Friday, August 22, 2003

Matters of the head..

Tatoeba kurushii kyou datoshitemo
Itsuka atatakana omoide ninaru
Kokoro goto subete nagedase tanara

(Although today is hard to bear
Someday it will be a tender memory
If I free everything in my heart)

So soooo tired!! Kak Mai tried to wake me up 3 times last night but I wouldn't budge. I was so caught up in my sleep..
Funny isn't it how you can be absolutely estatic yesterday, while feeling so miserable today. My head keeps spinning and gets so heavy.. Not really sure what's stuck in my head but the feeling just lingers around and makes me feel uneasy.. endlessly......

Okay.. Fruits Basket. Rasenye Wanie dah tau dah whom I prefer the most.. Yuki or Kyou. Though, my answer would change if I were to put myself into Toru's shoes.

*edited on 3:11 pm*


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