macbook but even I couldn't justify paying the extra 1k just because "I like the colour".
Anyway, I don't think this is a stupid purchase at all. Just felt kinda crazy for wanting a Mac when all my life I've used a PC and what I wanted to do with this is pretty basic.

Obviously switching from Windows to Mac requires a bit of adjusting. But considering the Windows that I'm familiar with is Windows XP (ha!) I'm pretty sure if I get any regular laptop I'd still need to readjust myself. I've seen Bestie's laptop.. I understood none of it! hahahaha
I feel like an old granny.

So recently I've been handed a bit of cash (which is why I'm yapping about spending them right now) and my brain is getting a little overworked about it. I've paid off my cards, going to pay off the loan Dida gave me first thing next month, and I plan on paying off my PTPTN loan.

I'd prefer to pay off that bloody loan first thing, to be honest. But if you know me at all.. I HATE making official phone calls. Hate being all serious on the phone when I hate talking on the phone in the first place. I mean, sure talking on the phone is way easier than having to travel to some official looking office, but most times I feel like my hearing is SO bad or at least my eardrums and brain isn't connected as well as I hope it would. So yeah.. I'm procrastinating. I'll make that phone call when I couldn't put it off any longer. hahahaha!

Maybe Tuesday.
Tuesday should be good.

I'm heading to Bangkok again today. NOT looking forward to it. My roster is SO packed, I'm half-expecting to be sick sometime later this month. 102 block hours, 169 duty hours, 9 days off. Even looking at that is starting to make me feel sick!

Now I should finish up my laundry before I get ready for work.
Between Pokémon Go and the limited days off, I really don't have the time for laundry anymore!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Poke-zombie Apocalypse.

So the game Pokémon Go has hit Malaysia.. hard.
Everyone seems to be so into it, myself included! hahahaha

I say that I am mostly influenced by Casey Neistat on Youtube. Not that he even plays it, but it all seemed so crazy and intriguing that I couldn't help myself! The mere idea of walking around town "catching" all these pokémons seemed fun. The fact that I kinda grew up watching the anime also contributed to my fascination towards the game.

I only realised how crazy it was getting last night anyway.
Bestie and I had spent our free time driving around Bukit Jalil for the past few days, mind you. Started off on Sunday before heading for our flight together.

We touched down just before 11 pm.
Then we walked around the airport, hitting up all the Pokéstops and catching whatever's around.
Before actually making our way home, we headed to Aked Esplanad where we knew had six Pokéstops. We weren't the only ones driving by the shop lots in less than 10km/h.. and there were people just walking around the blocks with their phones in one hand, and a powerbank in the other.
It didn't hit me yet, then.
Oh by the way, we got home at 1:30 am that night.

That next day, Mumu suggested dim sum for lunch.
Naturally I wouldn't pass up the chance for dim sum! And yes, I was curious on what I might catch in KLCC Park. The crowd while I was waiting for Mumu to arrive wasn't bad. I saw a lot of Pokéstops in the park from where I was just chilling -- closer to the mall.
But after we had our meal and a little bit of shopping, we all headed for the park where Mumu became my designated chaperon so I wouldn't walk into things that I wasn't supposed to walk into.
The crowd was MASSIVE. So many people -- in work attires, even -- were walking around with their eyes glued to their phone screen.. whom then suddenly stop in the middle of the path to catch some pokémon, I believe. It was crazy! The reception on my phone was SO bad!
Still it didn't hit me though.

That night Dida came by to see me and we went to NSK to do some grocery shopping. On our way back I persuaded her to drive through Aked Esplanad, since she plays the game as well.
She was surprised with the turn out. Saying that the people in Bukit Jalil are crazy.
We laughed. Still didn't hit me.

Yesterday Bestie and I headed out to Pavilion; partly for lunch and the other part is to "see" the Pokémon scene in Bukit Bintang area. We managed to catch plenty. Bestie seemed to think that it was a "successful" outing. I'd say that KLCC Park is a lot more exciting, but then again having to deal with the bad reception was pretty annoying.

Again on our way home, we stopped by Aked Esplanad to get more Pokéballs as we were running low. Also, we've both drained our powerbank and had only about 20% of battery left on our phones. We parked the car then stationed ourselves in this sweet spot where we could hit up three Pokéstops, activated a Lure Module on two of the Pokéstops and just waited.

That's when it hit me.
As I was sitting there.
Seeing how suddenly people flocked into the area.
Cars driving by in a crawl.
People shuffling around with their heads down.
The Lure Module didn't only attract the pokémons -- it attracted the poké-zombies too!!

This game is seriously addictive.. and a bit much, if I'm being honest!
Even though I'm really into it right now, I am also wondering when this will fade away. I, for the most part am into the game just to collect the different pokémon. No feelings towards battling them out.
So I can foresee the game becoming dull for me after a while. Kinda the reason why I am writing this now rather than later! hehe

Enough random for one night.
Got myself a new laptop so I no longer have an excuse to not write more in the near future! I might even write about this new laptop! ha!

Sunday, July 31, 2016

6-months in.

Today marks exactly six months that I am someone's wife.
Nothing much different, really. hahaha! I am currently on a cold war with Encem over some silly things that we always fight over, but here I am about to talk about being married. Or getting married. Or the preparation. I haven't decided yet.

Here's a little back story about Encem and I.

We met in training school in April 2009. We were batchmates. I was kinda interested in him but I was in a long distance relationship then.
We were friends. Pretty good friends as us smokers (seven of us) tend to stick together.

A friend of ours was kinda into him. Our friends thought he was into someone else. And I had a boyfriend, so why do I care?

Anyway, somehow we got closer and got together in July of that year.
We got married in January 2016; six years and six months after being a "couple".
Six years is a pretty long time. But according to Dida, we were flying in and out so apparently we've only been together for half of that time. heh. Dida's logic.

Now, along that six years we've gone through a lot. We were friends first, so.. I don't know. Maybe that's why we stuck by each other a lot easier than if we hadn't started out as friends.

I don't condone dating for as long as we did, to be honest. Unless you have the patience of a saint. Not saying that we were saints! ..But I was just not ready for marriage, and Encem being two years younger than I am was a GREAT excuse for me to just wait it out.

Still not sure if marriage is for me (hahaha!!) but Encem is my guy, of that I'm certain -- even when I refer to him as "asshole" in my tweets. I have a potty mouth, he just have to deal with my temper.

Encem probably first talked about marriage sometime in 2012..? 2013? Pretty early into the relationship, but he took his time saving up and as forementioned, I was in no hurry.

2014/15 was a tough year. Encem took up a charter program so he was gone for months at a time. Even when he comes back for breaks, I'd be flying off somewhere else. I remember there was this time when he was back for two weeks, and I was only around for just four days. Not consecutive four days.

It was hard. Long distance with him was hard. The time difference was hard.
But he managed to save up and put his plans into motion.

We had a wonderful orchard wedding in Bukit Kapar, Klang. Had the solemnization under the gazebo beneath the durian trees that my father planted when he was a boy.

We wore ivory. Good quality material we got from Jakel (RM100/m--WTF!) but Encem only paid RM 90 to get them sewn. So it wasn't too bad.
I, being the diva who refused to pay the RM1000-1700 average fee to get my material sewn looked into my roster and found three consecutive days off and bought three tickets to Bandung.

Those tickets were more expensive than the market price for custom-sewn dress in Shah Alam by the way, but I had a good short holiday with my mom and then-soon to be mother-in-law so, no regrets!
Yepp, I went to Bandung with Encem's mom too.
Anyway, two dresses for RM300.. Not bad at all.

So yeah, TOP TIP; if you have a year to plan a wedding, book a flight to Bandung and get your material and dress there. Just bring along some photos of the dress that you want to have made. Most textile shops there (if not all) have their in-house tailor and they can get it done in a day! (Two to be safe so they could bring it over to your hotel so you could try on and they could take it back if it needs alteration.)
*I say one year because flights are cheaper when you buy them way in advance. That's all. My flight was not cheap.

Weddings are a tiring thing. Yours especially. Having to constantly smile for pictures. Running around to try and talk to all of the guests. Ours was pretty laid back but it was SO hot and humid that day that you could really see in the photos, which ones were taken later in the afternoon.

Our eyebags were prominent and our smiles were as if they were just plastered on. hahahaha!
It was a good day, all in all. My makeup stayed put well into the evening.

Speaking of makeup, I put them on myself. I don't know.. I guess I wasn't as big of a diva as I had thought -- or am I? Perhaps I was stingy, but I think I am fully capable of putting on makeup on my own since I do it all the time anyway.
Getting a mak andam just seemed unnecessary. Although not having one also means that I had no idea how to style my hair so I pretty much just let it be.

A collegue did comment how committed I was to curling my hair. I laughed, of course.

So two weeks after Bukit Kapar, we travelled to Cherating for Encem's side of festivities. We booked Holiday Villa because we've been there and liked the place. Plus, what's the point of having to travel but not get a beach wedding?

There isn't much preparation to be done as Dila, the lady whom we corresponded with coordinated most of it. (A+ for her, by the way!) All we had to do was prepare the doorgifts -- which was kinda mundane until we made a party out of it!

We had our friends come over to our suite and they so kindly lent a hand. We had quite an awesome coffee party.
I took a picture of our trash can the day after and it was full with Nescafe cans! hahahaha

I don't think I ever had a "dream wedding" in mind growing up.. but what I ended up getting was a dream.

I'm glad that we had outdoor receptions. A hall reception is just.. Not us.
Now that I think about it, our wedding was pretty cool. I mean, I still hate the idea of going to one, but I definitely don't hate ours. hahahaha!

That's it from me for now. There are some wife-ly things that I need to do around the house and later I've got a family gathering to go to.

Oh, quick update.. I have seen my mother-in-law since my last post, but it didn't feel like an Eid-visit at all so I am a little disappointed. But I AM glad to have seen her!

Friday, July 22, 2016

Three months..

Must be one of the longest "break" I've had from blogging. I probably thought about writing at least once a week, but I just end up doing something else. The fact that I'm still computer-less also plays a part. Typing up an entry on a phone (as I am right now) hardly feels like I'm actually writing. More like making a list of "to-do's".

To be honest, I haven't been writing much at all. Not even in my physical journal, which makes me a bit curious.. and sad at the same time. Don't I have anything that I want to remember again one day? Have I got bored of talking to myself?
I have been writing notes to Encem, though. Well, I always have so there's nothing much new there.

Is it weird that I find myself more eloquent in writing? To the point that I have to WRITE to my own husband?
I don't know.. But I believe in sharing your thoughts with your spouse, be it good or bad, no matter how the mode of delivery is.

I find it SO important to be heard when we're not physically together a lot of the time. We're both bad at calling up each other. I'd text but he'll be sleeping. Then he'll text while I'm not in a wi-fi zone.
We're TERRIBLE apart, but absolutely present when together -- for the most part, anyway. It has always been that way since day one.
I suppose it just works out for us.

Anyway, Happy Eid Mubarak!
Believe it or not, I have yet seen my mother in-law this festive season. Roster's been vicious. My off days mostly clashes with Encem's. All in all, it just sucks. I had romanticised Raya with my in-laws.. Celebrating with my husband for the first time.
But what we got was a day off on the first of Raya and work on the very next evening! Of course, I was thankful and felt blessed for having that first day off -- with him around, even! And we did have fun at my sister's place and got our annual pictures sorted.

Although, if I'm being honest, I was looking forward to spending Raya with his family. Looked forward to feel a part of his family.
Oh well, hopefully next year we'll get to spend Raya with his side of the family. I can't believe I'm actually looking forward to be all awkward and quiet, and coming into homes that I haven't been to.
Obviously, I've changed. 

Work had been uneventful. There really is NOTHING new about work. Except that if I think about it too much, I get a little sad for the fact that nothing is new.
Getting bored, losing patience, it's turning into a "job".

Earlier this month I had a chat with a colleague whose been in the biz for almost twenty years. He was saying that nowadays he no longer have the patience to tell off passengers nicely. He'd just tell them off. I too, am starting to be that way unfortunately.
As I told him, we as cabin crew has grown over the years, evolved in some way -- but the passengers, customers are always the same. It gets tiring.

It's tiring to tell off passengers who wouldn't turn off their phones. It's tiring to ask them to buckle up their seatbelt. It's tiring to tell them to tell their children to buckle up. Tiring to hear them use me as the bad guy; "sayang duduk, nanti kakak marah.."

Naah, I won't get angry. But if your child's head hit the ceiling, or maybe falls to the floor, don't go looking for me. That's all.

Honestly, I don't mind walking around the cabin to remind everyone to be safe, do all you can to keep everyone safe. But hey, if you don't care about that, I'm not going to force you to it.
But I will remember your face.
In a case of emergency, know that I would give zero fucks to what happens to you.
And if I die because of you, I look forward to haunt you for the rest of your sorry life!

Oh wow, this entry is taking a turn into the darker side. Better stop now. heh

First of my two days off. I plan on being productive around the house. Laundry is in the washer. I vouch to not YouTube until I get all my chores done.
I can do it!!

'Til next time then.

Thursday, April 21, 2016



Sometime last year, Bestie and I got hooked on the Lego Minifigures. There is something exciting about not really knowing what you're going to get in each of the RM12.90 packet.

Of course, if you're me you'd end up standing in front of the box close to an hour just feeling around the little plastic packets just trying to find a 'good' set.

Anyway, recently we were at the Lego store in Setia City Mall and they had this booth where you can build your own minifigure! I was excited about it, of course! Bestie and I spent a while looking for the 'right' head, hair and body while Encem and his brother.. honestly, I don't really know how they spent their time while waiting for us. hehe

All the while I was wondering why we never saw this feature in any of the Lego stores we've been before!
Turns out not all Lego stores are the same and apparently this "Build your own minifigures" are only available in Lego Certified Stores.
Made me wonder, isn't Bricks Smart "certified"? hahahaha

Anyway, now I'm just thinking ways to drag Encem to the other Lego stores so I could get the little pieces that I couldn't find in Setia City Mall! 

Kinda loving the idea of story-telling through these Lego minifigures.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Mid-year Wishlist

I feel like I can't spend as freely now that I'm married.. hahaha! Is that weird?

Encem has been paying for food and though that should mean I'd have more money to spend, I feel bad if I do.
Mostly because now we openly discuss about money -- at least now I do. Encem has always been open about everything (except maybe his feelings like all typical men do) so when he asked about my credit card a few weeks back, I had to tell him about the ugly debt that I've collected.

To be honest, I am still adjusting with him wanting to pay for me. We've spent the past six years being close to equals when it comes to finance; if he pays for lunch, I'll pay for dinner.. that sort of stuff. It's not that he didn't want to pay for both meals but I was not comfortable with it.
We're both in the same industry, we make more or less the same, I was just his girlfriend and I refuse to let him be responsible for me when I have my parents and sisters!

Now we're married, he IS responsible for me.
So I'm adjusting.
Trying not to want everything shiny and spankin' new that caught my sight. My debt is MY debt but Encem seems to think that it's his debt too.. So, I'm making a wishlist.

One that I am very most likely to buy in the very near future (it's a sure thing, can't hold it off much longer) is the Fujifilm Instax Share SP-1.

I was just reminded that I had the Instax attachment to my Lomo Diana F+ and that thing made me shutter-happy even when I know the lighting's shit!
And the films aren't cheap!!

Anyway, I was thinking that it'd be easier to have a printer at hand for my journal. Just made more sense to carry a small printer than my Diana F+ and gamble whether the pictures will turn out good or not. heh heh

Now don't tell my phone this, but the next on my wishlist is the iPhone SE.

I have been struggling with my phone recently. I shouldn't have gotten it in 16gb, what was I thinking??

I've read the features online and the specs seem to be somewhere in between the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 S, but in the size on an iPhone 5!
Which sounds perfect by me, to be honest. I am really not keen with iPhone 6's design. The large size seemed unnecessary to me. Not when I like to slip my phone in the back pocket of my pants.

Anyway, apart from the space issue, my phone is still great and going strong. No reason to have it replaced just yet!

Third on the list is a Macbook Air! BAHHAHAHAHA!!

Can I just say, that a huge reason I am having space issues with my phone is because my HP Netbook died on me a few months ago. It really died. Tried to turn it on and it simply refused. Haven't actually sent it to be looked at but mostly because I am scared.

Scared that six-years worth of everything I have in there is gone and there is no way of retrieving it. I'll be devastated, so let me just stay in this ignorance for a little while longer.

Actually I don't really need a "Mac", any laptop will do but hey, I'm writing a wishlist. So I'm wishing..
Plus, it would make transferring files and photos from my phone easier.

Kinda on the fence between this and a Macbook but I'm only keen in that for the colour selection. heehee

This particular "wish" has been a really old one. Not as old as a pair of Louboutin booties, but it's nearly there.

First saw this Taylor Swift Baby Taylor guitar many years ago. Not crazy about the Taylor Swift insignia but the floral design is kinda cute.

Now why haven't I bought this guitar?
For one, Encem has LOADS of guitars. Well, he has two electric guitars and a bass. On top of that, we've been looking after Dida's semi-acoustic Fender (which she doesn't really play) and we still have my old guitar so the thought of having six guitars in one small apartment is a bit too much!

..and this particular guitar is over two thousand Ringgit! hahahaha! Couldn't justify spending that much when I can't commit to playing even once a week.

I did however found a cheaper alternative in the form of a classical Fender a couple of weeks ago. Basically I wish for a small acoustic guitar. Can't promise I'll play, but everytime I see it -- I want it! heehee

Then there's the NARSissist Jetsetter palette..

What can I say about it, really? Not that I need anymore palettes, but damn this would be perfect for my collection!

Suppose I'll just be patient for now. Focus on my needs rather than wants. Get my debt out of the way and only then shop like there's tomorrow! HAHAHAHA!

Writing up this wishlist is really making me want to shop..
Not spending is SO hard!!

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Oops! I did it again.

I was feeling all proud and mighty for the most part of this month.
I pretty much didn't shop at all! Hahahahha! There are a few bits and bobs around here and there but nothing major to the point where I need to jot it down anywhere.

Sure I bought a few packs of strawberries and Kit Kats in multiple flavours while I was in Narita, but they're not all for me. Got a pair of pants and a top at GU while I was there but that was ¥3800, so nothing major.

Then few days ago LaSenza sent a text...
BUY 2 BRAS, Get 3 FREE @ all La Senza stores from 24 till 27 Mar.

I caved, naturally. It sounded like a good damn deal!
One problem.
Whenever I go into their store, I always get tempted by their lounge wear..
So today, while Hubs stepped out of the store, I chucked a set of pajamas at the till and boom! Made my entire purchase -- something MAJOR. (Uhh.. I should also mention that I stocked up on panties while I was there. Bahhahahaha!!)

So I told Hubs that I should be good in the undies department for the rest of the year. Kinda also told him that he should stop me if I start talking about buying undies in the future.. But I didn't tell him the exact amount I paid today, because.. well, husbands don't have to know about EVERYTHING, do they? Hahahaha!

Anyway, looking forward to payday so my credit card bill wouldn't look too scary.

Monday, February 29, 2016

All I want is more TIME..


Well, THAT happened.

It's been SO long since I've properly sit down and just write..
I do intend to do that sometime, but I'm supposed to get ready for work in three hours and I haven't had any sleep yet. ughhh!

I need a long holiday.. I think I deserve that.

Friday, January 22, 2016

What is in my Travel Makeup Bag.

Oh hai, Happy New Year!
I've been extremely quiet of late, I know. I have PLENTY to write about but I've been extremely busy (in my mind) that I just haven't got around to write much.

So here, a fluff-entry just to tell you that I'm still me, still alive.. Just not very present.

My current makeup bag is a clear plastic case from The Body Shop that I bought during a two-hour transit in Kuching International Airport a few months ago.
Random note; The Body Shop in KIA is cheaper than anywhere else in Malaysia because apparently they stock directly from the UK instead of Singapore like the rest of The Body Shop in the country.

I do love this makeup case. It fits the purpose and I could see all the junk that I have in it! Of course, if I'm being totally honest, I settled for this bag because I am covetting for Anya Hindmarch's In-flight Case but I simply couldn't justify the crazy price. hihihi

Starting off with the face, I've recently started using primers. Mostly because I'll be doing my own makeup on my wedding so I'd like to know if primers would extend the longevity of what I have on my face. I've been trying out the Hourglass Veil Mineral Primer and I don't have much to say about it. I don't even know if it actually make my makeup lasts longer. hahaha! What I can tell though, it feels like nothing on. Very light, very comfortable.

I have my Chanel Vitalumiere Aqua on rotation. Not my fave, not a perfect colour match, doesn't feel great on my dry skin, but it's 'spensive so I better use it up! Hahahha!
I love the packaging though, very travel friendly.

I have two concealers with me because I love them both equally and they're both on their last legs! hihi! The Naked Skin concealer is probably lighter in consistency than Nars Radiant Creamy concealer but they both give excellent coverage.

Then I have my Bourjois Healthy Balance powder, which I don't often use but is definitely one of my faves.

For contour, I can't be without my Nars Contour Blush in Paloma and though I mostly use Oasis as blush, I also have Roman Holiday for option. Plus it's tiny.

When it comes to eyes, it does seem a little crazy. Mostly because I tend to just chuck things in and forget about it.

I have a MAC Paint Pot in Layin' Low which I LOVE. The colour is perfect for me and it feels lighter as a base than Urban Decay's Primer Potion. My best buy from Mitsui Outlet a while back. (I'm not particularly well-conversed in MAC products so I don't know how cheaper it is than in MAC stores.)

Then I have Nars And God Created The Woman palette because that is my love, right there. Everything that I need is in that palette.

I also have By Terry's Ombre Blackstar in Misty Rock, and a bunch of Laura Mercier's Caviar Stick Eye Colour. Despite the gap in price, I don't really think By Terry is better. Both products stayed well on my lids and they both speeds things up for me when I overslept and need to get ready pronto. hihi

As for liners, I trust in Kat Von D if I'm feeling a cat-flick. But for lazy times, Urban Decay's 24/7 Glide-on Pencils are still my fave. 
I have a couple of Marc Jacob's Highliner there, that I bought in the gift set during the holiday season but I don't love it. I even hate it for tightlining. It's okay for lining the lids but whenever I line my waterline, it always always transfers on my contacts! I mean, what the heck!!

For my eyebrows, I have Anastasia Beverly Hills brow pencil (still prefer the Brow Wiz) and Nyx tinted Brow Gel.

Surprisingly I only have three lip products in my makeup bag; Nars Velvet Matte Lip Pencil in Dragon Girl, Bourjois Velvet Rouge Edition in Plum Plum Girl that my super awesome supervisor bought me last month and Shu Uemura Rouge Unlimited in MPK376. Would prefer an actual name than numbers in a product but that's not important. hehe

Because I only had three things in my makeup bag, I dug my handbag just to show the reality of my love for lip products. hihi!

Two lip liners; Maybelline Color Show Crayon Khol in Magic Magenta and Nyx in SPL 817, Hot Red.

Then I have my "emergency red lips" in the form of Revlon Colorburst Matte Balm in 250 Standout.

My favourite plum/purple-y tones at the moment; Nars' Damned and Kat Von D's Everlasting Liquid Lipstick in Bauhau5. Gorgeous colours, if I may say so myself!
I also have a neutral one in Double Dare. I kinda want more colours from this line because they feel great on my lips and stayed really well.

Oh! Then I have a limited edition DKNY gloss in Empire Red that was gifted to me.. a little over a year ago! Oops. Does this mean I should throw it out?

Okay, that's all the makeup I have in my travel bag(s)!
I am currently in JHB and flying home in a little while so I should pack this up and start getting ready.

Hope you're all well and have a good 2016!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Cooped up.

I realized something a few days ago.
I respond really.. really badly when being held down.
Physically.. I think.
Not sure what I'm trying to say right now.

But the other day, Encem and I were hanging out watching tv. He was on the sofa while I was lounging on the floor with my head propped by the sofa. At one point Encem rested his arm over my hair and as I tried to get up, I got stuck -- and that really REALLY pissed me off.
It was quite unexplainable, how furious I was.
Somehow not being able to move made me so so mad.

And this month's roster has been.. quite unaccomodating, I suppose.
Off one day, work another, off another day, and goes on until today. I think I'm going crazy from not going outside! Sure, I go out a little. Went out for dinner then head back home. Just that.

I was hoping I'd be okay with that, with the wedding coming along and all. But I am honestly going mental! I just bit Encem's head off over nothing. I am so testy.
I don't like it.

Friday, September 04, 2015

It's been a while..

I know..
I have no explanation or an excuse for not blogging this past few months. I would think about blogging; have the exact words to type out once I'm in front of my laptop.. But somehow it just didn't happen!

I had wanted to talk about my holiday in Krabi with Bestie.. and what "beauty" products that I thought was essential for a beach holiday -- that was supposed to be my April entries. 

I was supposed to write another "Quarterly Favourites" in June but obviously that didn't happen!

My sombre mood had vastly improved now that Encem's back for good.. (for now.) I hate to admit that I need him in my life, but he is the light in my dark, dark soul. (Dramatic, I know.)

I've thought about writing about the recent make-up bits and skincare that I purchased, took pictures of them while they were still new and untouched.. But that entry didn't happen either.

Is it possible that I've gotten so good at talking to myself that I longer need to write them out? hahaha

Anyway, my dear sister got married a couple of weeks ago so that's what's up with my life. I have a new brother-in-law! I am so happy that Dida has someone in her life now. Someone who can take care of her. Someone who makes her happy..
And I never really said this out loud, but I am SO happy that she got married before I do! hahaha! I really hated the idea of getting hitched before she does.

To change the subject, I am working for a differently named company now. Not too sure how I feel about it just yet. Work remains the same. Kinda. I might have some kind of thought on it in a few months. But then you know how I don't really enjoy talking about work.

I might end up writing those things I had intended to write as mentioned above, one day. But I'm not promising anything!
Basically that's pretty much what's going on with my life.

..Also that I'm planning a January wedding. *cue surprise score*
Now let that sink in...

Sunday, July 05, 2015

I've been bad..

Has anyone keep tabs on my blog?
Because even I hadn't.
It's been months since I last blogged and it's been my longest "break" yet!

I've got a bunch of things I'd like to write about but for what ever reason I just.. didn't.

Anyway, I'm fine.. I'm good.. Just not feeling particularly chatty, I guess.
I'll try and put my thoughts together and come out with a decent blog soon!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Quarterly Faves [Beauty]

If you hadn't known, I watch a LOT of beauty-related videos on YouTube. I don't know why, really. Something to do..? To get some inspiration..? An excuse to shop -- because somebody recommended something..?
Yes.. Yes.. YES!

Anyway, those "beauty gurus" on there always posts their "monthly favourites" and though they're one of my favourite things to watch, I honestly can't fathom how they could have different favourites each month when my favourites normally lasts all year! (And more!)

So anyway, I've had awesome discoveries this past few months and I just had to share them. An excuse to talk about something light, really!

First, the Sephora Pro Airbrush Concealer Brush #57 (retails at RM89). It's almost Godsend! I don't know about you lot, but I can never seem to blend my concealer seamlessly with my fingers. My fingers tend to pick up the concealer instead of distributing the product onto the intended areas. The bristles on this brush are soft and dense yet long enough to move along your skin and blend the concealer perfectly!
I just can't be without it and so I LOVE the fact that it comes with a cover so you can travel with it, no problem!

Second in the list is Laura Mercier Caviar Stick Eye Colour in Khaki. (Retails at RM89) Oh wow.. This is the stuff that I grab when I have less than twenty minutes to get my face ready! (I keep sleeping through my alarm lately. bleh!)
Just swipe a thick line across the lash line, blend it with my finger and voila! Eyes done! And it'll stay all day long without creasing -- at all! This shade in particular is described as "chocolate brown with bronze pearl" and it does have that pearlescent finish.
I also love NARS Velvet Eyeshadow Stick in Nunavut (retailed at RM99) which is a matte dark purple shade if I wanted a darker "look" but the line is limited edition so I'm not too sure of its availability by the time this post goes up. (They were still available in late February when I went to get the matte black shade Flibuste.) 
Seriously though, I think I'm addicted to these crayon eyeshadows. They are very creamy and so easy to blend out! I also love that they're twist-ups instead of pencils that you need to sharpen. Makes me really curious of By Terry's Ombre Blackstar now, to be honest! (On the wishlist!)

Bio-Oil! (Retails at RM54.95 at Watsons for the 125ml) Hahahha! It could be considered as something for beauty, right? I've been struggling to calm the rashes on my legs from extreme dryness. Tried a bunch of creams, Soap & Glory Butter Yourself Up (RM62) refused to work on me anymore, First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Cream (RM128) -- which smelled straight up like Eurax -- did nothing, even Josie Maran 100% Pure Argan Oil  (RM184) just made my legs slick -- but still itchy!
So far, only Bio-oil has stopped my urge to scratch my legs like a mad-woman -- if I remember to apply twice a day, as suggested. Not sure if it reduces my existing scar as the rashes are pretty much raging still.
Extreme dryness.. It's a problem, folks!
Honestly, I should just go and see a dermatologist already.. but.. ick! Damn.

Tarte Amazonian Clay 12-hour Blush in Exposed. (Retails at RM117) Well, I got the "tester" size sometime last year (or was it late 2013?) for RM30. Described as "nude" but it straight up looked mauvy-pink on me! Apart from being matte, I love that the shade is pretty muted so it works well with whatever colour I have on the rest of my face. Plus it lasted well more than 12 hours with very minimal fading on me.
I use it so much that I hit pan on it! That's right.. I hit pan on a blush!! Though it's a teenie baby size of a blush at 1.5g, still.. whoaa..
I must say that I am pretty excited about the idea of using something up.

This next one was a calculated splurge. A "splurge" because I don't need another perfume. "Calculated" because I've been wanting it since.. August, I would say.
It's Giorgio Armani Si Eau de Parfum. (RM300 for 50ml, RM430 for 100ml) Smells really sweet, fruity. Reminds me of mangosteen for whatever reason although it isn't listed as one of the notes! haha!
Smells a bit heady if I sprayed on too much but then again it was my first eau de parfum that I own, oddly enough! For whatever reason, I've only been keen on eau the toilette before Si!
Anyway, I really liked the way it smell. Thought of finishing up one of my existing perfumes first before getting it but I saw it being sold cheaper while I was walking along the counters in Perth airport. So I just.. grabbed it! (#crewlife perks!)

I've also been loving NARS Velvet Lip Liner in Patong Beach. (Retails at RM85) Described as "pink rose", it is your-lips-but-better material! It may not be the best texture on my lips (as all lip liners are) but with my Nuxe Rêve de Miel underneath, the liner glides on like a dream. Actually, even without a lip balm I would still wear this because I LOVE the colour!
Also worth mentioning, the Audacious lipstick in Anna, (retails at RM95) described as "smokey rose". I'd wear this on an offday, damn it! That's how much I love it. Yet another YLBB product. I once wore it for work and the grooming people stopped me because my "lipstick seemed too pale" apparently. hahaha! Can't wrap my head around a seemingly mauvy shade to be "pale"..
Basically I'm all over these two if I feel like wearing make-up on an off day. Something that I can put on without looking "too much".

Earlier this year I decided to actually note down the nail colours that I use. Mostly because I have way too many of those.. and it should be near impossible to choose a favourite when I pretty much change the colours every single time I paint my nails. Surprisingly though, there is one colour that I've painted my nails with TWICE in the course of this three months.
It's Revlon Colorstay Gel Envy in Up The Ante. (AU$16.95 from Priceline) It's a bright pinky-purple shade that somehow says "happy". hahaha! I do love the formula of the nail polish and it has a wide brush -- yayy! I also love the top coat from the line. I'm keen to get more shades from the line (I can honestly say that there are three more that I'd like to get!) but as aforementioned, I have a LOT of nail polish.. So I'll be waiting for some good discounts to come along! heehee
Sorry if this range isn't in Malaysia yet.. or is it? I haven't been looking around the makeup aisle of Watsons or Guardian for fear of getting things that I don't need. heh!

A surprise favourite was the Bath & Body Works Body Scrub in Wild Madagascar Vanilla. (Retails at RM65) I'm not sure if BBW's body scrubs are created "equal" but mine actually lathers up, which makes showering a total breeze! I've used body scrubs before, Soap & Glory Flake Away (RM55..?) definitely did not lather up. I love that the one I have here has a mild scrubby texture so it does not aggravate my skin and because it lathers up, I don't need to wash myself again with a foamy soap. Oh and the smell..! I really can't say no to vanilla scents.

And my top TOP favourite; Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz in the shade Soft Brown. (Retails at £12.21) I feel bad for neglecting my Tarte Brow Mousse but damn this Brow Wiz is SO easy to use! A twist-up pencil on one end, a spoolie on the other. The point is very fine so you can't possibly over-draw, unless maybe you do your makeup in a badly lit room!
Sure, £12 (roughly RM70) for an eyebrow pencil is a lot, but I've had mine since November and I still have a good amount of it. And I rarely EVER leave home without my eyebrows on!
I got mine from -- they ship internationally and offers free shipping with purchase over US$15. (Takes about 2 weeks for the shipment to arrive.) The Brow Wiz is US$18--something, but you'll be charged in GBP on your bank statement.

Quite a long entry, this one. Hope you don't mind this sort of entries every once in a while. Perhaps it'll inspire you to try out something new from Sephora. They should be having their 20% off sometime in April/May! Gotta keep a lookout on that! (Make a wishlist/shopping list -- I am!)

*Prices stated are from Sephora, unless mentioned otherwise.
**An exception for NARS' products as they are only available from their stores in Pavilion, KL and Parkson Gurney Plaza, Penang.

Friday, March 20, 2015


I could go on weeks without having the urge to shop for anything.. then I could have a blip of moment where I'm "feeling spendy" and leave my account balance to just RM44.

One would think that by this age I would learn how to actually save money -- but Nope!
Good thing Encem "accidentally" brought my credit card with him so I've been spending the money that I have instead of building up my debt. heh

Started earlier this month when I went to Origins to repurchase my favourite night cream, but of course, Azilah; the sales person in Midvalley store talked me into getting some other things! (No regrets though, I haven't found anything that I hate from all the Origins stuff that I've tried so far.)

Perhaps I should mention that I pretty much always end up getting a couple of Washi tapes whenever I go out? sigh. I should stop, though.

Then I did Kansai flight.. Walked around Rinku Outlet -- with no intention of shopping at all. HA!

And then two days in Darwin.. oyy! I do find it funny how crew normally spends their money on groceries in Australia, because that's what I did. Honestly, Woolies and Coles are what I am most excited about when thinking about Australia! hahaha
Managed to repurchase my favourite hair masque -- AU$32, ka-poww! Actually I've seen the Macadamia Natural Oil line in SaSa here, but the last time I went looking the hair masque was out of stock. Now I wonder if I could actually get it cheaper here. hmm..
Anyway, I also got some bits of things from Priceline (their drugstore) naturally. Then I bought some tops from Cotton On because I felt like it. heehee! I'm such a girl!

Five days 'til payday! teeheee

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Something random.

Home for the weekends.
This time when I say "home", I meant the place where I grew up in -- Shah Alam.
It's not often that I get the weekend off! And I could only see my family during the weekends, pretty much. Dida works crazy hours during the weekdays (and on the phone most weekends too, to be honest) and the parents are in Bangi during the weekdays to look after their grandchildren.

So yeah, since Encem isn't around.. Weekends are my #familytime now.
And while I sit here in the bedroom that I share with Dida, I find myself irked that I forgot to throw in my lip balm and body moisturiser into my duffel bag. Ughh! Those stupid little things that irks so much!

I came back from Kansai last night where the average temperature was 9°C so naturally, my skin is as dry as a desert and itches like hell!!

It's been a long week. Safety recurrent on Monday and Tuesday (passed and free to fly for another year!) then followed by KIX trip on Wednesday.

It's annoying that I adore the cold weather (a perfect excuse to whip out my boots and jackets!) but my skin disapproves of it so much.
Anyway, I had a pretty good time in Kansai. Mostly shopping, since Rinku Premium Outlet was within walking distance to the hotel we were staying in. I accidentally spent a small fortune at Nike and GAP. heh!

Then of course.. The 100¥ shop! gahhh!! I swear I can never go into one without buying something! This time I got my hands on some Washi tape dispensers! One that holds six tapes for 100¥ (108¥ including tax) -- a BARGAIN!!
I was SO excited about getting those that I began to arrange my Washi tapes as soon as I got home (Bukit Jalil) instead of packing my bag for Shah Alam and making sure that I had my moisturiser and lip balm were included!

There you go.. A totally random, and pointless entry for you to read this week.
Have a good week ahead!

Monday, March 09, 2015

Bath & Body Works

How did I manage to forget blogging about one of the most exciting store-opening in the country!

Bath & Body Works is now in Malaysia, folks! It used to be one of the stores that I would buy online from -- and the online store doesn't even ship here! Or even accept Malaysian credit cards!
Seriously, I went through all kinds of trouble just so I could get my fix!

Note: I also used to order from Victoria's Secret but now that they're here, I've lost interest in them somehow -- even though I was mostly ordering their clothing items and we don't get them here!

Anyway, back to BBW.. Their first store was opened in Gurney Paragon, Penang of all places but the one in Nu Sentral opened not long after that! Few weeks ago it opened a store in The Curve. (And they're now open at Komtar, JB too!)

I would say that the prices are reasonable. Our currency pretty suck against the US Dollar so two of their 3-wick candle for RM120 isn't too bad.
They are normally USD22.50 (RM 81.40 according to XE) so that's quite an offer! Of course, at the time I am typing this out, is having a two for $24 offer on their candles -- and I don't think we'll ever get such offers in our shores.

My first puchases (at both the Nu Sentral and The Curve stores) were the Concentrated Room Spray (RM 25), the Wallflowers (RM 30 for the plug and RM 25 for the refills) and the Wild Madagascar Vanilla bodyscrub (RM 65).

Priced at US$ 5.50, getting the 1.5oz room sprays at RM 25 is really not bad at all. I got the Paris Amour scent (I think!) first and because I loved how potent it was, I got the Fresh Linen on my second visit

Love the scent! I carry this in my trolley bag to all my layovers. Since I am a smoker, I would spritz this once right after I had a stick and the room would smell like I had just done laundry! Hahahaha

The wallflowers lasted about a month if you just leave it on. Not too sure if I prefer this to candles. The scent doesn't travel well in my household but it is safer.

The bodyscrubs were not made equal. While mine lathers up, and I could skip washing myself with a foamy bodywash, Bestie said that the one he got (a different scent) did not create any foam. Also, I noticed that the aromatherapy line was RM10 cheaper. (But I didn't check if they were the same size.)

I didn't purchase any candles since I still have a few still unused from my previous online purchase! heh
Also, I would like to point out that I honestly prefer Yankee Candle (which you can now find at Great Eastern Mall -- where? and Sunway Pyramid!) but they are pricier..

If you're hitting up BBW and don't know what to get, I'd suggest their Scentportables! Okay, they are pricey for car air-freshener but Bestie got them and his car smells lovely!
Also the room spray, of course!

One thing though, the sales person would stick on a little sticker on the items you intend to buy for whatever reason. Commission? I just find that especially odd.

Anyway, I'm still stoked that we have Bath & Body Works here!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Two days off.

Time for recuperating, catch up on blogs and YouTube videos I've missed and work on my Moleskine. I say "work" because I hadn't been writing much in it (even though this past few days have been pretty exciting) and I'm dying to paste some photos in it!

Thought I'd do some "admin" things today; pay my bills, get the laundry done, properly unpack -- to be honest, I can't remember the last time I really unpack my bags. There's always some kind of trash at the bottom of my bag and I just.. leave it there. Couldn't be bothered. Old receipts, hotel bills, pamphlets of sorts, catalogues..
I should unpack.

But it's half past one and I just had breakfast! Yoghurt, muesli, blueberries and chia seeds.. my kind of breakfast at the moment. Of course I'd love a good batch of pancakes but I came home to an empty apartment last night, I'm in no mood to prepare a hot meal.
I still wonder what's the big deal with "breakfast" sometimes.. but knowing me, and knowing that I have those things in my fridge to just throw together, it's better for me to have breakfast when I really can't say when my next meal would be.

The thing about not having Encem around, I feel like wasting away most of the time. It's icky to depend on one person in your life, really. But normally he'd fuss about whether I've eaten or have had enough sleep. Two things that are massively screwed whenever he's away. I simply don't care. It's nice to have someone who cares about/for you.
Hmm.. I miss my Monkey.

I woke up this morning practically jumping out of bed; thinking that I was late for work! I thought I was over that. And as I tried to get more sleep, my neighbour decided to do some drill-works, thanks!
So here I am typing this blog.. thinking of doing all those boring admin stuff that needs to be done.
I still haven't showered..
Or sort the clothes that I want to send to the laundry.
At least I got the last bits of Bestie's birthday presents wrapped! It is funny how big birthdays are with us. Just for the presents, really. hahaha

I should get a move on if I want to get things done today. I swear I'm barely human when being left alone for too long!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Coming down with something..

Started to feel a tad under the weather two nights ago, but I am ignoring it. heh

I am currently on a 5-days trip; did BKI/PVG/BKI last night and heading to Perth tomorrow! A pretty simple trip and even better, I am flying with friends!

Since we arrived pretty early this morning, three of us decided to hit Sapi Island. The two were keen on snorkeling while I just wanted to be out of the room. I suppose if I was prepared for an island trip I would've packed a more appropriate outfit -- but I wasn't. Oh well.

Still glad to be outside and sort of under the sun. (Currently I am sitting under the mercy of some trees.)

Life's been good..

Thursday, February 12, 2015

4 out of 10.

That was roughly the days I got to spend with Encem before he left for Jeddah.
Suckety suck.
Life moves on whether he's around or not.. I still had to work to keep my livelihood. So happens that I am only rostered for ONE turnaround flight -- at the end of this month. That's my way of stating why I didn't get more time with Encem; I was sent to trips.
I did get to send him off at the airport. For that I was thankful. Also thankful that his brother didn't mind driving in silence on the way back.

It has only been two days and naturally, it's 20 minutes to 7 AM and I am still up!

I had a lovely day yesterday with Bestie and Mumu. I am so grateful for "clicking" with them almost six years ago. For that I thank God. I love it when He reminds me that I have things to be glad for instead of moping around in sadness.
Why is that, anyway? Why do I have the tendency to wallow in my sorrow?
Maybe that's why I've latched onto Encem all these years. He could laugh at anything, talk about anything -- never stop talking! hahhahaha!
He's my kind of drug (oh hey, Twilight reference there!) and withdrawal SUCKS -- BALLS!!

Btw, that's been my favourite phrase..? cuss..? for a while now. I don't say it as much as I think about it though because really.. now that I've said it, I can't help imagining a person.. sucking balls.
HAHAHHAHA!! Oh dear, God..

I think I might start dieting. Maybe. I don't know. I don't know how to diet when I'm not a big eater to begin with! Not even a real fan of rice, and yet I'm getting heavier!
The thing about Encem being gone -- I haz a sad, I don't have a regular meal-time, I sleep badly - or don't sleep at all and I tend to binge on junkfood because I'm too lazy to prepare actual food! AND I'm thirty, damn it! Bloody hormones and metabolism!

Okay, the clock on the taskbar says that it's 7:02 now and I should attempt to get some sleep. Pick-up is at 2 PM and I haven't packed a thing for my trip! Not that it'll take too long to do that but I HATE doing it so I'll procrastinate, do it after I wake up -- hoping that I won't oversleep! heehee

Monday, February 09, 2015


I'm in Kathmandu again. Feels like I only remember to blog when I'm here. Maybe because there isn't much that I feel like doing other than contemplate. heh!

Nothing much been going on.
Except that Encem's home since earlier of the month so my off days were pretty much occupied. I missed having him around. I missed talking to him late at night and just drift off to slumberland. Him being home also means that the noise level goes up a little. heh! I do find it weird if not a little annoyed that he always ends up picking up his guitars after one in the morning!
Suppose I could pick up one of the guitars and make some noise of my own but I pity the neighbours.

Suppose I'll miss the racket once he goes back to Jeddah -- again. My brain comprehends why he has to leave but my heart just hates it! My heart friggin' HATES it!! And I hate it even more since he doesn't even know when he'll be leaving. The thought that he might have to leave while I'm away on a trip is just upsetting!
I don't know why but I feel like I need to send him off. Like a proper goodbye. Maybe because his roster is interchangeable that even he has no idea when he'll be back again once he leaves.

Honestly I get tired yapping about him all the time. Honestly I don't even talk about him much in real life. I guess I don't feel as bad talking about him on my blog knowing that people could just click away when they're bored, instead of having to sit through me talking.. about a boy.. like some crazed obsessive girlfriend.
Which is how I feel most of the time, really.

Anyway, life's been good. Work's been alright. Mamita and I have been waiting to go to NARS for the new collection to arrive. Somehow she's just as obsessed with NARS as I am; don't know how that happened!
But I must say that it's nice to have someone to talk about makeup with -- and they're just as excited with it! heehee!

Sim, the artist in Pavilion gave me a few samples of the new foundation that'll be released here this month; All Day Luminous Weightless Foundation, to try out and I'm still deciding how I like it.

Thoughts by The Uninspired. © 2014

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